Monday 5 October 2020


I fear we may not be having any Cèpes this year, we'll see; but these wonderful Parasols are growing well everywhere.

They are unquestionably one of our favourite mushrooms. Simply fried in Olive Oil and a pinch of salt (no garlic), they are a really special treat.

These will be my tomorrow's (this morning's) breakfast.



  1. I'm sorry. I was trying to delete some 'awaiting moderation' comments, and managed to delete 3 comments from this morning. Please forgive me.

  2. I suspect you also deleted the mushrooms here. It's been very poor pickings so far.

    1. Only Parasols here so far, and none this morning. There will be more, but later.

  3. I have never seen one of these here in North UK - do they like a warmer climate than we have to offer?

    1. No they grow in Scotland, Shaggy Parasols are seen more frequently. They have a smooth stem and if you cut them they turn pink. They can give you gut rot but I'm fine with them. Both types must be cooked.

  4. Are those mushrooms hallucinogenic?

  5. We have had a bumber harvest of mushrooms this year. False morels were abundant (I don't eat, but my father in law likes them, and he's now too old to forage himself, way over 90 now), we've had a long season of chanterelles, ceps and yellowfeet. Milk caps were dissapointment (too dry), and black trumpest grew only three weeks (they have a short season anyway, but this was abnormally short). Hedgehog mushrooms and sheep mushrooms (sheep polypores?) had also nice harvest, my oldest son likes them more than chanterelles.
    I even found few champignons near my old compost! They've grown from spores of tossed away shop bought mushrooms' scraps.
    Even if I can't have figs or chestnuts or such, at least foraging berries and mushrooms feeds my family...

    1. We had very few Chanterelles (Girolles) in Spring, then it was very dry and hot at the wrong time, so no Cepes. We will probably have plenty of Hedgehog mushrooms later on. It's been another bad year.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, and as they're very tall (up to 12 ins) they are very easy to spot.
