Monday 25 May 2020

No More Soup!

It was a mutual decision; soup is no longer being served at lunchtimes, and won't be at least until next Autumn/Winter.

In its place comes salads. From simple soups to simple salads; in the above case yesterday, with a lump of Feta. Very Greek.

Of course for the moment we are having to put-up with totally tasteless Tomatoes, but before too long (fingers crossed) we'll have our own homegrown. I can hardly wait to taste pukka Tomatoes again.

Temperatures are now regularly in the mid to high 20's C, and the pool is being regularly used. One of the pleasures of having it open (even if we don't swim) is sitting there in the early evening with our apƩritifs; discussing the events of the day.

June is less than a couple of weeks away, and that means Summer. I've already been wearing just T shirt and shorts for the past month or more, and I'm now looking forward to dispensing with the duvet at nights. I find sleeping without any covers much more pleasant.

Salad days are much more my style.


  1. If commercially grown tomatoes in France are like what we had in Europe, you have little to complain about. I should send you one of our rock hard tasteless tomatoes.

    1. Some of the Cherry Tomatoes have some flavour, but the bigger ones (no matter how fancy) are totally tasteless. They are a disgrace to the growers!

  2. Homegrown tomatoes have come to an end here so I substitute sliced persimmons and they are delicious. We had salad with our fish for lunch. Soup for our supper though.

    1. I have plenty of flowers on my plants, but it'll be quite some while before we are eating them.

  3. We've been getting Florida tomatoes that aren't too bad, but I'm ready for good local ones.

    1. They have to have the sun on their backs, most of the Toms sold here are from Spain and are grown indoors. Total rubbish.

  4. Nothing better than homegrown tomatoes. Thinking of them makes my mouth water.

    1. It's the one garden crop that is totally different to shop-bought.

  5. These are my favorite meals here, too.

    1. A simple lunchtime salad eaten outdoors in the shade, is the best.

  6. Even though we'll have the odd salad sandwich during the winter months now the days are definitely get cooler soup is appearing more regularly on our menu.
    Have a lovely butternut pumpkin just waiting in the wings....

    1. Soup during the winter months is essential. Also very good for using all those vegs etc that are lingering at the back of the fridge! No waste in Soup season.

  7. What of cold soups (in the summer)? Vichyssoise springs to mind. And, most definitely, the divine Gazpacho (liquid salad by another name). There are a few others in my repertoire, for those hot days when it's too much of an effort to chew.


    1. I've never really fancied cold soups. I once had an amazing cold Almond soup in Spain, but I would never try to replicate it.

  8. That looks very nice and is very much the same as the food I will be eating later today.The only difference will be the cheese as I have got some Stilton and Cornish brie to use up.Oh and an apple with it as well!.Hope you have a lovely day,xx

    1. Thank you Debi. We, too, will be having much the same again today, but with Avocado to replace the cheese.

  9. We should be picking our first cucumber in a few days. Can't wait for the tomatoes!

    1. I have to pick mine chez Leclerc. I used to grow Ridge Cucumbers, but they were more for pickling.

  10. You can't beat a good summer salad with a hard boiled egg.

    1. One should never beat a summer salad. Just eat it. Less mess.


    2. Lovely. I squirt mayo on mine, and a sprinkle of curry powder. Perfect lunch; well done those chickens.

  11. Ursula is onto it - chilled soup. A Spanish friend introduced us to gazpacho with watermelon in it as well as the other ingreds. Divine.

    1. I can see that I shall have to investigate. I always imagined Gazpacho to be very complicated.

  12. The ingredients look good, but the presentation is not sophisticated. The eye eats too.

    1. Come, come, Rosa. Cro's still life composition, not least its colours, is pleasing to the eye. Yes, the slab of Feta would, visually, be better crumbled.

      What I question are those onion wedges. They are totally impractical, and too many. And I say this as someone who once had to defend a Salade Nicoise (not of my own making). It was a perfectly good salad; alas my lunch time companion managed to ruin a good meal by nit picking over it being "authentic". Beware of purists.


    2. One can but wonder if there is anything at which Rosa/Chloe is not superior. One presumes not!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. If we had a discussion re the " events of the day" it would be a very short conversation lately!!
    Your salad looks great, apart from the raw onion!

    1. Red Onions are quite sweet, and not too sharp. I'm very fond of red onions, and grow quite a lot. They also make very good 'Spring Onions' at this time of year.

  14. I love feta salad - preferably at a taverna on a Greek island!

    1. I'll join you; with a bottle of Retsina for me too!

  15. Like Frances, I would love that salad but leave out the raw onion. As much as I love the flavour, I find they always result in incredible heartburn. Just too painful.

    1. I've only had heartburn a couple of times, and both times I thought I was having a heart attack. Horrible experience; one of which was in a supermarket. Very embarassing.

  16. It's a good job the salad police don't look at the composition of my salads (when I'm eating alone that is - I make an effort for guests) where the main purpose is simply nourishment. I'm still principally on soup for lunch but occasional salads for dinner.

    1. It's quite hot here now, soups wouldn't be appropriate. Actually, in a way I miss them.

  17. You are missing some olives. Hope you have the sunshine. It has disappeared from Greece once again. Long sleeves today, rain tomorrow

    1. If you look closely, you might see three very large olives. They're not very obvious at first.

    2. A quick enlargement and all was revealed. Of course you had olives

  18. Having looked at that picture I shall have something similar for my tea.

  19. here in India, we are not using pool and do not eat any cold drinks. Anyways, adding salad is very good and especially citrus flavor in these Covid19 Pandemic.

    1. I have always found the flavour of Lemon very refreshing. I drink diluted Lemon juice every day.

  20. Love the look of your salad; I love a good Greek Salad. I am the other way I cannot sleep at all in bed without at least a sheet covering me, however, weirdly if I fall asleep on the couch it doesn't matter.
    Your weather sounds very appealing right now, today is very changeable here in Auckland wet warm and windy not very inspiring. However, mustn't grumble we have had a drought up to now.

    Jo in Auckland
