Tuesday 2 February 2021


I suppose 'soap' is a good subject for these days of hand-washing obsession.

I've never really had particularly favourite soaps; they have either easily foamed or not foamed, and I preferred the former, regardless of its name, price, shape, scent, or consistency. 

These days I only use Le Petit Marseillais liquid soaps, as they are the soapiest soap of all known soaps that the world has ever encountered. One has the feeling that they do the cleansing job exceptionally well. Hand washing becomes a pleasure.

The lemon scented bar of Le Petit Olivier soap was a recent purchase (Lady M's), and seems to be cashing-in on the popularity of the Petit Marseillais, but it's nowhere near as good. I'm not so keen on solid 'bars' of soap anyway.

I have no idea if these liquid soaps are available everywhere, but they are so very good. 

I only have one anecdote relating to soap; I have a friend who lives nearby, who used to buy industrial multi-packs of Pears coal tar soap from the UK. She said they reminded her of freshly-scrubbed small boys, and she would use no other. She didn't elucidate about the small boys; which is probably a good thing.

I'll stick with the above.


  1. Interesting! I love citrus scented soap, both liquid and bar, so refreshing!

    1. If 'Le Petit Marseillais' is available where you live; try it. They might even make a Lemon scented version.

  2. We always used to buy the Marseillais soap, the scent was nice.

    1. It's the silky soapiness that I like. No other soap seems to have it.

  3. We love the thought of Marseillais soap and its superior foaming qualities. It is unknown to us, but we shall hope to become acquainted one day for the silky soap experience which it promises.

    In the days of open borders we used to bring Pears soap back to the Motherland as it is completely unheard of and unattainable here. However, at present, we can but dream of such things....Palmolive at best just for now...

    1. It's something to look-out for on your travels (when they recommence); you wouldn't be disappointed.

  4. One of the things I bring back to the UK from France is soap. Some of the UK ones are too perfumed and we like your favourite. Also "Le Chat".

    1. Many years ago I used to remark on the wonderful smells in Spanish airports. I was told that it was Spain's favourite soap, called Black Soap (I think). I never could find it in the shops.

    2. I have bought Savon Noir in Intermarché I think, certainly the kitchen sprays and floor cleaning liquid. It has that gorgeous, old fashioned soap smell.

  5. We have been using bar soap for a few years now....partly to save the world from plastic bottles, but also I find it less drying! A friend brought back a bar of " Olive " soap from France a couple of years ago, and it was the best for keeping my hands washed and moisturized. Sadly it's all gone now!

    1. There's a well known make of soap here called Olivier & Co, maybe your olive soap was one of theirs.

  6. Pears soap. I have been reminded of an awful, awful photo of me aged 7 which my mother entered into the Miss Pears competition.

    1. You were probably a very nice looking little girl.... My mother certainly wouldn't have entered me in a competition; unless it was for 'Scruff of the Year'.

  7. As a 'Saturday girl' in Boots, I used to work on the soap counter. I remember Wright's Coal Tar soap, but not a Pears version. The plastic bottle issue is getting to me too, bar soaps from now on, apart from a bottle which I keep in the greenhouse to give very dirty hands an initial wash under the water butt before going into the house!

    1. I am probably mixing the two soaps. I think it was Pears (non-coal-tar-soap). I'm afraid the plastic container is common to all liquid soaps; washing-up liquid, shampoo, etc. There's no escaping the dreaded plastic.

    2. Yes. It is Wright's Coal Tar Soap and I have used it all my life. I also have Pears clear soap (which these days is made in a different way and is not truly clear) because it was a family thing and guests like it. Both are now available in liquid form. Having said that above my kitchen sink is Tesco's own cream liquid soap and it does the job just as well at ⅓ of the price.

  8. If that liquid soap was ever sold in England they would have to rename it - "The Little God Save the Queen" - a very catchy brand identity. TV adverts would show The Queen washing her mitts in a gilded sink then smiling into the camera - "I always use The Little God Save the Queen! By royal appointment!"

    1. And The Sex Pistols could write a catchy tune for the TV ad'.

  9. I use a French brand of liquid soap, L'Occitane, Verbena fragrance which is nice and lemony. About 4 years ago friends from Singapore visited and they left a pack of soap behind. My husband loved it so much that when we went to Singapore on holiday a couple of years ago he spent ages going to different supermarkets looking for it. We came home with enough to last the rest of his lifetime! By the way he did this alone as I spent time at the hotel pool, I see enough supermarkets at home.

    1. I think L'Occitane is very similar to Le Petit Marseillais; even their packaging is similar.

  10. I remember that Pears - we used it when I was small,

    1. Good old fashioned soap, and one bar would last for years.

  11. At the risk if sounding as if I have lots of what you have, we have only used Compagnie de Provence Savon liquids de Marseille liquid soap in various fragrances for years. Although more expensive, they are lovely. XXXX

    1. They're worth the money just for that silky feeling.

  12. I had never paid much attention to hand soap until this pandemic. For a while, liquid hand soap was in pretty short order. I bought a package of Dial antibacterial soap, remembering it from my childhood. My goodness, that soap is harsh. My hands may have been clean, but they were badly chapped.

    1. One of the ones above is antibacterial; at least it says it is!

  13. Le Petit Marseille is on the shelf of our local supermarket. Ive never bought it but shall now give it a try.

    1. You have a treat in store. I'm sure you'll love it.

  14. Pirate likes Pears original soap..not the green stuff, and Imperial Leather..my father loved that too.
    I love Sunlight soap...but unfortunately Unilever has stopped selling it here.

    1. They're all wonderful names from the past, but I fear they might all be overtaken by these new Provencal soaps that advertise non-stop.

  15. Cro, you will remember the Bibby Annual which was noted for promoting artists. There was one of Sir John Everett Milais' paintings of a child blowing bubbles which, if I recall the story correctly, (an artist 'Uncle' who knew Joseph Bibby told me as a child), had been bought by Bibby with all rights, used it to advertise Pears Soap. I have a feeling the original is in The Lever Art Gallery at Port Sunlight.

    1. I know the painting well, it's almost as well known as 'His master's Voice'.

  16. Just for curiosity, I looked and this brand is sold at two stores near me! How funny! I will look for them.

    1. I think it's sold world-wide these days. It's good stuff.

  17. I used to get my soaps from a small, family run business in Santa Cruz, CA. They were all so lovely and the aromas made me feel good. Since Covid, My Retired Man has only Purell or Dial Foam soap in the house. If this virus is ever over and I can go to shops again, I will look for Lady M’s choice as I think that would suit me better.

    1. You've just reminded me that I had a soap named after me! It was called Cro Bar, and if you type that into the little white strip search thingy (top left) you will probably find it.

  18. On the 139th birthday of James Joyce something extraordinary has to happen I thought, and voilà: After a decade or so, now and then not able to resist to check what Cro Magnon might have posted, tonight herewith I do leave a first com(pli)ment.
    I shall have a look for your commended soap in my neck of the wood, but now I raise my pint of Guinness: Sláinte!

    1. Well, thank you for reminding us all about JJ's birthday; I must admit that I'd 'forgotten'. I can only dream of your pint of draught Guinness.

  19. Yardley liquid lavender soap is in every dispenser in my house.

    1. Your lovely towels are used daily having washed my hands with Le Petit Marseillais.
