Thursday 30 April 2020

Happy Birthday, Sir.

Most tragedies reveal characters who might otherwise have remained unknown. COVID-19 is no exception.

Captain Tom Moore is one such. He offered to walk around his garden, with his Zimmer Frame, to raise money for the NHS (The UK's free health system).

He's raised almost £30 Million; a staggering result.

Today is Cap't Tom's birthday; he's 100.

I hear on the news this morning that he's been upgraded to 'Honorary Colonel'.

Happy birthday.


  1. It has all given us something to smile about and his story will at least be a reminder of something good coming from this crisis.

    1. And I expect the person who's most surprised about it all, is him!

  2. I love him ! He’s had over 125,000 birthday cards, raised nearly 30 million, has been interviewed all over the world, has a Royal Mail postmark and there is to be a flypast for him today. Not only has he done a brilliant thing but what excitement to have at 100 years old.
    Happy 100th Birthday Captain TomπŸ₯°πŸ˜˜ XXXX

    1. He represents that 'British Spirit' that we all (some of us) aspire to, but usually fail.

  3. He was here in the news and I saw that CNN talked about him too.

    1. He's become something of a COVID-19 icon. Good for him.

  4. That's an amazing amount of money he has raised. A real hero. Happy Birthday

    1. I expect he was hoping to make a £Thousand or two; but nearly £30 Million is amazing. People really took him to their hearts (and pockets).

  5. I hope the money is well spent, if at all, and doesn't languish in a donations file for decades while committees and unions argue about what it is to be spent on.

    1. I was just thinking much the same. I hope the NHS 'managers' don't get hold of it.

  6. I watched the flypast of the hurricane and spitfire live on TV about half an hour ago !

    1. I'll have to try to watch that at mid-day. He deserved it.

  7. And suggestions that he be proposed for a knighthood.

    1. Col, Sir Tom Moore, certainly has a ring to it.

  8. His spirit is just what we need in these times. You forgot he also has a number 1 record in the charts, breaking the record he's now the oldest person to have a hit, knocking Sir Tom Jones off the record spot.

    1. I was hoping not to mention the 'song'. Novelty songs have never been my strong point; but good for him anyway.

  9. I had no idea he had raised that much money. In England a new train has just been named after him.

    1. I think this is only the start, next it'll be socks, or cornflakes, or why not face masks?

  10. Jacqueline, above, has said it all.
    His generation puts the rest of us to shame sometimes.

    1. He's just a lovely man; and 100 years old too. Amazing.

  11. One hundred and twenty plus birthday cards, hon.colonel and this morning a hurricane and spitfire fly past over his garden. Wonderful man. I expect that by the time his donation time cuts off at midnight tonight it will have gone up even higher.

  12. This morning on Breakfast TV (I watched for the flypast Rachel) they showed two projects already that some of the money has been spent on - a mini supermarket so that NHS staff could buy fruit and veg etc. when their shifts finished and a pukka coffee machine for the staff at another hospital.

    1. That's a relief. Sounds like someone is making sure the wording of the donation is being correctly handled "for the benefit of staff".

    2. I've just watched the flypast on the lunchtime news. What a wonderful moment for him.

  13. We watched the Spitfire flypast on the television this morning. As Captain Tom said, he is one of the few people still alive who has seen them fly in anger.

  14. Moreover the man seems very humble. I liked his very gentle comment about "it'll be all right in the end" - very reassuring, but then as someone who lived through WWII he's probably seen it all hasn't he.

    1. I wonder if we'll hear any more from him once his fund raising is over? I do hope so.

  15. His actions -- and the results -- have cheered me a great deal, and I have encouraged my friends to look him up when we share our frustration and fear.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

    1. I think he's been an inspiration for everyone.

  16. I have seen that video many times but never get tired of it. It is lovely and so inspirational. If he can do it, so can we all. Happy Birthday Captain Tom, people all around the world love you.

    1. Yes, he's become an international inspiration.

  17. Of course Colonel Tom is a Yorkshireman. One of our own.

    1. He must be one of the Ilkley Moores.

    2. On Ilkley Moore Bat'at

      We learnt this song at school in Oz..a surreal experience...the reason so many of my generation are eccentric/odd methinks:)

  18. He's been on the news here in Canada as well - an amazing accomplishment and an amazing man - all honours well deserved.

  19. I have heard of him, also! Wonderful older gentleman. How lucky, he is still able to do such. -smile-

    Happy Birthday to him!!!!

    Find Beauty
    In This Time
    Of Pain...

    1. What a birthday it must have been for him! A flypast, a letter from The Queen, and thousands of greeting cards. Three weeks ago no-one had heard of him; now he's an international star.

  20. Be better if he was promoted to Major Tom then we could all remember him eternally in song.

    1. Colonel sounds better. We'll simply have to change the words when we sing.

  21. Replies
    1. I've just heard that his fund raising has now reached £32 Million.

  22. The NHS is ONLY free at point of service. It is paid for by peoples taxes.

    It really chaps my hide when people insist on calling universal healthcare "free". It's not.

    1. It certainly doesn't fall from the sky; as we all know; but try telling that to the health tourists that used to arrive at Heathrow by the thousands.

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