Wednesday 29 July 2020

Bradley Wiggins

Since 2012, when Bradley Wiggins first won a Tour de France, all subsequent tours, but one, have been won either by Brits, or in one case a member of the Brit team Sky/Ineos.

France, which is a country dedicated to cycling, is not happy; they expect a Frenchman to win. They spat at the Brit team riders, shouted nasty things at them, and even slapped them as they passed by.  The worst example of bad sportsmanship imaginable.

Normally on hot afternoons in July I tune in to watch the final 15-30 mins of each day's stage; it's a major part of my sporting year. This year the tour has been rescheduled to run from August 29th to September 20th (still not confirmed). My fingers are crossed, and I'm looking forward to it, but it won't be the same; a bit like watching a test match at Lord's over Christmas.

Sir Bradley is now retired, divorced, and going through the bankruptcy courts after having to pay his lovely ex all the rewards of his hard work.

I do hope someone will find him some paid work as a commentator.


  1. We have just been kept awake all night by a bunch of inconsiderate holidaymakers next door. Their thumping electronic (so called) music was so loud that they were obliged to shout to each other. At 5am Lady M went and asked them to stop. They turned the music down a bit, but when I got up just a few minutes later at 5.15am, they were still out there, smoking (?), laughing, and annoying everyone. This is just the beginning; next year there'll be another 20 or more probably doing much the same!

    1. Is this the house with the yellow wall or the new container village? Good neighbours make such a difference

    2. Yes, behind the yellow wall. I know they can't choose who rents their 'Gite', but I do hope they'll have words with them this morning.

    3. Bad news, but if there's a crumb of comfort, at least you only have to suffer for a short period, imagine living permeability next to them?

    4. I've just heard that this bunch of 'young adults' are there for only one week.... thank goodness for that!

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  2. I am not sure if this post is in praise of Bradley Wiggins or what but I hope he does not come anywhere near the tv channel I choose to watch the Tour on, if indeed it still goes ahead.

    1. I see him as another John Cleese, who lost everything to an 'ex' after having worked very hard for what he had. I don't know a lot about Wiggins, but he must deserve to earn a living somehow.

  3. He can earn a living for sure but he has subsequently backstabbed Team Sky/Ineos at every opportunity without which he would not have won the Tour.

    1. I must have missed all that; unless I've simply forgotten.

    2. Ex Mrs Wiggins was a bitch of the highest order too. I don't expect she's complaining too much about Team Sky now.

  4. Yes I have a lot of empathy with Sir Bradley and John Cleese, it happened to me. Despite the supposed equal shares following divorce, the system seems to be unfairly loaded against the husband.

    I remember John Cleese being interviewed about his divorce, his ex had just been awarded something like 7 million and he passed comment "I wonder how much she'd have got if she'd actually put anything in". Sums it up beautifully.

    1. He also said that his ex's children would end-up far better off than his own children. Something ain't quite right there!

  5. I thought an Australian won Le Tour once, but it seems not. It is so wonderful to watch.

    1. Aussie Cadel Evans won in 2011, the year before Wiggins's first win. Great rider.

    2. Oz has some great riders, Richie Porte being but one example, and much loved by all.

    3. I've not heard of him Rachel. Thanks.

  6. Missing a lot of sport at the moment. Love the Tour, not only the excitement of the race but the beautiful scenery.The French are not very good losers ( to put it mildly ) are they ? XXXX

    1. Not when it comes to Brits winning. They don't like it one bit!

  7. All goes to show that winning is not always the way to happiness.
    My son is quite addicted to the Tour and becomes more or less incommunicado during TV coverage.

    1. Most of it is just plain peddling around pleasant countryside, but the final kilometer, or so, is usually very exciting. DO NOT DISTURB.

  8. I didn't realise that Brad and Cath had split. Knowing Cath she is forthright, stands up for herself, doesn't stand fools gladly and holds her line on what is right. With the job he has had as a pro cyclist she will have had a lot to put up with, bringing up the family on her own most of the year, and organising the family paperwork. When is there he will have been out training.
    She was a top athlete in her own right.
    She won't be browbeaten by anyone.
    Whatever the personal ins and outs of it, and I have been through it myself, you can't just say oh poor man!!

    Hope you don't keep on having noisy neighbours.

    1. I'm not against equal division of funds, but hearing that he is now bankrupt is very sad.

      The 'neighbours' go on Saturday. Our problem is that the 'Gite' owners have been noisy ever since they moved in, now it's their holidaying tenants who make the noise. There is no escape.

    2. I just read that the banruptcy order has been lifted by HMRC and an agreement for the tax owed has been reached between HMRC and Wiggins. I don't think any divorce settlement has been reached yet. The bankruptcy order was as a result of tax owed.

    3. Good. I should know better; you can't believe anything you read in the press these days.

    4. It was only lifted yesterday after you wrote this

  9. The ones that make out best in a divorce are the lawyers.

    People on vacation (especially in this year of anxiety) are seldom quiet. The good thing is that they will all go home.

    1. I hope they'll be replaced by a quieter bunch; this present lot are dreadful.

  10. I'm just not too keen on Bradley Wiggins. Too arrogant for my liking.

    1. But he has an amazing record. He looks like an ageing 'mod'.

  11. If you see Bradley, tell him there's a painting job going at our house. I will pay him ten quid an hour. That should help his finances. I will give him a bit extra if he cleans out the gutters.

    1. Join the queue mate. He's coming here first to weed the drive!

  12. The Tour de France will be cycling over Les Glières (just behind my house) and spending the night in my local town (La Roche sur Foron) in September. I'll have a wander down for a look. Not that it interests me but people do get very excited about it. I'll have to get some photos for my cycling-mad friends!

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