Tuesday 10 November 2020

Covid-19, on a personal level.

I've been unbelievably stressed and depressed recently. We are in lockdown again, and my No 1 son was confirmed as having Covid-19 on November 1st. He has been feeling very unwell for the past week or so, and has been confined to bed. And just when I really needed it, my effing Skype connection with him has also failed. He could call me, but I couldn't call him.

We've also had constant tedious talk of foreign elections, EU threats, murders on our streets, and depressing predictions of a third wave of COVID-19 for 2021.

I always knew that Kimbo was vulnerable. He previously lived in Kensington, in central London's hot-spot, but has recently joined the great exodus and bought a house in a village in Essex. He has behaved very sensibly during the crisis, but everyone needs to venture forth from time to time for essentials; no doubt this is how he caught the virus. Luckily he has been able to work from home, other than the occasional visit to his office.

At my age, to catch Covid is of little importance, but for fathers or mothers of young families the knock-on effect can be devastating. When one hears of a case in one's own circle of family or friends, it is extremely worrying; even thinking about it makes me very upset. 

Back in late-April I lost an elderly cousin to the virus, but she was 96. Since then we have been crossing fingers that we all stay virus free, but the idea that 'it would never happen to us' is no longer valid. We are ALL at risk; and will probably remain so for a very long time.

2 days later... Kimbo is still battling against it. He has a bad cough which is now affecting his chest, and a constant headache. Luckily I have managed to retrieve my Skype connection, so I'm able to call him again as often as possible. I send him my very best 'virtual' wishes, hugs, and kisses; but he knows that anyway. 

Let's now hope that the new Pfizer vaccine eventually does the job. 

How come Trump is the only person on earth to have caught a ONE DAY VIRUS?


  1. Well that was a shock to read that my nephew has had covid for nearly a fortnight. I have just sent him an email with good wishes.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Kimbo. It must be such a worrying time for all. It really is a bastard of a disease.

    1. When it comes so close, you realise that none of us is immune.

  3. So sorry to hear this news, I hope he soon recovers. I am quite sure Trump never had the virus, just another one of stupid lies.

    1. I think a one day Covid has yet to exist. It must have been to encourage sympathy; which it didn't.

    2. Actually ... Trump played it out for 3 days which was as much of a lie as he is, was, and ever will be!
      A lot of us were hoping he had it really bad and it would kill him off! Ah me ... no such luck! Just another bag of bullshit from the head bullshitter! So glad he will be gone soon but dread what he's going to do between now and January 20, 2021!

  4. Sorry to read this. I wish him to be well soon.

  5. A worrying time for you. Hope he feels better soon.

    1. I'm sure he will... at least he tells me he will.

  6. All the very best to your son, Cro.... a worrying time for you all! Little else I can say... keep your pecker up!!

    1. We feel so useless, all we can do is to wish him well.

  7. You need Whatsapp and a smart phone to stay in touch in the modern world. I hope Kimbo is now on the home straight and will soon.be over it.

    1. My wife uses Whatsapp, I prefer Skype. These days the picture is so sharp; I love it.

    2. John introduced me to Whatsapp and it was like a light going on. As I have no mobile signal here I can have Whatsapp chats with friends either messaging or talking via my Wifi connection.
      It is a lifeline for me.

  8. So sorry to hear about Kimbo Cro ..... wishing him a speedy recovery and back to 100% very soon. It must be so worrying for you both and even harder when you are so far away.... at least we are lucky to have modern technology to keep in touch.Try to keep your spirits up. Sending love and thinking of you. XXXX

  9. So sorry to hear this. It's a lottery who gets it and how badly they are affected. Only by being a total hermit are any of us safe, going out for any reason is a gamble.
    We all have a lot to deal with at the moment, even things happening so far away that we can do absolutely nothing about, affect us one way or another, so I know how you feel. Taking strength and joy from our immediate surroundings, friends and family are all we can do to keep us going. Enjoy your family, your beautiful surroundings, your lovely weather, the great food and know that eventually this will all be over.

  10. I hope your son recovers speedily and fully, I heard trump found protection from his orange tan, the virus could not penetrate it fully.

  11. I'm so sorry your son is suffering. There seems to be no predictor as to who gets it mildly or badly.
    We think we had it back in March - husband had been in London days before and brought it home to me - kind, eh? I had a few days of dry cough followed by a few days of extreme tiredness, but no after effects. Hopefully Kimbo will pick up soon.

  12. I hope Kimbo's symptoms don't get worse and he has a quick recovery.
    When your family gets the virus the worry is extreme. Thank goodness you have contact with him, even with broken Skype.
    This is not just ordinary flu and yes, with this tremendous increase of cases in the second wave I also think it's just a matter of time before someone in our extended family falls victim to it
    Spit spit spit

  13. I add ny best wishes to all of the above and hope for his speedy recovery.

  14. Unlike your son Kimbo, I don't think that Trump even caught COVID-19. It was just a cunning ploy to boost his election chances. These are indeed trying times for all of us. Sounds like Kimbo has caught a nasty dose of the thing but he's pretty young and vigorous. He should be okay.

  15. I know 6 people who have had it, every one directly from school children.

  16. Best wishes for a speedy recovery for akimbo.

  17. Just want to add my best wishes to all the above.

  18. Best wishes to Kimbo. My daughter (young, healthy, being very careful) caught it and was very sick for two weeks. She is a month out now and getting better, although with some persistent lung damage and other minor symptoms.

    Either Trump didn't really have Covid or the big difference was the cutting edge medical treatment he had access to that is not available to the rest of us.

