Thursday 3 September 2020

Vera Lynn - Land of Hope and Glory

Dear Vera Lynn died just a short while ago aged 103. Thank goodness she wasn't around to witness the BBC's appalling snowflake leftie decision to ban the lyrics of Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia, and even Jerusalem, from The Last Night of the Proms. What a disgrace.

These are our National Songs. They are not to be messed with. If you don't want to sing them; don't. But don't stop others

We were all horrified when George Floyd was killed by American Police back in May, but the subsequent world-wide rally-call of 'racism' everywhere, and towards everything, should have nothing to do with singing traditional British songs back in the UK.

Well, I'm pleased to announce that the lovies at the BBC have changed their minds, and in the face of almost 100% outrage have decided to make a total U-Turn and allow the traditional singing.  If I manage to watch it, I shall certainly be singing along. So, I believe, will Lady Magnon, and several million other Brits.


  1. "We were all horrified when George Floyd was killed."
    Horrified is putting it a bit strongly, I must admit to not giving a damn. From what I hear he overdosed and was a real scumbag. The courts will no doubt decide who was to blame.
    It is good that the BBC have reconsidered but it's a small concession. Be good if they reconsidered their support for Children in Need which is a private business or charity and not the altruistic endeavour they would have folk believe.
    A vile organisation which could do with privatising.

    1. There's no question that Floyd was a career criminal, but the footage of his death was quite shocking. The US cops do seem to go overboard when arresting people. However, none of this should be allowed to influence the pleasant traditions of other countries far away.

  2. The new DG has realised that he has to go and haggle with politicians for the BBC's survival..

    1. The BBC has been badly administered for some while. All the dumbing-down, and PC nonsense, has made it almost unwatchable. They desperately need a few politicians on their side.

    2. For whatever reason, the BBC is in serious decline. They have been using Covid as an excuse for too long now. Ironically, all this PC bollocks is because of some clueless people who have been told that unless they get a younger audience, the BBC will will go down the bowl. Dumbing down and appealing to current popular trends is what is destroying it, along with competing with commercials on a budget controlled by the most incompetent government in history.

    3. Maybe but too early to say re. the incompetent government. I can name several very incompetent prime ministers, Balfour, Eden and Asquith for starters, who led us into some pretty nasty agreements and wars, the results of which the whole world still suffers.

    4. I don't think younger people will ever return to terrestrial TV. They have everything they need on their mobiles.

    5. This time we just fuck ourselves up.

    6. People have been saying that it is too early to say that the government is incompetent for six months now. When would be the right time to say it? How many 'world beating' systems must they spend billions on before Michael Gove stops blaming 'experts' and pulls his finger out? How long must we put up with the recriminations by them and hear a few apologies for their own inadequacies? How many chances are you going to give them as Britain fails time after time?

    7. Work officially begins on HS2 today. Yippee.

    8. I don't see it as you do so cannot apply what you are saying.

  3. I did notice our glorious leader Boris
    publically defending our loved tune, "It's about time we stopped being ashamed of our heritage and achievements". A shaft of common sense at last, long may it last.

    1. I'm not some flag-waving nutter, but I do object to foreign influences trying to change our normal way of life.

  4. It was a curious news story I read about The Proms. Land of Hope and Glory would not be sung this year but would return next year. Does anyone really take notice of the lyrics and any meaning? I think not. It is just a rousing singalong. The BBC is in great danger of becoming irrelevant to the UK if it continues with its wishy washy ways.

    1. You have it in one! It's just a type of alternative national anthem that we all sing along to. Maybe it does contain ONE word that certain snowflakes pretend to find offensive, but what the hell; don't sing it.

  5. Well all is back to normal, it was a foolish decision in the first place. But don't knock the BBC for being what it is. Yes I know the news does not go to the liking of some, but there are some strikingly good programmes on the radio. Whether you are into science, drama, or having the world explained to you. 'Sounds' is a particularly good niche.

    1. I am much more a radio person that TV. Radio 4 extra is my second home.

  6. There seems to be an ongoing attempt to obliterate or rewrite history. George Washington was a slave owner. So was Thomas Jefferson who raped some of his slave women. Should they be blasted off the rockface at Mount Rushmore? I agree with Thelma that the BBC is a national treasure.

    1. I am still shocked that the American BLM folk still haven't demanded that all references to 'Washington' are obliterated.

  7. Well, this is what I read ..... the BBC were going to stop the singing of the lyrics only because of Covid as singing is not a good idea in enclosed spaces. Now they have changed their minds. Rule Britannia was written before the main thrust of the British Empire ..... the Spanish and Dutch were ruling the waves and it was written to say that we would not be taken over by the Spanish and the Dutch. It isn’t a celebration of slavery. The word slave in Rule Britannia is used in the context of being completely under the control of another person or of a powerful influence XXXX.

    1. That is always what I've always understood, but I didn't associate it with the Spaniards or Dutch; but now that you mention them, I suppose it was obvious.

  8. Agree wholeheartedly Cro - they have nothing whatsoever to do with history and everything to do with having a good old sing. I suppose we should give the BBC some credit for reinstating them.

    1. I think their necks were being screwed pretty tightly!
