Saturday 24 October 2020

A Visit from the Cherub.

He doesn't visit that often, but occasionally he turns up, bringing his big brother Boo Boo, his mother Kellogg, and Wills his Papa, with him.

They've quit Sweden; I think they'll find France more relaxing. Sweden has its well publicised problems with immigrants, and with too many bleeding-heart liberals running the country, those problems are slowly becoming overwhelming. That liberalism, for which Sweden was rightly revered, has now come back to bite them on the bum. The country is turning into a gangster's paradise, with migrant mafia clans terrorising the population, and a police force too weak to control them. Many of their major cities are now almost devoid of natives, as the criminals take control. It's a very sad situation.

They will stay here until it's OK to go to Thailand to oversee the finishing touches to their new villa.

Oz may also be on their list of visits, but it remains to be seen if they'll be allowed in. Covid-19 is responsible for so many restrictions. They have a home on the Goldcoast.

Their constant globe trotting makes me dizzy; personally I'm very happy to be glued to my nice little cottage, although even that may not be permanent with Brexit looming. Our home in Brighton (UK) may well soon be calling to us.



  1. The world is indeed changing. How good it is that the grandchildren are close to you now.

    1. For a while at least. I'm not sure how long they'll be here.

  2. A pleasant surprise for you both. I have read many reports of the Swedes and their migrant problems.

    1. Some of their major cities have 'No-Go-Areas' that are ruled by the gangs. The police simply aren't allowed in. It's all got out of hand.

    2. It is also the same in Norway with parts of Oslo very unsafe now and similar gangs.

  3. He will certainly brighten up your winter . Hope they stay a while.
    Their globe trotting makes me dizzy too. You have to be bold to transport a family from one country to a other, one side of the world to the other.
    I'm surprised to hear about Sweden. We still think of it as the ideal society, though if I remember they do have an unusually high suicide rate.
    Anyway, hope the cherub and entourage stay close for a longtime.

    1. Yes, the boys certainly brighten up our days. I tend to play games with them, and Lady M cooks pasta and cakes with them. It's all go.

  4. Every cloud etc. This explains why the Swedes didn't go for the lockdown malarkey. They knew it would be unenforceable.

    1. I don't think a lot is enforceable these days in Sweden. When gangs of violent thugs move into a land of blond peace-loving people, it doesn't make a good mix.

  5. That would have been a pleasant surprise. It seems only a few days ago you mentioned them living in Sweden.

    1. I think they were there for about 3 months. Long enough it seems. There's a lot to be said for their beautiful home here!

  6. Oh Cro, you'll have the woke hounding you for pointing out that Cultural enrichment actually turned into enshitment. Can't say I didn't see it coming in Sweden 🙄

    1. The EU must take much of the blame. They created quotas for member countries. Germany has probably suffered the most, but has a much stronger attitude towards Law and Order than Sweden. Here in France we also have vast areas around Paris (and elsewhere) where lawlessness is now rampant. It has now almost gone too far to be stopped.

  7. What gorgeous hair. France is not going to kick the likes of you out. I saw a video of someone in Stockholm being murdered on the street by a recent Muslim immigrant. Sweden was once such an idealised place, but not now.

    1. Not a lot is spoken about Sweden; they like their reputation to remain intact, but things are not good there and there's very little now that they can do about it.

  8. I hadn't realised that things had got that bad in Sweden. Lovely that you've got the family back for a while.

    1. I don't think any European countries are eager to talk about their immigration problems. It was all so Snowflake Trendy to take in lots of desperate refugees, but I'm afraid that a lot have turned out to be no more than criminals.

  9. As cherubs go, this beautiful child is especially cherubic.

  10. How wonderful to have your grandchildren around. Our Covid rates have increased greatly here so it does not look good for us seeing most of our grandchildren anytime soon. The holidays are going to be very lonely this year.

    1. I've just heard that the virus has arrived in our nearby town/village. It's what I've dreaded.

  11. Gosh Cro, I had no idea that Sweden was like that. I always imagined it to be a peaceful quiet place with laid back locals enjoying nature and the outdoors. How things change, it's frightening isn't it? Please don't tell me Finland is going that way too, we visited several years ago in midwinter and it was so beautiful in the snow and not a migrant gang in sight as far as I could see. Mind you, we were somewhere near the arctic circle by the Russian border so that may have had a bearing on things!

  12. So let's get this right. You are now taking in Swedish migrants? Did they cross over to Denmark in an inflatable dingy or did they use the bridge? How much did they have to pay the people smugglers?

  13. Far to much violence and crime. You have a very nice, safe, multi-generational family compound. Lovely to share life with your grandchildren.

  14. I had no idea things were like that in Sweden. I have great mixed feelings about refugees. Not all of them are criminals.
    I am puzzled about your conviction that the French will kick you out. None of our friends who live full time in France are expecting that to happen.

  15. Oh, a delightful turn of events for you! Lady M will be no doubt busy baking treats & Billy beside himself with joy.

  16. Some of the comments illustrate well just how MSM only tells people what it wants people to know.

  17. Gosh. How long were they there? Sadly unsurprised: Canada is going the same way. I grew up here (born in the UK) and returned here six years ago after 25 years. When I was a child you would never have dreamed of saying UK was better than Canada for all but the most fortunate: now I'm afraid that it is. Canada is wildly expensive, riddled with invasive do-gooders and erm, a growing problem not dissimilar to Swedens - though by no means of the same magnitude...
