Wednesday 20 May 2020

Quite a shock.

I was recently in the bathroom, brushing teeth (tooth), trimming beard, and doing general maintenance work, when I looked into the mirror behind the hand basin, and saw a glimpse of myself in the guise of my Great Grandfather; above.

It was quite a shock as I suddenly, for the first time, saw any resemblance between myself and my ancestor. It isn't easy to see beyond his large bushy beard; even though I have a trimmed version myself.

Of course, there are bound to be physical similarities along the same blood line. I certainly see it in my own children, and in their own children, but I hadn't previously seen any particular resemblance to my own spear-side relatives. In fact I look much more like my mother than my father.

It was a slightly perturbing, if reassuring, experience; albeit very fleeting.

A wonderful thing heredity.


  1. Oh yes. When I used a photo booth a year or so ago for the renewal of my passport I was quite surprised when photos of my mother popped out.

    1. That made me laugh, JayCee.

    2. Me too; and I can well imagine the situation.

    3. Thanks for this morning's laugh, JayCee. xx

  2. Complete strangers have looked at me and said "I know who you are!". I have a sister, and sometimes they are not sure which sister I am, but they get the family right. There's a strong resemlance down the female line. It can be quite un-nerving.

    1. At the same time very reassuring. At least you're all sure of your lineage; unlike many.

  3. I confess that I am not good at recognising similarities in faces.

    1. I wasn't either before this strange incident. It came as a shock.

  4. It is interesting how similarities often skip generations

    1. The fact that I look both like my mother, and my great Grandfather is interesting. It suggests that people may choose their partners because of family similarities.

    2. It is well researched that people do choose their partners, sub- consciously at least, because of physical similarities to themselves.

  5. I am puzzled as to why you describe it as a shock. I would be shocked if I found I didn't look like any of my family, past or present.

    1. It simply took me by surprise. I'd not noticed it before, then suddenly I saw a distinct similarity. I now no longer see it.

  6. Family resemblances grow more obvious as you grow older I think. I can can see my mother and her mother in me....and now in one of my daughter's.
    Not sure where the other came from..some noble lineage I'm sure

    1. One of my grandsons looks exactly how I looked when I was his age (13-ish). Quite reassuring, I find.

  7. Great story, Cro. Cue shiver down spine.

    Many years ago, when the boys were still very very very young, my mother remarked that my son looks more like my brother than my brother's own son. True. I think she forgot that there are two bloodlines. No, make that four. So my brother definitely goes into my mother's father's line as does my son. It's uncanny. Down to mannerisms. Even even temper.

    Myself? Well, once upon a time my father was deemed my older brother. That's how similar we look. Now? Now I am amazed how much of my mother I see when I look in the mirror. I don't mean age wise. She, like anyone with amazing cheekbones, has aged well. I can't put my finger on why I see her, indeed her sister, my aunt. Though I still have my father's eyes, and his chin. To say I am mystified is designing a nightmare.

    Magnificent beard, Cro. Less is more. And, of course, as my mother once told me, as long as we remember the dead they aren't [dead].


    1. I believe that 'genetically' we are more like our maternal grandmothers than anyone else. Having had a look at my maternal grandmother; I'm hoping this isn't true!

  8. There is definitely a resemblance between you and your grandfather. I also see you in your grandsons.

    When I look at old pictures of my mother’s family, I see myself in one of her aunts. They often referred to her as homely.

    1. He's my Great Grandfather. Yes, I'm sure you're right. I definitely see myself in my sons and grandsons; which must be a good thing.

  9. Saw your grandfather! Well, it's all right for you. I look in the mirror sometimes and see my grandMOTHER.


    I am the family face;
    Flesh perishes, I live on,
    Projecting trait and trace
    Through time to times anon,
    And leaping from place to place
    Over oblivion.

    The years-heired feature that can
    In curve and voice and eye
    Despise the human span
    Ofdurance--that is I;
    The eternal thing in man,
    That heeds no call to die.

    Thomas Hardy

    1. Thanks for that. I am a big Hardy fan, but hadn't seen this. Love his rhyming 'anon' with 'oblivi-on'.

  10. Yes and when you get to be the oldest surviving relative in the line it does tend to lead to a lot of retrospection.

    1. As well as respect, I hope. I have that pleasure yet to come, but the title does sound rather appealing.

  11. Pleased to learn that you have a trimmed version of your great grandfather's beard.

    1. Mine also has an upper lip covering. His looks like he belonged to some weird religion.
