Sunday 21 June 2020

That big question, answered!

Lady Magnon and I have been wondering about the aims of the BLM movement for some time; now we have the official answer.

1. Abolish the Police: Everyone needs the police at some time or other, regardless of what colour your skin may be. What would black families do if they discovered a white burglar in their home at night; make him a cup of tea, and tell him not to be a naughty boy? Life without some national force of law and order would obviously end in chaos.

2. Smash Capitalism: The only political alternative to Capitalism is Communism, and if you think Internment Camps, Gulags, etc (simply for believing the wrong things), are an improvement on the way we do things in The Liberal West, then I can only think of you as totally bizarre. Capitalism creates wealth, provides employment, and develops an environment that is good for all citizens. It has also been proven to be successful; Communism has always failed.

3. Close all Prisons: I can understand all criminals wanting this, they quite naturally wish to be free to commit their crimes unhindered by police, and without the threat of internment. But would it really be in the national interest to have all our criminals wandering the streets? BLM didn't specify, but maybe they are suggesting some alternative local form of punishment such as The Stocks, or a Ball and Chain instead.

I believe that George Floyd had been imprisoned five times for his crimes, before being publically murdered by the US Cops. I can understand the call for no police and no prisons on HIS behalf, but for the rest of us I think it's preferable to retain both; as well as a strong economy.

It appears that the BLM movement (@BLMUK) has become a White-hating, Cop-hating, bunch of extreme left wing career criminals. I can see no other explanation for their manifesto. No mention is made of 'equality'.

p.s. Oh, and while I'm at it, I can assure you that Boris's answer to all three demands will be a very definite....... NO!


  1. It would be interesting to see who is funding them. I suspect Soros among others.
    They have supporters amongst the snowflakes here but then they will support anything that is anti establishment and ignore the inconvenient truth that this is not about race but about right from wrong.

    PS. I tried a packet of the Rana pasta last night.......Excellent it was, thank you for recommending it.
    PPS. Another three dead in the UK last night, stabbed by a man according to the BBC so we can safely assume it wasn't far right terrorism but another feral import.

    1. Yes, I believe he was Libyan. I saw press photos of the heavily armed police; I would have thought that one cop with a pistol could have done the job!

      I'm pleased you enjoyed the Rana pasta. It's always a risk recommending things, but in this case I was reasonably confident.

    2. Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr Emmanuel  a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr Emmanuel sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Emmanuel who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Emmanuel because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr Emmanuel through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348140033827 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.  

  2. Shudder... (here in Berlin: you see a lot of people you find anytime where is something to "fight against", to make Krawall - ruckus?)

    1. Anarchy is spreading at an alarming rate; our only hope is that their members will never represent a constituency.

    2. Britta, sometimes "the fight" is for a worthy cause. Some years ago the Angel (my son) wore a T-shirt (joke alert) which reads "Freibier fuer Alle sonst gibt es Krawalle". Worth a try I suppose.


    3. And did he get it for free, Ursula? Much interested! (In Bavaria "beer" is the synonym for bread - as he will know)
      I am not against fighting for a worthy cause - I am against those people we find at any (!) occasion that gives hope for Randale :-)

    4. Britta, do be aware that Ursula is a left wing radical, and will support any anti establishment cause. Most of us were horrified by the death of Floyd, and most of us can see what is now happening to the movement which sprang from his death. Some, however, are too blinkered to see what is happening around them.

    5. Cro, I am afraid you didn't get the joke re my son's T-shirt. Rest assured my son pays for his beer. Neither is he called The Angel for nothing.

      However, you make an interesting point. It has always vexed me how people make judgments of other people's political orientation. Whilst I know where my general moral and ethical leanings are I do not prescribe to one party, and party only. Never have. More a "case by case" depending on the issue of the day. That I "will support ANY ANTIestablishment cause" is rather (amusing) news to me.


    6. Britta, yes, liquid nourishment.

      The T-shirt was designed, you may smile, by the German Thrash Metal Band (from Frankfurt) called TANKARD. Obviously. Their lead singer (Gerre) is an absolute hoot. Such a funny warm hearted genuine guy (with a few Semmeleinheiten um seinen Bauch - pounds he wears unashamedly).


  3. Sounds like a gangsters charter.

  4. I am having difficulty replying to comments; it is taking ages to work correctly. So please excuse me if I don't reply to everyone; I would if I could!

