Sunday 19 April 2020


A few good (anonymous) ladies from my village have been busy sewing 'free' facemasks for every resident.; all 240 of us!

I missed the lady who'd popped ours into the letter box yesterday, I just saw the back of her car as it disappeared; I would liked to have spoken to her to thank her. I suppose she was 'social distancing'.

In the accompanying letter it states that they have been made by volunteers, and delivered by our elected representatives.

Instructions for washing says that they should be washed at 60 C for 30 mins after each use. Further general advice is given about hand washing, etc.

So, thank you, whoever you all are. Your handiwork is very much appreciated. xx


  1. This is great. People using their time constructively and benefiting others.

  2. There is much kindness and consideration being shown at the moment. While not medical grade, I am sure any kind of mask helps.

    1. With no masks around to purchase, these are the next best thing. I believe they were made from sheets.

  3. Nice people doing nice things.

  4. Replies
    1. I had made one myself out of an old Tshirt, but it wasn't very professional. These ones are very well made,

  5. How good there are good people around you.Here we must go with masks from today. I'm not going anywhere.

    1. I shall go out on Monday, and I shall wear my new mask.

  6. Yes, it is - both kind and PROactive. If I could stop my neighbours (hypothetically) spluttering all over me I'd stitch them masks too. Linen no less.

    Two thoughts, Cro, to keep your mind off the virus:

    One I mentioned the other day over at YP's. Do you remember when so many were up in arms over Burkas and other facial feature concealing headgear worn in public? Make mine a veil. How times change, don't you think? Now everyone and their dog is running around with slitty eyes (no offence to the yellow danger, insert smiley) and no one bats an eyelid. Face masks being the new balaclavas. All I need now is a bank that is open to rob. Mine was closed yesterday.

    Two - what was two? Eludes me this minute. Will let you know once it comes back to me.

    And what of the Swedish? I see they are quite happily (no criticism from me) letting the young (personnel) carry the virus into care homes. Darwin. Survival of the fittest. That's the spirit. I don't even mean that in an ironic way.

    60 C? Wash those masks at 90. 90 C kills anything.

    Happy Sunday,

    1. How often, I wonder, are burkas changed, and/or washed? Ordinary face masks should be washed after each use, I doubt whether most burkas are! It may seem as if they had foresight, but I see it more as a fashion coincidence. As for your second point... I shall wait.

    2. Sorry, Cro, and I am more sorry than you, you didn't get the point I was trying to make at all, facetious as it was.


  7. We don't yet have to wear masks, however, when I venture out I wear a runners' neck tube which I can pull up to cover my nose and mouth if necessary. It is probably not very effective but every little helps, as they say.
    I have 6 of these in various colours so I can wash each one after use and still have some spares.

    1. I believe the virus particles are extremely tiny, so most masks won't be effective anyway. I see them mostly as a sign of 'concern'.

  8. We have found who our good neighbours are, no surprises there, but a few more have been added to the bad neighbours list.

    1. My bad ones make themselves extremely obvious, and show no shame!

  9. What a lovely idea - I do find that this pandemic is really bringing out the very best in people.

    1. As well as a lot of silliness from some amongst us.

  10. How lovely of them. This is bringing out the best in most people and the worst out in just a few ... luckily.

    Stay safe. xx

    1. Yes, a really nice gesture. Our little village has 98% lovely people.

  11. Wonderful team spirit and community as one.

    1. And no question of donations or thanks. I would liked to have congratulated them, but they rushed off.

  12. What a lovely gesture. No one has dropped any off to us ..... we have had to get our own !!! But, our neighbours have been really kind so I’m not complaining. XXXX

    1. There don't seem to be any available in France, I asked at the pharmacy; none!

    2. I got some from EBay and they were from the UK as well ! XXXX

  13. A naked man dancing in an underground train in Vienna the other day was fined for not wearing a mask. €25

  14. I think clingfilm would do the job. With duck tape for added protection.

    1. I'll try that on Lady M this evening; maybe a nose peg too, just for the aesthetics.

  15. Wonderful to see the humanity, being shown, by fellow humans!

    It shows, that even in this "Me-Me-Me" Time. And "Time of Very Delicate People", moaning,moaning,moaning, all the time, about their "Very Delicate Condition"...

    That even in this time, humans can/do find depths of caring! Those humans, who have not been "Moaning About Their Delicate Selves", of course!

    Lets hope the "Delicate", will find that they too, have untapped depths!!!!! In spite of what they have been told, by the "Leaders of Woke".

    Thank you so much,
    for your sweet comment,
    on "Clara."

    1. It does seem to be bringing the best out of people; rather than what some have been saying. There is always good in most people, even if occasionally stays below the surface.

  16. There is a lot of community kindness happening. I was fortunate enough to have a supply of masks for my woodworking etc. and hand sanitiser supplied by the company that supplies my monthly 'medical' supplies. So I can help out one of my friends who still has to shop. I'm fortunate to have neighbours who shop for me (both work in the two different supermarkets - handy).

    1. I'm out shopping today after two weeks. I've certainly noticed our supplies dwindling.

  17. It's a shame the makers didn't embroider a big cheesy grin on your particular mask - like a Cheshire cat or Jack Nicholson as The Joker. Even so - what a smashing community project. People can be so kind.

    1. I did suggest to Lady M that we painted a Skull and Crossbones on them, but she said NO.

  18. So many people are making masks and giving them away or charging a small fee for the material. We got a few and gave some to family.

    1. Good. The more the merrier, especially if there are none in the shops.

  19. A nice gesture, and especially the delivery by elected officials. I could see the officials of my township doing that. They already are grocery shopping, delivering and generally earning their meager pay checks.

    1. It was all very efficiently done. No fuss, no prior warnings, none of the usual half hour chat. Very good.
