Saturday 27 June 2020

Cro is away.


It's Summer, and like many people I am going on holiday; in my case to Haddock's, to the woods, to find mushrooms, or simply to sit by the pool and contemplate.

This is my 3,860th daily posting, and I'm having a short rest. Maybe I'll feel differently next week, but for now.... bye bye.


  1. A daily post, and a daily comment on my posts, unless you have thought I have been out of order.... Your posts are so easy to read and so easy to comment on. Don't stay away too long me old china plate.

  2. Enjoy your holiday Cro. I hope you come back well-rested.

  3. You deserve a well-earned break Cro, we shall miss you of course but take some time out and we'll look forward to your return when you're ready. xxx

  4. Enjoy your rest, let nature heal you and come back refreshed when you want to start blogging again, xx
    Kathy in Wales

  5. Don't know what happened, I have been caught up in a wildfire for 3 plus weeks where I live so I have missed a lot of the blogging world. I so enjoy your posts !
    Be well, stay safe, enjoy your time off.

  6. I hope you are OK, Cro. Please don’t stay away too long. Your posts are part of my day and I will miss you. Take care of yourself. These are confusing and difficult times and we often need to step back and take a breath and recalculate.

  7. Be well, and enjoy summer! I took a break from BlogLand for a number of reasons. While you are away, i'll have to peruse what i missed.

  8. I'm so glad to be able to comment. I tried over the weekend but computer said "No"
    I look forward to your blog every morning.

    I'm so sorry that there are certain people who feel the need to be unkind and rude.

    Don't let the bullies win, Cro.

    All good wishes. X

  9. I just don't read them any more. I know who to look out for and I skip the comments on your blog and others and delete them from mine. They're not worth the aggro.
    Hope to see you back soon. X

  10. Enjoy your break...sharing your life on a blog is and act of giving. I am sure it gives pleasure to many people and I know you will be missed.Take care !x

  11. Be well! Enjoy your time off blogging. But you are missed by so many that I hope you don't permanently retire!

  12. You are missed here! I know how hard it is to blog; I greatly admire your work. I sincerely miss you 'attitude' and view points. The world needs more Cro - and you're the only one who can do it. Spice/salt/savory Here's to a joyful me when you return, and a sincere and heartfelt Thanks! if you stay retired. You're a keeper.
