Saturday 15 August 2020

Remember Harry?


So, 35 year old, unemployed, Harry and his missus have just bought themselves a new Essex-style gaff in the suburbs of Tinsel Town. It's not exactly befitting of an English Prince, but I suppose a more suitable period manor house would be hard to find out there (see below).

His $15 Million purchase seems to have everything he'll need. It has 9 bedrooms, and, for some strange reason, 16 bathrooms; all set in 8 acres of over-manicured gardens. I hope he's got a good lawn mower.

I am reliably informed that his mortgage repayments will be around $480,000 per annum. His other expenses are reputed to be  $68,000 annual property taxes, $300,000 staff wages (I suspect this is hugely underestimated), $24,000 annual utilities bills, and around $3.3 Million for security (which seems rather excessive). He may need to find himself a well paid job pretty soon (McDonald's?).

At a rough glance, it looks as if he'll need an annual salary of around $10 Million (before tax); and that's without all the travel and Champagne he's used to.

Mrs Harry may find some work in TV, and if Oprah Winfrey keeps to her word, they could earn up to a million dollaroos to appear for 30 mins on her show.  However, he'll have to do a lot of other TV shows if he's going to make his $10 Million, and I'm not sure if he has that much of interest to say.

Anyway, I wish them luck (I'm glad it's not me), and I hope they enjoy their short time as the new owners of Dodgy-Oligarch Palace; I can see it going back on the market before too long.

Oh, and by the way Harry, you could have bought this stunning 15th C house in Kent (below) for around £2 Million. Don't say I didn't tell you!


  1. Such a shame. A ‘nice’ young man wasting his life like that. Maybe next stop will be the south of France....don’t say we didn’t tell him so

    1. It's all so unnecessary. It seems as if he's the only one who can see what's happening. A tragedy for all concerned.

  2. Oh dear .... what a mess ..... going from most popular to least popular Royal in a matter of a couple of years ( I think he’s even less popular than Andrew abd that’s saying something ! ) Over privileged preaching to us from their tacky mansion ( with 16 bathrooms .... very eco-friendly ) about how we must travel, yet taking private jets every five minutes, how BLM yet he used to call his ethnic military compatriots some very choice names ... wearing the Nazi uniform to a party ... I could go on and on and most of it since he met Mrs narcissist Harry !!!! .... and then moaning everyday as to hard done by they both are ..... and, they are supposedly going to earn millions for speaking at corporate functions .... what on earth are they going to talk about apart from his mother dying and mental health ... neither of them are qualified in anything. A couple who wanted privacy for themselves and their son so they go to LA which has more intrusive press than anywhere else and to be independent but have their security paid for and a few million a year from daddy ?!?!! They have gone there to try and make as much money as they can and she wants to be President ( allegedly ) William did try and warn him ... it will end in tears. XXXX

    1. I'm afraid that we can all see disaster looming, except for them. I hope I'm wrong, but they seem to be willing it upon themselves. If only, after they'd married, she'd kept in the background as a faithful consort, all this could have been avoided. As it is they only have themselves to blame. I feel very sorry for Harry.

    2. She was advised by The Queen, just as Diana Spencer was by The Queen Mother; neither heeded the advice!

  3. He's lucky that he has got Dad's money to help make ends meet. They are still able to live at a Frogmore (?) address when it all goes tits up in the US.

    1. Providing that Daddy is willing to hand over the millions he needs to live in the style that Mrs Harry insists upon; then OK. But I wonder how much longer he'll continue?

      He should have bought that nice house in Kent.

  4. Yes I saw the photograph in The Times yesterday - all I thought was in a house that size you could spend whole day trying to find one another.

    1. A 35 year old with one small child hardly needs 16 bathrooms. If he doesn't wish to be a royal, a two bed flat in Fulham would have been OK.