  19. Adding my best wishes for Kimbo's full recovery soon. Our youngest son had a low symptom case (he's in his late 20s), which surprised us, as he has asthma. It's such a strange virus in how it effects people so differently. Thankful a vaccine will be ready soon! Hoping it's available to everyone and not just some.

  20. All the best to you & yours!
    Beleive the Orange One was a false positive with a bad cold.

  21. I am sorry to read this and know that you both must be terribly worried. The distance is a blessing and a curse. We watch it happening around us, and try very hard to minimize our risk, but it is frustrating that so many feel that this is nothing but a hoax and refuse to take precautions at all.

  22. I am so sorry to read this Cro. As a parent, I can imagine your anxiety. You and your family are in my thoughts and I am hoping that your son will be feeling better soon.

  23. I'm hoping your son gets better soon. It's a real "bastard" of a virus isn't it. And you're right, it's harder this time round because we all know someone who has it/had it and worse. And THAT'S why we have to take precautions!

  24. Just read your blog with the shocking news and feel with you and your son and family. Your anguish and fear must be indescribable and I wish all of you that your son will be getting well and healthy soon. He is a young man, so that is something that gives very much hope. "Sterkte" = strength! - as they say in Nederlands to wish someone to overcome a disease - I wish that to you all!

  25. I sincerely hope that all goes well. I met it right at the start through family and friends in the health service who got it. One very seriously. I've taken nothing for granted despite all those saying it's all hype. 'Cos it ain't!

  26. Sending lots of positivity to you and your family Cro. I hope your boy is soon on the mend. My very best Jean

  27. Sending healing thoughts to Kimbo and the rest of your family so that this stress and worry may soon pass into joy and reunion. Spend extra time with Billy and Amie to recharge and regale Kimbo with tales of their antics!

  28. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've been so busy today, I wasn't able to reply to you individually. Please forgive me.

  29. Prayers your son will be all right, and nobody else gets the virus. Good vibes for you all

  30. Sending hope and huggs!. Drives me crazy Corona deniers the bla bla is a hoax crap. Rachel n mean queen trigger me. Meanwhile I am turning ventilators off due to multiple organ failure caused by covid. 25 year old last night!. But what the hell it's all a hoax, watch a sacked doctor to tell you so. Fuck. Wish your son well.x

    1. I have never said nor believed Covid is a hoax. I have long believed in the importance of herd immunity. Learn some blog etiquette and respect Cro's blog, and me and Meanqueen and all others bloggers.

    2. So Kirrie, why do your read Rachel and me, if we upset you so much? How rude to go on someone else's blog and bitch about other bloggers. You need to get your brain sorted out, are you sure you are in the right job?

  31. Both mean queen and Rachel volunteer in NHS. Loads of help needed. Transfer patients to morgue. Clean covid wards. You both dont need masks gowns as it makes you feel bad and against your rights bla bla. Will save NHS a few quid until as both are elderly need ITU.

  32. Sorry to hear about your son, Cro. Hope he recovers ok. It brings it home that age is irrelevant where a virus is concerned.
    Stay safe x

  33. Both are uni psychiatric case studies. 1 need for attention through controversy. No money, building rubbish then contacting TV, wearing y fronts. Junk art , trying to get on pash boats, stalking polititions. Other ranting and raving shit for years swearing, then spouting manic depressive unrealistic shut. Sure it's real to them. Deciding they are font of all knowledge. Students are following. Typical case study.

    1. Kirrie, Carmel, Athena, names you have used, this is an uncalled for and mean comment to me and Meanqueen and I want it recorded here that it is if it is to remain. If you have any points you wish to discuss about me or with me please email me, my profile is honest, open and for all to see, together with my email address. I am not hidden away and my name is my own.

    2. This personal attack on my character is crude, rude, and unacceptable. Contact me direct via email if you wish to continue the conversation. Do not litter someone else's blog with your vitriol.

  34. So sorry to hear this Cro. It gets personal when one of the statistics is a family member.

  35. My thoughts are with you and Kimbo as you navigate this horrible virus. Youth and a strong immune system usually indicates a full recovery. Wishing Kimbo well and a return to perfect health.

  36. Please tell him the thoughts of all of us are for him. I wish him recovery.

  37. Oh, no! I'm wishing him all the best and a speedy recovery. And that you and Lady M don't wear yourselves out with worry. (Easy to say, hard to do, I know.)

  38. Best wishes for a swift and full recovery for your son. Take care of yourself (although I know it's pointless to say but try not too worry too much).


  40. Oh gosh Cro, I'm so sorry to hear this, what a dreadful worry for you, I hope he recovers very soon. In fact as soon as Trump apparently did...that was a one-day wonder wasn't it? ... what was that all about?!! It seems no matter how careful you are you can catch it and we are being extra careful even with things like opening the mail and then washing hands straight after and leaving if for a day or so before looking at it. The daily milk delivery gets washed down in a bleach-soaked cloth before being brought in to the fridge. Likewise the home delivery shopping. Sounds a bit excessive I know but we really don't know what we're dealing with here and I don't think you can be too careful. Good luck to Kimbo, I wish him a speedy recovery.

  41. Just read this Cro, and so sorry to hear your son has it. Hoping he will soon be on the mend again but you must be worried sick.

    We had a worrying week as our son shares a house with several others, one of whom has Covid, so we have been counting the days until he was out of Quarantine, but of course still worried that one of the other housemates could develop it.

  42. I hope your boy makes a speedy recovery. I'm sure he will.

  43. Cro, my heart goes out to you and yours. Can't think of anything much more difficult. All good thoughts & speedy recovery sent your way.
