Friday 16 October 2020

Much ado about next to nothing.

The weather has been foul recently, and we've been stuck indoors for much of the past few days.

Yesterday afternoon I had to visit my Doc' to have my prescription renewed. Over the past four months I've been allowed to bypass the Doc' and they've left my prescription with the receptionist. Not this time; they needed to see my face, and feel my cash.

Lady Magnon is one of those very annoying readers who, when she finds an amusing passage in a book, will read it aloud to me; which usually (because she mumbles) I can't hear anyway.

She's just finished reading Sasha Swire's 'Diary of an MP's Wife', and it's been passed over to me. I didn't think I'd enjoy it; I was told as much. In fact I find it quite amusing. Hugo Swire's wife kept a 'political diary' from 2010 onwards, and holds no punches. It'll keep me amused whilst it's raining.

I am now wearing long trousers. Mid-October has always been my change-over date, and this year was no exception. Evening fires are also now quite regular.

The last of the Bramleys are now falling, and as I write there is an aroma of Apple-cooking coming from the kitchen; meaning either a crumble or Tatin for this evening; I didn't ask.

At 10 am this morning, we will attend the funeral of a friend. RIP Bernard.

My green Tomatoes seem to be slowly ripening, and I've decided to bring in the final few from Haddock's, to join the others indoors. 

p.s. It was a Tatin; I was roped-in to turn it out from it's baking dish comme d'habitude. Always a hazardous manoeuvre. 


  1. I'll have a look at the book. If I remember the bloke was a bit of a chancer but that applies to all politicians. Perhaps she will write a follow up featuring her father.

    1. She seems to have moved in very lofty circles. No mention anywhere of the hoi polloi.

    2. Her father is John Nott, Thatcher's defence wallah during the Falklands war. Very posh totty she is.

    3. The whole Swire/Cameron/Osborne clique seemed to have lived the life of Riley. (Manor) House parties every weekend, everyone owned huge estates, and they held power. It's worth reading just to see the bits to which we weren't privy, when they were all MP's.

    4. Her husband was never in the Cabinet because he was too bright for Cameron, might have shown him up. Cameron was pretty thick or rather, just plain thick. Nott's memoirs make good reading. Should be your on your reading list.

    5. I liked Nott; he always had the look of a very wise University Professor. I will try to find his book.

  2. Sad news about Bernard, he was a lovely chap.

    1. Yes, we shall go off to his funeral in about 30 mins. I don't know what Carole will do without him; but she's a resourceful soul.

  3. Losing one's loved one is always hard but it happens - you are either the one to go or the one left and I am not sure which is the worse.

    1. Bernard was 94; not a bad innings. His widow is very gregarious, which should be to her advantage.

  4. I'm afraid I'm one of those annoying people who read passages out from books. lol

    1. Shame on you; Lady M's just been doing it again.... I despair.

  5. There's always something delicious happening in your kitchen.

  6. RIP Bernard. Hope the funeral was a celebration of his long life.
    I love the sentence ‘ I am now wearing long trousers ‘ . You sound like a schoolboy who has now left his childhood & joined the ranks of the older boys!!!
    As Pip says, there is always something delicious being cooked up in your kitchen. XXXX

    1. Wearing long trousers in Autumn is like admitting defeat for me. In fact when I visited my Doc' that afternoon I reverted to my Sunday shorts and T Shirt.

  7. I also read passages from books or magazines to My Retired man. He also seldom listens, but I think I am doing something good for him. He still needs to be taught.

    Had to go for my yearly checkup yesterday after putting it off for months. Like you, they would not give me my prescriptions unless I showed up. The doctor spent most of our time together lecturing me on his take on Covid which was not in sync with mine. I did not appreciate his political pitch during my appointment. He is of the school of herd immunity and I am not.

    We will be eating fried green tomatoes this week. Because of possible frost, we dug up the tomato garden yesterday. Today, the pepper garden will be put to bed for another season.

    1. Surprisingly my green tomatoes are ripening very well indoors; in a few days I'll have far too many ripe ones!

  8. We both have very different reading tastes so reading out the odd amusing passage doesn't hurt. Don't go in for political memoires but your report has intrigued me.

    1. I read a short passage back to her yesterday evening; she ignored me!

  9. Pirate sometimes complains that I talk too quietly...mind you when watching TV he does turn the volume a little higher than I do...but no, he swears he doesn't need a hearing test...😉

    1. Lady M certainly needs a hearing test; either that or a water cannon pointed at her ear.

  10. Funerals here are limited to five attendees. While I would not have attended in person, I tuned in the broadcast service yesterday at 10.00am of my late step father's sister in law. It was very well done.

    1. I'm not sure what the rules are here, but everyone was masked. There must have been about 50 people there.
