Monday 17 August 2020

Cro's Style Awards; No 33.

Zazou was a style statement from 1940 Paris, that kicked against all the austerity, and the German occupation, of WW2.

Greatly influenced by Cab Calloway and his Zoot Suit, The Zazous took everything one step further with Parisian black underground Jazz Clubs leading the way.

There are not a lot of photos available, but this one (below) gives an idea of the style. Great stuff guys.

Did I ever mention that I'm a huge fan of Zoot Suits? One like this would be just fine; I would wear it for weddings and funerals..


  1. I love jazz music Cro and have done since I was a young child.Maybe something to do with being at dance school for so many years.I used to go to the Pigalle Club in Piccadilly until it closed down.I was a big fan of George Melly and managed to grab an old LP of his at a charity shop for 25p!Great video!x

    1. Which Dance school did you go to? A very good friend of mine was at the Elmhurst Ballet school. A near neighbour friend of mine here, had a strange relationship with Melly. In a matter of a few weeks she kept bumping into him, until they decided that they were destined to meet, and decided to become best friends; they never met again after that.

    2. I was Leicester born and bred and went to the Ann Oliver stage school from the age of about 4 years old.Years after that, The Rosa Lee Elliot dance school and after now I was a teenager..and worked in nightclubs in Leicester as a go go dancer!.I was also with the Starlight agency as part of 3 go go dancing girls!.Places that have long since gone although the Ann Oliver stage school is still going and my grandaughters used to attend there for a few years when they were young,x

    3. That all sounds good fun. Another friend of mine worked at The Lido in Paris with the Tiller girls. The poor girl was involved in a car crash and didn't dance again. I'm hoping that one of my grandsons in Oz will go to Stage School.

  2. I've heard about Zoot Suites but I had no idea what they looked like. So much material in the making.

    1. Even at my advanced age, I'm still tempted to have one made. I'm still a hooligan at heart.

    2. Just buy an off the peg suit two sizes too big and adapt it! That's what they used to do.

    3. There used to be a shop in Brighton called 'High and Mighty'; they sold HUGE suits for the tall and fat. I might find something there! Otherwise there are online sellers.

  3. I recently saw a TV segment that featured modern "dandies" and many of them followed a similar style but brought it up to a more modern look. It was quite fascinating.

    1. There are 'Dandies' in Africa who wear pretty outrageous clothes. They look terrific.

  4. When one of my daughters was a teenager she dated a young man who was very artistic and marched to a different drummer. For her prom, he shopped for a zoot suit at a vintage clothing store. He looked great.

    1. They always look very cool. I would love one in my wardrobe.

  5. Non Non Non Non Non...
    Post a pic...and only then when I am revived after fainting...I will believe it. Zoot suit?
