Sunday 7 June 2020

What's going on?

                          What Does Black Lives Matter Want? Amid Dallas, Police Killings ...

We all know that the 'black community' are more susceptible to COVID-19 than most others, yet they are allowed to demonstrate en masse on the streets of New York, London, and elsewhere. No social distancing, no masks, no concern for their own or others' safety.

Why is this not outlawed, for their own good, and everyone else's? One thing you can guarantee, is that if a spike does occur as a result of ignoring the rules about mass demonstrations, the blame will be placed at Trump or Boris's door; regardless of their very firm advice.

Do continue to be cautious; a second virus wave will certainly now happen. Too many people are becoming stir-crazy, and are taking terrible risks; not necessarily only for themselves, but for their extended families and friends.

People seem to be saying "what the hell, I've had enough"; a death wish if ever there was one. Of course economies need to be rekindled, but at the risk of more lives being lost, it does sound rather callous.

I don't know of a single person who doesn't support the sentiment of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement, or even 'All Lives Matter', but there are better ways of making our voices heard than by irresponsible mass demonstrations and rioting.

10 policemen were seriously injured in London yesterday.


  1. That is a very disturbing police injury figure. I can understand the raw emotion, especially by people in the US, but the problem won't go away and there will be plenty of time later to protest. We had large demonstrations here on Saturday and from what I saw nearly everyone wore masks and there was sanitiser everywhere.

    1. The cause is understandable; especially in the USA, but to use this as an excuse to riot in other countries should be outlawed. English police are generally very 'correct' with criminals (black or white), and to have targeted them like this was disgusting.

    2. I may be a little out of touch, but here people would not dare to speak to cops like I see English kids speak to police.

  2. I suspect very few of them could care less about Floyd. They can't win at the ballot box so rioting and disruption is their alternative plan.

    1. As is so often the case, a good cause has been used for both political and criminal activities. In this particular case, it's also extremely dangerous.

  3. They always want to blame somebody. That's the way liberals are. If everybody took personal responsibility for themselves and how they live none of this would happen.

    1. Even though governments have advised against such gatherings, it will of course be the fault of those self-same governments. That's par for the course.

    2. I was actually referring to the black protests more than covid but yes, same goes. I just posted a video and I also emailed you.

  4. Black man died whilst being arrested by white cop?

    I don't remember such an out-pouring of public disgust when Lee Rigby was hacked to death by 2 black men?

    1. 'All lives matter', even 'White lives matter'. It's just that some don't riot about it.

  5. Just wait, when the 2nd wave of covid hits the black and ethnic community they will all be a weeping and a wailing and blaming Boris. I'm disgusted by these mass protests at this crucial time.

    1. It's very irresponsible. The government says no more meetings over 6 people, yet they go out in their thousands. They're asking for trouble.

  6. You highlight a serious dilemma. After ten weeks of scrupulous lockdown behaviour, my son was in Whitehall yesterday yelling "Black Lives Matter!" towards the door of Number 10.

    1. Did they shout anything back?

    2. The Blonde Buffoon was heard to yell, "Not today thank you!"

  7. Such is the strength of feeling, I don't think these demonstrations could have been stopped, despite the possible spread of infection. As for the violence; it happened in the evening after a lot of people, I think, had gone home. I expect many of those who were there during the day would also be disappointed that that happened.

    1. A question of the few spoiling it for the many (not that there should have been 'many' there in the first place).

  8. Black people in the USA commit 52.5 percent of all murders despite making up just 13 percent of the population. In 85 percent of the case the victim is also black. They commit murder at 4 times the rate of Hispanics, 8 times the rate of whites and 12 times the rate of Asians. Police officers are all too aware that they are 4 times more likely to shot and killed by a black male than any other section of the population. Taking BLM seriously would be considerably easier were such figures not true. As to the insanity of the marching, rioting and looting whilst in the midst of an epidemic....

    1. That really is between the black community and the police. I'm afraid it's all part of a regular cycle. Sadly, only when those figures fall, and they behave more responsibly, will they be treated more equally by the cops. It's a sorry state of affairs, but I suspect there is only that one way out. Again, it's a matter of the few spoiling it for the many.

  9. If you dare say "all lives matter" here in North America, you are branded the epitome of white insensitivity.

    There has been no reporting here of the UK injuries or the assaults on police horses. I mean nobody asked the horses if they wanted to join the Police. Don't horses lives matter.?

    1. Having listened to radio phone-in programmes all night, most of the callers were black, and sadly extremely racist. It all started as an anti-racism movement that most of us agreed with, and has somehow turned into an anti-white movement. I despair.

  10. The post by Ro is spot on, but still a sad day for all concerned. It is truely "the few spoiling it for the many".

    1. Most of us understand what is wrong in society, and many of us refuse either to mention it, or accept it. Times have to change, and that starts with education.
