Friday 26 June 2020

EEE, DEE, Bloody EFF.

We had a tiny 30 min storm last night. At midnight there was thunder, lightning, wind, and rain; and of course the bloody power went off.

It's become so predictable that we've considered buying a small generator to keep the freezers going.

One really would have thought that the EDF would have a night-time crack repair squad, who would rush to wherever some wires needed re-connecting. But NO; they wait till it's working hours, then leisurely make their way to the 'office', and after a few cups of coffee, and having read the paper, they might just go to work. 

We, meanwhile, had no lights, no electric kettle, and no internet. We simply have to wait, and pray that they don't go for an early lunch.

Anyway, we're now back to normality, and my blood pressure is slowly reducing.


  1. Glad your power is back on. We had a big thunderstorm with very heavy rain a couple of hours ago but the power stayed on thank goodness.

    1. The storm has just come back, thunder rolling all around.

    2. We never have even a tiny storm where the power doesn't go off. It's become part of everyday life. Very annoying.

    3. Sounds like you should go and buy the generator.

  2. I wondered where you were. Can't start my day without a morning dose of Cro.
    The rain would have given Haddock's a boost. We had a short storm the other day too. All the plants perked up and cheered.
    Our power outages don't need a storm for them to happen. We have regular flickings on and off.
    Take a deep breath. You got it fixed quickly. Might have been different if you lived in that little whitewashed house on a greek isle. You'd have to have nipped over to the taverna for your morning coffee with a side of raki for the nerves.
    They all have gas burners by the way. And no wifi

    1. I was expecting it to be off all day, so I suppose I shouldn't complain.

  3. Now I can't help wondering what is in store for us today. I must say the power cut gives your living room a nice mysterious air.

    1. The photo was taken with a flash, there wasn't enough light with just the candle.

  4. You've got to calm yourself, Cro. The elements are not against you. Shits happens. Usually over the Christmas/New Year week when even money can't buy you a service to, by way of example, get you hot running water back in the kitchen. That was fun. I know you don't like spending money but I think to keep your blood pressure down and your mood up a generator makes a mighty fine investment.

    Hot tip of the day: As long as you don't open the freezer during a power cut the food won't come to any harm for twenty four hours. So, no need to panic. Just keep that door (or lid) closed.


    1. We NEVER open the freezer during a power cut.... do you think I was born yesterday?

      I shall look at generators; it might just calm my regular panics.

  5. The EDF workers sound ever so French and kind of sum up what is both great and bad about France.

    1. Andrew, you are so right! I long to get back to our house in France and will enjoy every moment of the power cuts, just because we're there!

    2. In some ways I wouldn't have it any other way. To not have power cuts every other week just wouldn't seem right.

  6. Is an EDF crack repair squad, a repair squad that is high on crack cocaine?

    1. It isn't,YP. It's an undercover operation trying to keep the intergluteal cleft - also known as your butt crack - from public view.


    2. They'll mend that crack in your best china, at the same time as replacing the fuse!

    3. Okay. Now I understand. Thanks for the clarification Ursula.

  7. I can’t complain about our power workers. Even if it takes hours, or sometimes days, I know they are working hard to restore the electricity and it is a tough and dangerous job. Waiting for the lights to turn on can be frustrating, but what a great feeling it is when they do. A small generator is a good investment if it happens too often.

    1. This morning I was very annoyed because it was such a tiny storm, but I must admit that at 7,30 am (when our power was returned), I was extremely relieved.

  8. But candlelight is so romantic.

    1. My freezer refuses to run on candlelight.

  9. We had a 24 hour "panne" last year just before my son's wedding. I'd bought all the groceries for my family's 2 week stay and my bloody freezers went down. So now I have a generator!

    1. Even if I would hardly ever use it, it would probably save me from pulling more hair out!

  10. Electricity Doesn't Function.
    Energy Delivery F******

  11. We had the heaviest rain and hail I've ever experienced on Lewis yesterday. It was quite exciting until I had to put the paths back were they were supposed to be this morning when the midges were out. The garden took a bit of a battering too. The thunderstorm was very entertaining. We lost power three or four times but not for more than it took for them to reset the system or whatever they do when they get a lightning strike. Which reminds me I haven't re-set the various utility clocks. Come to think of it I'll wait until tomorrow. More thunder forecast for this evening. Given the temperature rise in the last hour (it's a steamy 17ÂșC at the moment) that could be any time now.

    1. We're expecting a 2nd wave of stormy weather in about an hour's time (7pm). I like storms, especially if they're loud and well lit. What I don't like is the accompanying wind.

      I've also just been round re-setting the clocks on water heater, pool pump, etc. All back to normal for the moment.

  12. Replies
    1. Maybe John; but bloody annoying at the same time.
