Saturday 5 September 2020

Problems by the bucket-full.

I'm going through a bad patch.

Everything I do at the moment seems to go wrong. 2020 hasn't been a good year so far; and it's getting worse.

Apart from my problems with The Post Office (La Poste), my laptop has decided to pack-up. The key board bit, and the screen bit, seem to have argued, and will no longer speak to each other.

I ordered a new one via (I need a 'qwerty' key board), and for some bizarre reason my payment was rejected. I eventually managed to speak to someone at my bank, and they said it was nothing to do with them, and I should re-order. As with my Fray Bentos pies in the past, I am now expecting several laptops to arrive. I have informed Lady Magnon that she might be having a new laptop for Christmas.

So, for the moment I am using an old laptop (Windows XP), combined with a simple Amazon Fire pad to read my Emails. It all takes so bloody long; but at least it works.

If I haven't been replying to your comments, please forgive me. It's not that I don't want to; believe me!


  1. I believe you. 2020 is indeed not the best year we wanted.

  2. It doesn't seem long since you bought a new laptop.

    1. It's only 6 years old, but maybe that's 'old' in terms of laptops.

  3. I find computers do what they want when they want !

    1. The one I'm having to use at the moment certainly has a mind of its own, which is no doubt why I replaced it. At least it kinda works!

  4. Join the club Cro. I somehow managed to wipe my audio off Zoom yesterday so at present cant meet any of my friends on Xoom - and with my shaking hands don't know how long it will take me to get it back.

    1. And I've managed to wipe off all sound from this old laptop. Whatever I try, I can't get it back.

    2. To Cro, probably because some software updates have not been applied to the old laptop while you haven't been using it. You may fix it by going to advanced settings from a right click on the sound icon and activate apply to audio or something similar. Weaver has probably turned off the mic and needs to turn it back on.

    3. I think it's because it's running on the old Windows XP, and trying to download either Adobe or Javascript just doesn't work any more. I've tried all the usual stuff under 'settings'.

    4. I can't remember on XP but on Windows 10 right click the start button> go to device manager> find your sound card(s) right click and uninstall it/them. Ignore all the warnings you do want to uninstall. Turn computer off and switch on again and all should be well.

    5. That is pretty much what I've been trying; via the 'device manager', but to no avail.

  5. My husband is convinced that technology is out to get him , anything I do works straight away and he is cursing and swearing at the computer it's really quite entertaining .

    1. At the moment I feel like your husband. Nothing is making life easy for me.

  6. Six years is old for a laptop. While we have only had one, I hated it it was quickly relegated to being recycled. Bloggers should have proper desk top PC and a proper keyboard.

    1. I love laptops. They do everything I want of them (when they work).

  7. oh Cro, same as me. My super old but much reliable laptop gave its last wheeze last month, it was 16 years old and had been up graded and many batteries changed. But it worked so well till the last moment and then kaput. I have recently started with this new to me laptop that is from 2010. Urgh I stupidly let it upgrade to windows 10 from windows 7. IT TOOK 3 DAYS! and then it did something maddening called locking and it would shut down going into some weird limp mode. According to my other half this is because the machine doesnt recognise the battery. after much faff it is now by passing the battery and is straight to the plug like a CPU. A new battery is in the internet delivery ether. I have no knowledge it it will arrive in the wilds of Scotland as it is coming by Hermes who are dreadful. Bon Chance with your new laptop. I hope is it lovely to use.

    1. This old one is driving me crazy. It takes about 10 mins to boot-up, then becomes erratic and unreliable. My new one should arrive next week, so my fingers are crossed.

  8. I laptop is getting on in years, now a bit over 8. It is slow and cantankerous. My hubby wants me to get a new one for Christmas, but I'm not sure it will last that long!
    Good luck with your new one!

    1. I have a box filled with old laptops. Including the one that just broke-down, I have 6 of them. I'm hoping one day they'll have antique value.

  9. Laptops are not designed to last. Which is why I stick to Ubuntu/Linux, using half the computer brain compared to other systems..and it is free. Keeps older machines going well

    1. I just want one that works. My newest one had a poor space bar, and I was constantly going back to separate words. Infuriating. I hope my next one won't have that problem; it's the same make (Acer).
