Thursday 1 October 2020

Breakfast is always a complicated meal for me, mostly because no decisions are made in advance of entering the kitchen at about 7 am. I need to think about both how I feel, and what's available.

The choice is huge, and I've previously written about many of my choices; from Caviar on toast, to a slice or two of haggis, or, if there is any, some left-over curry.

At this time of year we usually have several giant Marmande type Tomatoes hanging around, which need to be eaten. There was a half eaten one in the fridge

I take a couple of thick slices of the Tomato, toast a nice big slice of Sourdough, and in no time I have one of the most delicious breakfasts on earth. Fried Tomatoes on Toast.

This wouldn't work with tasteless shop-bought Toms; they really do need to be the real thing. The flavour is incomparable.

Good Olive oil for frying, plenty of butter on the toast, and some freshly ground pepper, complete the picture.

This was so good; one forgets such simple things. I may even have the same again this morning!


  1. Roll on tomato season- that looks so good.

    1. It really was. I'm just about to repeat it for my this morning's breakfast.

  2. Yesterday, I had a harvest of ripe toms.... ahead of this rain belt.First were four Ananas....
    I took these indoors by themselves... 2 kilos! The biggest weighed in at 697gms!
    Fried, on toast... nice idea.
    Our smallest, apero toms are Sungold.... so sweet you can use them in a clafoutis.
    All told, 40kilos of toms off the plants so far this year.... we now have jar, upon jar, upon jar of "almost rat".... no ruddy aubergines [they set fruit ten'ish days ago - not a chance of purple eggs! They have been in since mid-April... errrr?]
    Also assorted pasta sauces.... dehydrated apero toms... set out to grow plenty as nibbles in the new "walled garden", then along came Covid!
    But, I've replaced what we used during Lockdown One.... and have bottled extra!!
    We'll see what the winter brings....

    1. I have quite a lot bottled already, and may yet do more. My plants are loaded with huge fruits.... they just need to ripen. I still have a few jars from 2019. I love those little Sungolds, perfect for pasta sauces.

  3. I have had fried tomatoes twice this week.

  4. Hm, you've given me an idea for lunch today...

    1. The perfect lunch too. We're into lunchtime soups now, but always followed by a good Tomato salad etc.

  5. So easy and so delicious. I love the way you decide when you enter the kitchen. Best way to go.
    I would just have raw tomato. My eyes don't open too wide till after coffee. But with marmite on sourdough .

    1. Frying Tomato seems to perform magic. The tastes changes completely, and they become pure nectar. Make your coffee earlier; I make mine as soon as my feet touch the kitchen floor; breakfast is then two hours away.

  6. Must try this with green ones...No shortage of green tomatoes.

    1. Plenty here too. I'm trying putting them in brown paper bags to ripen.... I'm told it works.

  7. As I returned home post dog walk at 07:10 today there was the distinctive aroma of fried tomatoes. One of my neighbours was in for a treat!

  8. Sprinkle of chopped Greek basil and Malvern salt completes the dish for me. The food of the Gods.


    1. Fleur de Sel for me (it's in the photo), but my Basil plant has now died. Toms need good salt.

  9. 7am are you mad , I fell out of bed at 9oclock and that was only because my phone rang . I have just looked at the weather and it is going to blow a hooley tomorrow so now I have to go shopping today oh bum.

    1. I leave my warm bed at 5 am every morning. I've done it for decades!! It's been pouring here this morning, but I think it's now stopped.

  10. I love tomatoes on toast - usually I have it for tea - fried in good olive oil and with lots of black pepper.

  11. I'll join you if you do the cooking.

  12. The simple dishes are often the best. I could eat fried tomatoes on toast any day of the week.
    ..... and, I’m sure that you know but, you are meant to put a banana in the brown paper bag to speed up the ripening process ( Sorry, I’m sure I’m teaching my granny/grandpa to suck eggs ! ) XXXX

    1. Yes, there is one in with them. I simply failed to mention the fact.

  13. It sounds and looks very delicious. Simplicity is often the finest ingredient in good food.

  14. Wait, you keep tomatoes in the fridge?! That's heresy!

    1. Only because it was cut in two. Otherwise they never go near the fridge! Am I forgiven?

  15. My tomatoes are almost gone now and I am enjoying each beautiful one just like I did with June’s first ones. Oh, how I will miss them.

    1. The idea of buying those dreadful supermarket Toms again, fills me with horror.

  16. There is nothing better than a fresh home grown tomato. Store bought toms ate tasteless in comparison.Your breakfast looks delicious. A good start for the day.

    1. The only store-bought Toms we buy in Winter are the small Cherry Toms, that do actually have some flavour. The rest don't even deserve the name.

  17. I'm not much for breakfast, Cro - usually just toast and tea - but do occasionally like a slice of cheese and tomato melted on toast for lunch.

    1. I enjoy my breakfasts. It's the only meal I take alone, and I find it very relaxing. My choice each morning is quite important for me.

  18. I've had that--for lunch. Many, many times. For lunch.

    1. Perfect for lunch too. Maybe with a fried egg on top!

  19. I do love your breakfasts - though maybe not the haggis. When perfectly ripe, sliced room-temp tomato with s&p on buttery toast is my go-to. Reminds me, I'm lunching today with an old friend whose grandfather's last meal request before he died was the same, s&p on a home-grown tomato on home-made bread with lashings of butter. Declared "bloody beautiful" and he died a happy man!

    1. Lots of butter is an important part of the experience. The only Haggis I can buy is 'Grants' in tins, which I buy online. I know that the very word 'Haggis' makes many people wince, but it really is delicious; you simply mustn't think of the ingredients.

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