    2. Assuming of course that either would want to bother looking for the other.

    3. The perfect his-n-hers house. His bit can be 100 yards away from hers.

  5. You've not mentioned the £18,000 per month repayments for Frogmore!

    1. He's getting a Saturday Job to pay that off. It might take some while.

  6. Those of us who have learnt how to live within our means are rich in comparison with these two.

    1. I don't know why he/she thinks they need such a place. Who are they expecting to come to stay?

  7. So even if you cohabitate in one bedroom, you can still have your own bathroom. I like that. "Dodgy-Oligarch Palace". Love it. He seems like Down Under well enough. With closed borders we are short of fruit pickers. And apparently the rich and famous don't have to quarantine here in cheap hotels but can do so in a nice private property.

    1. Send him a ticket; I'm sure he'd love the opportunity to pick Tomatoes etc

  8. He just wakes up in the morning like Edward VIII did with nothing to do. Can you imagine it, he must be so miserable. He awaits all his cues from Meghan Markle and does as he is told. He made a complete pillock of himself and didn't listen to anyone and to her friends it was a game to trap a Prince. This is life for the glitterati and they love it and he was had hook line and sinker.

    1. I think that's as good as a resumé as one could get. Poor Harry; I wonder when it'll sink in?

  9. I can think of only one reason for so many bathrooms. Someone is full of s***. I've never understood these mega-mansions. But then I will never have to worry about it either.

    1. It's nice to have a roomy house, but why he and Markle would want something so vast and trashy, I really can't imagine. Maybe she wanted a house 'Fit for a Princess'.

  10. I think you could get lonely in a house like that.

    1. He'll be busy mowing, and she'll be changing nappies. No time for loneliness.

  11. Not to mention the climate there, how long before it all goes up in flames? I did have sympathy with them at the beginning, trying to get away from the paparazzi and all that but they seem to have walked straight into it, they'll never get any peace there.

    1. I suspect that, as with Harry's Mum, she gives the paparazzi a list of places and times so that they can be on the front pages the following day. Limelight is addictive, the worst thing for them would be to be forgotten.

  12. Such a waste - and very sad.
    But I sincerely hope that this will stop the sanctimonious "eco warrior" lectures - 16 bathrooms indeed! Ridiculous.

    1. Yes, a tad excessive. I wonder how many they'll use?

  13. Santa Barbara isn't far from where I live. Next county over. It has its own well established "royalty" which may or may not welcome them warmly. Most of the rich & famous in CA talk a lot about eco issues--passionately--but don't live as such. They may fit right in. I wonder, though, if they know about the new legislation underway for increased tax for the wealthy? That would continue in decreasing amounts annually for 10 years after you leave the state? Seriously. Hotel California stuff. It was in our news yesterday.

    1. Most eco-warriors are hypocrites. The ones who actually DO THINGS to save the planet, just do it, and keep quiet. The more mouthy they are, usually the more hypocritical they are as well. I suppose Harry would come under the title of 'Rich and Famous', but his earning power is questionable.

  14. Living in a mega-mansion, flying private jets all over the world at the drop of a hat, and they have the nerve to be sanctimonious about environmental issues. What hypocrites. I have a feeling that Harry is going to bitterly regret his choice at some point, if he isn't starting to already.

    1. He would lose face if he admitted to having behaved so stupidly by marrying Markle, but it'll come; just give it a couple of years.

  15. The property in Kent is little more than a slum as it only has three bathrooms. Prince Harry is very dirty so he needs more than three bathrooms. California is welcome to the pair of them. A couple of bigheads.

    1. Yes, it certainly lacks cleansing departments, but even so I prefer it to his eventual choice.

  16. Nobody here hates Harry, we still love the old Harry at least, and we don't hate Meghan but the ensnaring of foolish, headstrong Harry by the ambitious Meghan is not a good match for Harry, Meghan and the Royal family into which she, or her girlfriends, may not have realised she was also getting herself into. I added this Cro for you and all who commented here.

    1. A certain person seems to think that because we criticise (or have fun with) his/her choice of homes, that we're out to get him. Nothing could be further from the truth. I think that everyone (except this one person) knows that this house purchase is ridiculous, and their stay there won't last.

  17. I read somwhere that they would be employing 3 housekeepers , on her track record his wife has difficulty keeping staff of any sort so she may have to get her marigolds out and clean those bathrooms herself .
