Monday 19 October 2020

As if I haven't enough to do.

I hadn't even finished drawing the Hitler moustache on a front page picture of St Tony of Blair when Lady Magnon summoned me to the kitchen.

Being a kindly soul, she'd planned my entire day for me, from setting Mouse traps at the barn, and washing the car, to re-potting some Geraniums for next Summer. Of course, I already had a full day's work ahead, and had little time for her extras.

I'm often reminded of that song 'Busy doing nothing', because that's how my life has become. When Lady M asks me what I'm doing, more than likely I reply 'wandering aimlessly'. It seems to satisfy her, and fits well with her view of me as someone who needs to be found more time-consuming work; to 'keep me out of trouble'.

The cows came up to visit us yesterday. They are Blonde d'Aquitaines; a local breed. I love looking out on them, they are very inquisitive creatures; and very friendly.

What made me mad yesterday? Well it had to be the regular sight of Piers Corbyn and his gang of fellow plonkers, marching around London, mask free, spreading the COVID virus; just as the number of daily deaths goes to 150, an increase of 85% from the time of his last weekend's demo'.  Where DO they find these bloody loonies (below)?

Even the Socialists can't agree. On one hand we have Piers Corbyn telling us that it's all a hoax, on the other Sir Keir Starmer saying that it is so serious that we should have a 100% national lockdown. Boris, meanwhile, is sitting on the fence whilst trying to save the economy (a bit), and being reasonably cautious about the virus. As ghastly as the prospect may seem, I fear Sir Keir may be right this time. Quot homines, tot sententiæ.

Best bit of the day. It was cloudless, and the sun became warm enough to dry the grass, and for me to mow everywhere. That should now be the final mowing of 2020; fingers crossed.

Yesterday, I woke to 2 C. Almost glove weather!


  1. I spend a lot of time every day finding jobs for Paul to do. It keeps him out of mischief. Straining the apple wine is top of his list today.

    1. My wife once made some Apple wine which was superb. When I asked her how she'd made it, she couldn't remember. A recipe lost forever!

  2. There is a line in the song I published today, I wish my wife would ask me more to help me doing stuff. Lady M is looking after idle hands lest the devil get busy.

    1. I don't know what she thinks I'll get up to, but I probably would if I knew!

  3. I only have myself to do the jobs and do the finding and I manage to keep fully occupies between the two things. The thing about Sir Keir is that he is what the majority of the UK population really aspire to ie middle-of-the-roadism. Piers Morgan is bonkers and The Blonde Bombshell is far too worried about how to cope with all his financial commitments and upkeep of ex wives and 6 kids on a paltry £150,000. He'll have to resign just so that he can go on the lecture circuit as he eyes his predecessor's £1m in fees since she resigned.

    1. I expect most agree that Sir Keir's total lockdown suggestion is right; but very few want to put it into action.

  4. My neighbour is a 'virus is a hoax' person, making comments about the stupid people wearing masks. Then she spouts she does not want to have to go into hospital as she may never come out again. You can't have it both ways. As for staying busy, I'm a master at doing nothing all day.

    1. Doesn't she feel a little bit stupid? Maybe you should ask her if she does!

    2. She is really mad, known here in our street as the mad cat woman.

    3. Lots of streets have a 'Mad Cat woman'; they should form a club.

  5. A little bit mean interrupting an artist before he got round to the horns and forked tail.

    1. I'm reserving those for the next big picture of Cheerie.

  6. We have a charmed attic room that is always full however much I clear it out. It's worthy of an Enid Blyton story. It's a never ending job.

    1. We have one of those back in the UK; I hardly dare think about it!

  7. Busy hands are happy hands. I have given up suggesting chores to My Retired Man. After seven months of total togetherness, suggestions are not welcome.

    1. I just say "Yes Dear" and carry on regardless.

  8. I really wonder how the hospitals get so full of people when the virus is a hoax?? My daughter in laws are nurses and see people dying of this hoax every day.
    And this may be a really 'off the wall' question, Cro... but those cattle... why do they call them d'Aquitaines? I ask because my mom's maiden name is d'Aquin. Just curious.

    1. Aquitaine is the name of this S W corner of France, as in Eleanor of Aquitaine 1122-1204. Your Mum's maiden name sounds as if her family came from somewhere called Aquin.

  9. I have always tried to keep myself occupied, my theory being if I keep me busy, nobody else will come along thinking they have to do it for me.

    1. Quite right, but they do say that if you want something doing, ask someone who's always busy.

  10. Yes dear, soon dear, when I finish this dear,

    1. That's too long-winded for me. I often simply say "No".

  11. Piers Corbyn is not a member of The Labour Party.

    1. I should hope not. His brother should leave the party too; he did too much damage.

  12. Same thing is happening in the US. Large and small gatherings without masks and no social distancing seems to be intentional. All very counter to COVID recommendations.

    1. If it wasn't so damned serious, we could all laugh at them. Alas.....