  5. My question is: where did you get this piece of information? It looks to be on the bottom of a sofa sale web site.

    1. It comes from a newspaper who had a copy of their manifesto. I had to photograph the headline from my laptop, it does look a bit odd.

  6. Just been to the BLM UK own website. On the side bar you will find:

    "Help Us Fight Disinformation
    We need to see what you see. Black Lives Matter is a central target of disinformation and you are a key line of defense. Report suspicious sites, stories, ads, social accounts, and posts about BLM."

    I also read their latest manifesto; it is worded in a way which doesn't support your satire. However, what is true, and sad and all too common, that certain factions will take over/use for purposes little to do with the original movement and its aims.


    1. I quite expect the newspaper's report was correct, but there may be a few moderates who wish to alienate themselves from it.

  7. It's incredible that people are actually dumb enough to support or kneel for these Marxist scum. The Democrats in the US threw their weight behind them but I think it's going to be a lot harder to stop than they think. It's also driving moderate voters far to the right.
    Yesterday there was what is being termed a terrorist attack in Reading. But the video is already out there. The murderer, a Libyan, who stabbed on white people was on the BLM march earlier. Dark times ahead.

    1. The BLM movement was supported by people of all colours, but now with their black supremacy programme I suspect that many will have no more to do with them. As an original suporter myself, I am very disappointed with them.

  8. There isn't a BLM organisation as far as I can ascertain. Of course I don't approve of criminal damage, but Floyd although a repeat crime offender did not deserve to die under the knee of a cop. That it kicked off a huge debate about racism is a good thing. It is unfortunate that it was in the time of COVID and that both black and white are taking advantage of the situation from criminal ends.

    1. As you might remember, I was a supporter of the movement. Floyd didn't deserve to die like that; and he's not alone. But from being an anti-violence movement, it has now become an anti-white, anti-police, and anti-prison movement. As a result they have lost a huge amount of support, such as people like me.

    2. Yes, I understand the loss of support. Aside from the other two, I really hope it is not anti white. Many of us whities understand.

  9. I don't agree - you cannot condense a whole movement into 3 phrases and be sure you are including all of the people that are working in this group. When you check their website, you don't find this anti-white hatred that you are sharing. This is just another attempt to discredit the work that needs to be done to improve the situation in the US. It is not so "us against them" as people seem to want to make it. Please keep reading and listening to all sides as I am trying to do so we can make progress. I see that improvements / changes are needed. Don't give up on that and don't be distracted by those who are trying to stop change. Focus on the people who are working for positive ideas for all. Peace!

    1. You seem to fail to understand that we were ALL pro the BLM movement; who couldn't have been? But now the movement has changed direction to be an anti -white movement. If you haven't understood this where you are; you soon will.Be careful.

  10. I agree with your understanding of the BLM movement. Their goals as you note are reprehensible. Thanks for posting this; I always enjoy my visits to your blog.

    1. So many well-meaning causes are soon infiltrated by the loonies, and it ruins their cause. It isn't difficult to sort the loonies from the sane; as you might see above. They make themselves very obvious.

  11. If that's what it is morphing into then it is doomed to fail.

    1. Sadly it looks as if that is the case; not unlike the global warming group who lost supporters by the truck-load after their antics in central London.

  12. Good news this is to everyone out there with different health challenges, as I know there are still a lot of people suffering from different health issues and are therefore looking for solutions. I bring you Good news. There is a man called Dr Emmanuel  a herbal practitioner who helped cure me from HSV (2), i had suffered from this diseases for the past 5 years and i have spent so much money trying to survive from it. I got my healing by taking the herbal medicine Dr Emmanuel sent to me to drink for about 14 days . 3 days after completion of the dosage, I went for a medical checkup and I was tested free from HSV. all thanks to God for leading me to Dr Emmanuel who was able to cure me completely from this deadly diseases, I’m sharing this so that other people can know of this great healer called Dr Emmanuel because I got to know him through elizabeth who he cured from HIV. I was made to understand that he can cure several other deadly diseases and infections. Don’t die in ignorance or silent and don’t let that illness take your life. Contact Dr Emmanuel through his email You can also whatsapp/call him on:+2348140033827 .He cure all forms of disease {1}HIV/AIDS {2}DIABETES {3}EPILEPSY {4} BLOOD CANCER {5} HPV {6} BRAIN TUMOR {7} HEPATITIS {8}COPD{9} SICKLE AND ANAEMIA.etc Be kind enough to share as you received.  
