Monday 23 November 2020

Blondes have more fun.

The boys change by the day.

Boo Boo is learning fast. He can tell you how many 20 Centimes are in One Euro, what is the speed of sound, and how he likes his pasta.

Mischa (the Cherub) is only just constructing logical sentences, so it'll be a while before he starts quoting The Iliad. He can build monsters with Lego, use the pedals on his big brother's Go Kart, and knows what flavours of Ice Cream he prefers.

It's wonderful having them here. Lady M is constantly elbow-deep in cake mix, or preparing 'cheesy-pasta', or putting plasters on knees.

The children always come first. 'Cheesy pasta' for the boys has priority over a cup of coffee for Grumpy. But that's the way it should be.

Lockdown means that Boo Boo isn't going to school at the moment, but I honestly think he's learning more at home than he would if he was in kindergarten. He has the advantage of two ex-teachers, various degrees, and plenty of different languages. How many kindergartens can match that!


  1. Entirely agree with you on the learning side.... two friends of ours here came over with a pair of girls [7 and 5 yrs old]
    Those two young ladies [now] are at college, tri-lingual, one doing business studies the other training to be an optician.
    But overall was the almost total freedom they had as youngsters, which allowed them to develop a confidence that I don't think a kid going through a closed-school system or worse, an English schooling in a foreign country could give them.
    Add to that that freedom they had growing up... I don't think their parents could have made a better choice.

    1. I originally moved here to have a nice big family farmhouse with land, and also to bring-up my children in an uber-healthy environment. They both attended the local primary school, and both were (are) bilingual. My third (the father of the two above) was born here.

  2. I agree with everything you said plus all the freedom to look and study the outdoors, sun, rain clouds and a very gud dug !

    1. They seem to have everything required for a good life. I just wish they'd settle down here. Unfortunately they have homes in Thailand and Australia, so travel is always on the agenda.

  3. Here too the children are not in school yet. Some of the time they study in zoom. They do not seem to suffer.

    1. Often the main advantage of school at a young age, is the interaction with other children; not learning 2 + 2.

  4. Lucky boys! And lucky Grumpy & Lady M.

  5. My husband chose to be " Grumpy" when the first grandchild was born to son No 1. . Second son demanded he would be "Grandpa" when his son was born! How lovely to see those blond beauties every day.

    1. I love it when the boys come in and say 'Hello Grumpy'. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  6. Husband is a primary school governor, and I was in the room the other day when a Zoom call discussed how some of the children had regressed significantly in their reading and writing over lockdown. Because some parents can't be bothered with their children, they'll be at a huge disadvantage for years. Your boys are the lucky ones.

    1. I don't doubt that one bit. Many parents are incapable of teaching even the basics. Sadly there are quite a few 'teachers' I wouldn't trust either.

    2. It was actually heartwarming to hear of the extra effort these teachers were going to to identify how far individual pupils had slipped back, and arrange special lessons for them. The school has a very caring, dynamic headmistress, but even she can't do much about the home life of some of her pupils.

  7. Have fun with them and I expect you are right about kindergarten.

    1. Endless fun, interspersed by the occasional tantrum. Kids eh?

  8. How lovely to have them close. Special joyous times to remember.

    1. I'm sure they'll keep wonderful memories of being out in the countryside; able to do, and go, as they like.

  9. Replies
    1. One day they'll both be teenagers, so best enjoy them whist we can.

    2. Gorgeous photograph of Boo Boo and Mischa .... you are indeed lucky to have them with you ..... we are in lockdown and haven't seen ours for a while.
      Nearly every single child LOVES cheesy pasta.... I LOVE cheesy pasta ! XXXX

    3. I thought it was only Lady M who made it! It's their absolute favourite.

  10. Beautiful children. It must be in the genes... most assuredly your wife's genes. Sorry old chap.

    1. They're 99% Swedish... all Swedes are blonde beauties.

  11. How lovely for you all to be together for Xmas.

  12. Your towhead grandsons are beautiful children.

    Education comes in all forms and this pandemic has given people a more appreciation of teachers.

  13. Summerhill comes to mind. They'll learn much more at home with you all than at school. Lovely.

    1. Is Summerhill still going? I always rather liked the idea of it... not for me, but for others.

  14. They are adorable children! You know, long ago, when our oldest was at the age of starting kindergarten (we couldn't afford private schooling), I homeschooled him for the first three years. When we later enrolled him in school, he tested at least a grade higher. I'd used the Montessori method of child-led learning, and he recently told me of fond memories from those days. It was the early 1990s. Our youngest was a baby then. Learning was what we lived in those days.

    1. I'm a Montessori fan too. The children seem more 'rounded' than those educated more traditionally.

  15. You are having a wonderful time with them so close . They are gorgeous kids

  16. Wonderful times spent with your grandchildren. I bet they will forever have very fond memories of this time with you and Lady M.

    1. I do hope so, it's an ideal location to be young.

  17. Lucky, lucky you! My two live 6 hours away from us. We are not venturing there any time soon, not even for Christmas. Sad, but our state, as all US states is having a big surge in virus cases and we must stay safely at home.

    1. We have two near London, and two more in Brisbane. The two above are only temporary, unfortunately.

      Stay safe... next year we might all be vaccinated.

  18. Do their parents have darker hair? All the blond children in my life have become adults with dark hair.

    1. Their father had the most beautiful silver-blonde hair until the age of about 10. I think their mother was much the same.

  19. Your grandchildren are beautiful, Cro. And so wonderful to have them there with you. We haven't seen our kids or grandkids since this 'shelter at home' started last March. (We do Skype with them)
