Sunday 17 January 2021

You're a lady

Here is Lars von Trier singing Peter Skellern's classic 'You're a Lady' (I posted the original last year) accompanied by a group of people with learning difficulties. It comes from his controversial 1998 film 'Idiots'.

It's a heart-warming concept and is worth watching, although it's difficult knowing whether to laugh or cry with some of 'The Idiot All Stars' singers obviously having difficulties. Lars sings pretty well  himself, and you have to love his vibrato.

I'm still not sure if this is voyeurism or pure delight.


  1. Pure delight and tears. Whatever we do as humans as long as we do it with love and compassion it can't be wrong.

    1. I've watched this about five times, and I feel much as you.

  2. I am still not sure. I worked for a number of years with both adults and children with severe learing difficulties. There is a fine line between compassion and voyeurism and not sure whether this has crossed it. I would love to meet with you for an open discussion on the topic. I am willing to be persuaded but hover on that line at present.

    1. I haven't seen the whole film, and this is just one very small part. Nor do I know what his intention was by making the film. I do feel slightly voyeuristic, but happy for them at the same time. I suppose I have to sit on the fence.

  3. I'll save it for the cold light heart of day.

  4. I admire the helpers as they kindly support the backing group.

  5. Weird. Very strange. The vocalist is crap and watching idiots for entertainment surely went out when they decided to shut Bedlam as a circus. Still not to worry.

    1. Adrian, I like people who speak their mind. Your comments tend to either make me raise an eyebrow or smile. This time the latter.


    2. As I said above, I don't really know what his aim was for making the film. I am still in two minds about it myself.

  6. Cro, I am not a voyeur. I never ever watch footage of anyone's suffering - say, that woman in Capitol being shot. I take everyone's word for it. I don't need to see it. It's why I don't watch TV news. It's all too graphic. My imagination tends to suffice. So I haven't watch that clip of yours.Having said that, we need to be made uncomfortable - in order to, maybe help, or at least become aware of a problem or a group's plight we'd been unaware of. Still, on the whole the written word will do for me.


    1. I never watch violence, car crashes, burning towers, war films, killing, etc. I don't find any of that 'entertainment'; others watch nothing but.
