Friday 14 August 2020

Pool Maintenance/Management.

All pool owners will know that things don't always go according to plan.

Regular checks must be made of the CH/PH levels, the bottom must be vacuumed regularly, and the skimmers cleaned and restocked with Multifunction Tabs almost daily. Most mornings I have between 20/30 mins work.

Even then, things don't always go smoothly. The water can turn opaque overnight, or a nasty green algae can appear on all surfaces extremely quickly. Correcting these annoying occurrences, can take several days. Many will remember when the diving pool at the 2016 Rio Olympics turned bright green overnight!

This year things have gone reasonably well, but we did have a recent invasion of green algae, which luckily, we were able to deal with without too much angst. I suspect it was caused by the weather.

Our only other annoyance has been with the liner. The pool was constructed about 15 years ago, so its liner is getting old. It has a way of turning slightly ochre-ish in colour beneath the water line, and makes the water look dirty-green. Luckily we have found a magical solution to this problem, and a kilo of Vitamin C powder returns it instantly to its original beautiful pale blue (see above, it was done the day before).

What I really need is an attachment to the pump that would test the CH/PH levels regularly, and correct the balance as required automatically. It would also need to detect any presence of algae, and zap instantly. I hope someone at Pools-r-Us is working on this.


  1. I expect our building's pool has something like that as it is attended to only once a week.

  2. That water is so inviting. Hope you've got a lot of swims left this summer

  3. Friends in NZ had an automatic cleaner that they put to bumble around the bottom of their pool. I am not sure how one of those would behave with a pool liner.

    1. We do have a robot, but it doesn't really do much good. It tends to get stuck in corners, and misses a lot of areas. We end up guiding it around at the end of a pole.

  4. You enjoy it so much that the work involved is worth it.

    1. You're right. To be without it would be torture. I'm just off now to throw myself in.

  5. Beautiful pool, especially nice with the high heat of summer. Your patio layout is lovely too. Is this stone?

    1. It's reconstituted stone, but looks exactly the same. To have had actual stone would have cost far too much.
