Monday 7 September 2020

Autumn tasks.

I seem to be up to date with my list of pre-Winter tasks.

All the grapes have been picked, and taken to the compost heap. 

The Wasp/Hornet traps have been filled with beer and jam, and are now hanging in the bigger Fig trees.

The lower branches of the orchard's fruit trees have been cut off, so that I can mow without cracking my head open.

Then there is the traditional whistling, and sponging of the car. The 'Compact Royce' has been given her annual wash-and-brush-up. All that moss growing in the crevices has been removed, and even the hub caps have been buffed. She's looking very dapper in her new sparkling silver coat.

And the Lutyens bench has been given a really good soaking with Diesel Oil. In case you didn't know, Diesel makes a very good, and cheap, wood preservative and insect repellent for outdoor items (it does smell a bit for a while).

Still a lot of serious pruning to do, but I have several months in which to do it.


  1. No wine making this year?? Or did the wasps get them.
    Grapes are being picked a few weeks earlier here. Vaso's red wine juice is already bubbling.

    1. No, I'll leave wine-making to the pro's. Less stressful.

  2. Replies
    1. Typically English, but I think they'll sold everywhere these days.

  3. I think this years most of us got all the summer jobs done, so the autumn ones don't seam too bad. It's just sad summer is coming to an end.

    1. We are having reasonably cool mornings, but still lovely warm afternoons. If it stays like this for a month or more, I shall be happy.

  4. You have been a busy bee ! Gardens are hard work but, I’m so glad that I like gardening .... we need things to do at our age and gardening is good exercise and gets us out into the fresh air. I’m also trying to clear out wardrobes, cupboards and drawers. Lots has gone to charity this week. Because of Covid, our house has never been in such good order đŸ¤£ ... well, goodish ! XXXX

    1. It would take more than Covid to make our house tidy. I'm afraid we are resigned to 'clutter'.

  5. Diesel is a good preservative and cheap, we can get creosote now but only using the farm number. If you ever get ringworm then old engine oil clears it up in a jiffy.

    1. What happened to creosote? We can't buy it here any more. Was it banned? I've taken note of your Ringworm cure!

    2. Yes banned don't know why but suspect it was too cheap. Rentokill et al had much more expensive and less efficient treatments. There is nothing a few brown envelopes can't get banned.

    3. Creosote was banned for being carcinogenic. It is pretty awful stuff,if effective, so no surprise

    4. Our old barns have wooden exteriors and were always creosoted. It's difficult now trying to find an alternative.

  6. Don't forget to get the trebuchet built for your quinces.

  7. Your bench certinly has a lovely patina.

  8. The trouble with wooden garden furniture preservative is that it makes it unusable for a month.

    1. I think pukka Teak Oil is even worse than Diesel. Old cushions come in handy after a couple of weeks.

  9. A group of our neighbors got togetherthe last two weekends and made quick work of my list.

    1. I wish I had neighbours like that; I could put my feet up a bit.

  10. What do you call diesel oil in French? Do you mean "carrément" diesel as in "put it in my car"? That would be really useful to know as I need to treat my garden furniture also.

    1. Yup; straight from the pumps. I have a 5 litre 'cubi' that I fill specially for gates, benches, fences, etc.

  11. Your bench looks lovely like that. Ours in the garden of our apartment block suffer from the fearsome sun in this neck 'o, (and a bit of neglect in the Autumn Tasks department) so have the typical greyish patina.

    1. Mine was greyish before I treated it, and will return to semi-greyish before long. That silvery-grey has its own appeal.


  12. The diesel oil finish on your bench looks terrific. The sheen is outstanding. I've been using Danish Watco oil for exterior. It really does not provide the UV protection nor prevent mold on my cedar outdoor furniture.

    1. It's a shame that the sheen doesn't last, but at least the protection is there.

  13. My bench continues to accumulate its handsome coat of rust. A lovely brown.

  14. What a wonderful bench. Using Diesel oil. . . I'd have never thought of using that.

    1. I'm always on the look-out for money saving ideas.
