Tuesday 14 April 2020

Mid April 2020.


Our recent weather has been wonderful. I've been wearing shorts every day, and the fire hasn't been lit for a week or so. Our temperatures are hovering around 20-25 C.

Having Billy means that I regularly take my wonderfully peaceful early morning walks. On most days I see Deer, and I recently watched a big male Fox crossing a ploughed field. The superb early morning birdsong cheers me along my way.

As I walk I can hardly believe what is going on elsewhere in the world. Not only is COVID-19 doing its best to decimate the population, but horrendous fighting continues (unreported) in many countries. If the virus doesn't get us, our fellow man will.

All the Archbishops, Popes, and Presidents, can say what they like, but no-one pays attention to whatever wisdom they deliver. I suppose we must deduce that we humans are a rough bunch, and probably don't deserve the wonderful planet we've been offered.

Still, as I walk across fields and along our small woodland paths, I, for one, am extremely grateful to Mother Nature. I try to see beauty in everything, and continue to smile.

The leaves are now appearing, blossom is everywhere, and the sun is shining. I refuse to be downhearted.


  1. Wonderful, just keep walking and finding the beauty in our world.

  2. What a way to start the day. Just enjoy your own little patch of peacefulness. Our days are sunny again. Time for short sleeves. It's a joy sitting on our balcony listening to bird song.

    1. I'm just this second back from our early walk. Perfect solitude; just birdsong.

  3. All peaceful here in the heart of Ludlow, a quiet backwater close to the river Teme. Blooming cold though, bright sunshine 2 degrees, yes... 2! We did light the fire last night.


    1. Still nice here. All day sunshine and about 20 C. We were promised some rain for last night, but it failed to appear. Now we must wait until next weekend (fingers crossed).

  4. Totally agree with this post, there is beauty everywhere people are not.

    1. I'm sorry to say that we find it thus too.

  5. The sun shines here too, the birds chirp and everything blooms.

  6. Long may it be so for you Cro. I hope your beautiful corner of paradise remains pestilence free and that you all remain safe and healthy.

    1. We don't think about it too much, but that would be our main concern. I think we're safe enough.

  7. We do indeed live in a beautiful world. Some of us see it, some obviously don't. Sad.

    1. Very true. Many are blind to what's around them.

  8. I’ve been watching Ricky Gervais who posts a video everyday while in lockdown. He was talking about how some celebrities are moaning ‘ Boo hoo, I can’t be on television ‘ and I’m in lockdown in my fabulous mansion with three swimming pools and tennis court ! ‘ He was saying how lucky we are compared to some and especially all of those on the frontline. You have illustrated the same really ...... lovely weather, a comfy home, food and a garden. It’s a situation we are not used to but, we must do it for all of those who are looking after those badly affected by the virus and putting themselves in danger. XXXX

    1. I think if I lived in some of those stark big 'executive' homes, it would drive me crazy too. Why don't these people buy houses that they actually like, rather than trying to impress people.

  9. You are right about conflicts being unreported. It's good that no one else is about on your early morning walks. This means they don't have to see your knobbly knees. "Mon dieu! Les genoux!"

    1. Leave my knees out of it; I inherited them from my mother. We call them 'Shropshire Knees'.

  10. I have been wondering if anything else is going on in the world or whether we had temporary world peace. The only thing I've heard is that Taiwan is setting up defences against China. I fear a lot of things are going on behind our backs.

    1. As they say "A perfect time to hide bad news".

  11. Looks a pretty good place to be isolated in.

    1. Our peace was spoiled this morning by our neighbour Jean-Claude walking past. We chatted for 30 mins, then he left us in peace again.

  12. I'm exactly the same, I refuse to be downhearted by any of this.

    Really looking for the beauty in nature is keeping me going, and is easier and easier to do with road noise down to a minimum and birdsong seemingly louder than it's ever been. Even the weeds are looking gloriously colourful this Spring.

    1. We were just saying how nice it is to have totally clear skies; no vapour trails at all.

  13. What a lovely vista.

    Read a comment yesterday which made me laugh: The author fondly remembering the days when all we (and indeed the front pages) could think of were the sorrows of Brexit. Not a dicky bird. Maybe it's gone into self isolation.

    Wouldn't it be nice if Brexit fell victim to Corona? Nay, sacrificed itself on the altar of the greater good. Fade to grey . . . Because, let's not forget, we are all in this (world) together. Even the British.


    1. Without the UK's cash injection, and with the EU's state of finances, I'm wondering if the EU can survive at all?

  14. The virus couldn’t stop spring. I look around at all the beauty that it brings and it startles me when I think that these dark times can exist at the same time.

    1. That echoes my thoughts exactly. It's hard to imagine all the pain and suffering around, when one's at peace in the countryside.

  15. I have been listening to Rossini comic opera on the radio. Surprising how uplifting it is. I even went into the garden singing a few minutes ago after I had written my latest post! Still cold but the sun is out.

    1. A few arias at full belt in the garden must be good for the spirit. I'm quite fond of Puccini.

  16. I love your sunny, optimistic outlook. And indeed, who could be downhearted in a beautiful place like your home? Springtime is still lovely no matter what's going on in the world.

    1. It certainly is. I suddenly feel alive again, and a new energy flows through my veins. And I'm not even being romantic about it.

  17. Here’s good news from the world of war: Chadian army kills 1,000 Boko Harem militants. That should make everybody happy.

    Anderlecht wants keeping an eye on. Will there be more riots? Your majesty the people have no drugs! Let them drink beer!

    1. The Belgians and their beer are never far apart (also from their Moules/frites). I'm not aware of their lack of drugs... do you see this as a business opportunity?

      As for those bloody Boko Harem people, they should all be treated as they treated their victims.

    2. Must be shortages with no planes flying or maybe Belgians can order from Amazon?

  18. Deep blue skies today reminded me of France. Minus the warmth though.
