Thursday 18 June 2020

Competition time. Guess the author!


This, I hope, will be my final posting about the Floyd/BLM affair. I'm not only extremely bored by the whole business, but I'm also disgusted by the behaviour of just about everyone involved. I quite expect most people feel the same.

Anyway, let's have some fun this morning. I am prompted by London actress Ms Imarn Ayton, a figurehead in the BLM movement, who has stated unequivocally that "A monument to anyone who has made racist comments is offensive and MUST be removed"

So, here's an interesting little question, for these interesting times; who was the nasty man who said these three horrible things about Immigrants and Jews?

1. "Russian immigrants either teach us to how to live on garlic and oil, or introduce The Black Death".

2. "Immigrants are a batch of men sent from their homes into our midst for the purpose of bringing us down, if possible to their level. They have filthy habits".

3. "Wherever there is trouble in Europe you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere in the region".

I'm sure you'll agree that this type of vile racism towards Russian immigrants, and Jews, cannot be tolerated. Ms Ayton certainly agrees with me.

So, who said these things? Yup; none other than the darling of the left Mr Keir Hardie himself (after whom Sir Keir Starmer was proudly named). Keir Hardie was the creator, and erstwhile leader, of The Labour Party.

At the heart of the BLM movement, should be EQUALITY and FAIRNESS in all matters. With that in mind, I think it's about time Hardie's bust in parliament be removed.

So, I'm with you Ayton, there should be no place for the busts of overt racists in the corridors of Westminster. Let's do the decent thing, and rid parliament of this vile racist's image.

N.B. I didn't start all this nonsense; I'm simply trying to lead it to its natural conclusion.


  1. Leaving politics aside (and it's not Keir Starmer's fault how his parents named him) we have entered a precarious state of affairs.

    If we removed every memorial of people of note because they weren't saints we'd be done for. The Louvre would be empty, our bookshelves and cinemas empty. Spare a thought for Hemingway. Not that he didn't shoot himself. At least, and what a comfort, we'd still be able to listen to Mozart and Beethoven. Neither was a wife beater.


    1. If one scratches around enough, you'll always find something nasty done or said by almost everyone.

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  2. To lighten matters a little watch this for a good laugh.
    Pastor Lorraine Jones

    1. What's the betting that she's a friend of Ms Ayton's. Two peas in a pod!

    2. Adrian. Laugh I did not. Cry I did. Such ignorance is scary.

    3. I thought it quite sweet. Her little face looking so concerned whilst spouting rubbish.

  3. Prejudice and racism are sometimes so deeply ingrained in people without being aware of it.Here, too, in bLogland I have often discovered stereotypical statements about Jews without the writer being aware of it at all.

    1. I have no idea why, but The Labour Party seems to be at the heart of UK anti-semitism. Prior to writing this, I didn't know it went so far back.

    2. Watch the video on You Tube of Melanie Phillips saying why she left the Guardian in the 1980s. She has a very interesting take about anti-semitism and the left that started approx 50 years after the end of WW11.

  4. No matter what you say someone takes issue. I said on my Insta account black lives matter, as does all lives and was preached at, I was accused of being white and NOT understanding their suffering. I was raised to treat everyone the same, which I do, unless the persons own actions make it difficult for me, which I am lucky to say does not happen much. Our world is so imbalanced, racist, poverty, wars, humanity does not learn.

    1. This particular post-Floyd episode has got completely out of hand. I don't think trying to re-write history will give them what they are hoping for. Actually, I'm not sure if they know themselves what they're hoping for.

    2. Comrade Cro, I have no problem with the statue being removed to a museum but I think there could be rather a lot of other busts removed too for various reasons.

    3. Once one starts to delve into the history of most famous people, you will find a few skeletons. Even Nelson could be accused of aggression towards the French and Spanish, but I hope they don't suggest we take him off his column.

    4. Interesting concept, Cro. Nelson did was Nelson was expected to do. Reminds me of my father who, when I am in need of advice, will ask me: "What is it you want to achieve?" Emphasis on the desired outcome rather than the process how to get there.


  5. Go back to the 1950s and almost everyone in Britain (and most of Europe) would have been considered racist in today's PC terms. I am unable to tell you what my grandfather said when my aunt briefly had a male non-white friend.

    1. The problem was, they didn't know what racism was until it was explained to them. Previously it had mostly been friendly banter about 'foreigners'.

    2. Absolutely. Most had never encountered anyone other than white British so it was intended as humour rather than discrimination. It could be descibed as ignorance in the non-perjorative sense.

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