Friday 27 November 2020

Less than a month until Christmas.


Possibly the most asked question of the moment is 'What do you want for Christmas?'.

And possibly the most usual reply is 'Nothing'.

Amongst the presents I gave last year were an Apple tree, a large bag of bird seed, a mushrooming penknife, and some things specifically asked-for that have never been used. With the two boys joining us again this year, no doubt our focus will be on them.

I have already decided on my gift for Lady Magnon, it is simply a matter of buying and bringing home.

For the others I really am at a loss.

This year, especially, excessive spending seems almost immoral. Maybe rather than giving lots of expensive and unwanted gifts, we should simply be grateful for our good health. The world's problems are far from over, so maybe the best gift might be something specific to the pandemic.

For years I gave people 'scratch cards' in with their Christmas or Birthday cards. The idea that someone could win a Million quid always appealed to me (one person did win €100); this year it might be more relevant to give a voucher for a Covid-19 vaccine jab.

Anyway, the important thing is to have a good Christmas. A pleasant lunch, one or two welcome gifts, and no hangover. As usual, I'm really looking forward to it.

N.B. Yesterday I was pruning the Wisteria on our 'tower'. I had leaned a ladder against the wall which the boys soon discovered to be the 'toy of the century'. Up and down they went (whilst being surveyed) and had a wonderful time. 

Why buy a £200 X Box (I have no idea how much these things actually cost) when you can go up and down a ladder for nothing!


  1. I think our joint Christmas present is the vet trip for Bobby.

    1. I agree. That's enough spending for Christmas! Give him a bit of Turkey as well on the 25th.

    2. Just say it's Turkey; he won't know the difference.

  2. Ha, and it's even a healthy activity!

  3. I would be really chuffed if somebody asked me what I want for Christmas. It isn't going to happen.

  4. I have always felt that being asked what do I want for Christmas somehow spoils the whole spirit of gift giving, reducing it to a mere duty instead of a thoughtful gesture. Mind you, my approach does often result in receiving things that may not be exactly what I would have hoped for!

    1. My problem is that I REALLY don't want anything. For the past few years I've answered the question with "A whole Parma ham" (about €30), to which I receive the same old reply.... "No".

  5. We now only buy for the youngest niece, great nieces and nephew. My partner looked online after asking parents, we decided what we wanted and went to the city and bought some great gifts. I hope they think the same.

    1. Maybe there should be a cut-off age. No presents for anyone over 10.

  6. My children ask me what what I want for birthday and christmas , having had it drilled into me in my childhood that I must never ask for anything I find this an impossible question to answer . This can lead to its own problems because it often results in things that I don't really need or want .

    1. This is the real problem. People go out, spending good money on things that we neither want nor need. As much as possible I try to buy gifts of food or drink. Usually they like what I'd bought (I know their tastes), and all is used-up within a short time.

    2. I hate being bought things I don't want, but someone will benefit via the charity shop! If we stop spending, though, even more businesses will go under.

    3. We should all have an 'unwanted presents' drawer, and re-distribute them the following year.

    4. This year I have asked for a wildlife camera , we have a lot of land and I am looking forward to seeing what is wandering around at night .

    5. That sounds good. I've always wanted one of those night vision things. Fascinating.

  7. As our grandsons get older, gifts are so difficult, they prefer money. For adults we swap wine or an edible gifts, most of us have what we need, most of us have more than we need, plus we really don't want another teapot shaped clock!!

    1. Unfortunately there are still those around who equate expenditure with affection. They borrow money, spend it on unwanted rubbish, and pay it off over the following 12 months. Then start all over again.

  8. When we were small our Christmas presents used to arrive in a sturdy paper sack. After we had opened our presents we took great joy in jumping around the house in the sacks. Our parents would shake their heads in disbelief.

    1. The box is often much more fun that the contents!

  9. Why? Because you cannot fall from an X Box and end up in hospital.

    1. I believe in danger. Tree climbing, go cart racing, ladder ascending, etc. I keep a pack of plasters in my pocket; just in case!

  10. This reminds me of one of my son's early Christmas presents - can't remember what it was but do remember he spent all day playing with the packaging.

    1. They make such good packaging these days, and the contents are usually plastic rubbish.

  11. The only gifts that I tend to buy these days are consumables or books - and these are always appreciated.
    Another idea is to make a donation in the name of the friend or family member to a charity that means something to them. I've done this a number of times and I was surprised at how many thought this was a wonderful idea! This might be especially meaningful this year.

    1. I once gave my daughter a Goat, that was given to some poor farmers in Africa. She wasn't overly pleased with her present, but I did give her a few other things as well.

      I agree about consumables... that's what I give too.

    2. I love giving people goats, and sheep, cats, dogs etc

  12. My little 8 year old friend and my 2 year old "niece" will be the only gifts I buy this year...and I almost always give children books as gifts. A few adults may receive a small package of homemade cookies or treats, and I always send Christmas cards, but that's about the extent of our holiday shopping. As for myself and the mister, we usually decide on something we want or need for the house and buy it as a joint gift. Easy. The holidays should be more than spending money!

    1. I don't imagine there'll be much present buying this year, other than for the children. We certainly have everything we need; as do my son and Kellogg.

      I suspect your best Christmas present will be a change of tenant at The White House.

  13. We've got most of our shopping done. This year for our son and DIL, we bought them a mushroom growing kit. In the spring, we will send asparagus crowns, the gift that keeps on giving.

  14. But I do have to say, I love that picture.

    1. Mushrooms and Asparagus sound to me like the perfect presents. The Asparagus will take some while, but the Mushrooms should produce quite quickly. Good idea.

  15. For the grown ups, we nearly always buy consumables or plants. We have bought my sister and brother-in-law over the years, a truffle tree { a hazel with truffle spores }, a medlar and many other plants. We all have evrything we need really but its lovely to exchange a small gift. XXXX

    1. Have they had any truffles yet? I have a neighbour who bought a few 'truffled Oaks', but he's forgotten where they are. A Medlar is an interesting choice. There's one not far from us (grafted onto a May tree) which should have fruit on it now.... I must go and see.

  16. Gifts for children under 14 and cards for the adults.

    1. My suggestion of under 10's was a tad ambitious.

  17. For the holidays, I like a large tree fully decorated and wreaths on all my outside doors. This year we've decided no gathering and gifts and when COVID is no longer a factor we will exchange gifts and gather for a meal and celebration at my home.

    1. My tree will touch the ceiling, be covered in baubles and lights, and underneath will hold very few gifts this year. The children will help us decorate it.

  18. Lovely Post today. Your Christmas Joy will be the Boys.

    1. I hope they can still fit into their Elf suits; they looked wonderful last year.

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    My first symptoms of ALS occurred in 2019, but was diagnosed in 2020. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn't walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then i decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Dr Aziba herbal center , It has made a tremendous difference for me WhatsApp DR On( +2348100368288 ). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and ALS, HPV, HSV, HERPES, Virginal Infection All Cures are available with him.
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