Wednesday 12 August 2020

Losing a Dog.

I could hardly believe the pain I felt when we lost our lovely dog Bok back in January of last year. I was in a terrible state for weeks, which wasn't helped by the fact that I happened to be alone at the time.

J, over in S Carolina, has two dogs, one of which is having health problems and is quite possibly coming to the end of her time. Poor J is understandably extremely distraught. If only our Dogs could talk to us, things would be so much easier. As it is, a soulful look can warn us that something isn't right, but the rest is left for humans to discover.

Saying goodbye to a well loved Dog or Cat is never easy, whether the end comes naturally or by assistance from a Vet'. Both Bok and Monty needed the help of our local Vet', and their ends came peacefully. Our dear Cat, Freddie, who died not long before Bok, simply faded away during the night. All three are 'at rest' in their own dedicated graveyard at Haddock's.

Hardly a day goes by when I don't think of my boys. Even my first Dog, Hamlet, who died back in the late 1970's, is still in my thoughts. 

As the one Dog is saying to the other (above), we still talk about them; and never forget.

I probably sound like a sentimental old fool, but as Kant continues to remind us "you can judge the heart of a man, by his treatment (and love) of animals".

Poor J in S Carolina is soon going to make the most difficult of decisions; I send her my best wishes.


  1. Thank you so much for this. It brought tears to my eyes. We're hanging in there, but the end is near for our beloved girl. Your support means a lot. ❤

  2. Well said, Cro. I remember when you were going through that and we knew how hard you were hurting. We all were so happy for you when your son got you Billy. You are a man who should not be without a good dog.

    I have had many pets in my life and loved them all and when their time came, I grieved. The hardest was our first dog when I was a child. He was a crazy and beautiful Irish/English setter who loved to run. He was electrocuted on the railroad tracks and I can remember the horrible pain I felt when my dad told us. It was one of the worst days of my life. I think of him often.

    1. It was very hard when Bok died, especially after a neighbour had recently threatened to kill him. Not knowing what had happened made it doubly hard.

  3. Yes, it is hard. Both Kim our cat and Sophie, the Lab/Retriever, are getting on in years and I wonder how long Kim, in particular can last. She is not well but, as I write this just came to me purring.

    1. We just have to enjoy them fully whilst they're still with us.

  4. That decision and walk to the vets is the worst, and grieving for them just reflects how much we love them. Miss Pops is 13 and I am trying to treasure the days that we have together.


    1. I knew that Freddie wasn't feeling too good, but decided not to put him through all that a Vet' would have done. I don't suppose it would have extended his life, and he eventually died peacefully at home. Often it's simply kinder to let nature take its course.

    2. I don’t agree. I have seen all that a vet does, it is quite peaceful and, for me, the humane way...if only we could choose it for ourselves

    3. Freddie's case was quite special. He wasn't ill or incapacitated in any way; he was just old. He died a perfectly natural death. To have tried to rejuvenate him would only have caused stress.

  5. The hardest decision of my life was to pick up the phone to make the call to request a visit from the vet. How I kept it together in order not to alarm her I will never know? To this day there are things I wish I had done differently. The vet came and Lettice was put to sleep in her bed with me sitting beside her. Give me a dog any day over so many of mankind.


    1. That was very much our experience with Monty. We left him here where he felt 'at home', and asked the Vet' to come to the house. He passed away in our arms. I agree with you about who I prefer in life.

  6. It really is a pain that goes with us for many years.

    1. It's something that non-animal-lovers could never understand.

  7. Elsie (now 10) is the first dog I've owned as an adult so I know it will be me who will be with her at the end. Before this, Dad took care of that emotional responsibility. Not sure how I will handle it.

    1. We always had Cats when I was small, and they seemed to simply come and go. I don't remember any angst, as no doubt my people dealt with that side of things too.

  8. I certainly cried more over my beloved cat Rupert (18) than I ever did over a relationship breakdown. And the looking for them in their favourite spots, the expectation of letting them in for breakfast, the realisation that they are just not there. It's heartbreaking. As you say, it takes a pet owner to understand.

    1. I used to hear my Cat, Freddie, calling me. It was a very eerie experience.

  9. We had two black and white cats - Blizzard and Boris. I loved them so much that I cannot bring myself to have another cat.

    1. I didn't think I could face having another Dog after Bok died, then my son turned-up with a shoe box filled with trouble (Billy).

  10. Before I lost a pet I just thought that I would be sad but it’s devastating ... and so, like Yorkshire Pudding, I can’t have any more pets. It’s just too heartbreaking when they go. Our friend of 93 says she’s cried more over losing her pets than losing many humans !!! Thinking of you Jennifer in South Carolina . XXXX

    1. I think that most animal lovers feel much the same. I certainly do.

  11. I think of John Gray's Winnie. He adores her.

    1. I think Winnie adores him too, and that says more than anything.

  12. When our animal companions are ready to go, then if their family gather round, they can sometimes love them to death.We have only had 3 dogs in 40 years, each living to a very good age(our collie till over 19 years)Cant bring ourselves to get another yet.
    Kathy xxx

    1. Both our previous Dogs died quite young, it's possible they were poisoned. With an openly Dog hating neighbour nearby, we didn't rule out anything.

  13. I grew up with a wonderful dog (in my grandparents' household) when little. Their black Alsatian was born not that long before me. My first Kevin Costner (body guard). There are photos of the two of us, dog and eighteen months old toddler. Pongo on his hindlegs, next to me, taller than his charge. He gave me such freedom at such a young age. With him at my side I was safe.

    We lost him too. Not to poisonous neighbours or disease. One of my uncles (the Hellraiser) gambled him away. The debt was honoured. At some heartbreak.

    Pongo died shortly after. Relatively young. Maybe of grief having lost his family of origin.

    Who knows.


    1. I trust you never spoke to that uncle again!

  14. Every time it happens I ask myself why I put myself through it - the love and companionship they give us makes parting hard . I still look for Tess every morning when I get up.

    1. I know Weave. The only to avoid the pain is not to have them but then you miss the good times as well.

      I would love to get a couple of donkeys but my heart is full with the animals we have.

      Apparently the French abandon 100,000 pets each year as they go off for long holidays. I have cancelled vacations for an animal and only moved country when the quarantine restrictions were lifted.

    2. I have a special look around at this time of year; the dumping of Dogs (especially) is very common after holidays in the countryside. A few years ago we even found an abandoned Turtle on the road.


  16. Menagerie Manor got its name because it was an animal rescue. We have had to make so many painful decisions so many times for creatures that we worked so hard to give a life of joy and happiness that all animals deserve. I can tell you it never gets easy no matter what. We love these special creatures that love us unconditionally.
