Thursday 5 March 2020

Miracles by the dozen, but no mention of building a wall.

You have to love this guy.

Apart from all his proposed miracles for the US economy, he's promised to find cures for some of the world's most serious illnesses.

"We're gonna invest billions of dollars to find, and I promise you, cures for Cancer, Alzheimer's, and Diabetes"; said Biden.

You missed a trick there Joe; why didn't you include Coronavirus, for goodness sake? You'd have had them eating out of the palm of your hands.

I heard his speech live on radio, and was a tad surprised that he didn't also promise a free brand new 5 bedroom home for every university leaver, free holidays in Hawaii for all pensioners, and a free daily Big Mac for all school children. (have I missed anyone?)

I think he and Corbyn must have been exchanging electioneering strategy; dangle an impossible worm, and wait to see if anyone bites!

Good luck Joe, and do let me know when you find that Diabetes cure. 


  1. Just as well you are not voting Cro. You wouldn't vote for Trump, Sanders nor Biden.

    1. I think most voters now know when the wool is being pulled over their eyes; you only have to see what happened to Corbyn recently to understand that. However, I think most politicians still think they can just say anything and they will be believed. Listening to Biden yesterday, the applause came after every five words, so I suppose some people still believe him.

  2. Replies
    1. He certainly liked to repeat what the Welsh Windbag said. Maybe he should have changed some of the words; or simply admitted how much he admired him!

  3. He does seem a very strange fish.

    1. I didn't hear him mentioning 'god' too much, so he has some attributes.

  4. Replies
    1. Both Rigs and Pigs will be flying over the White House at Christmas.

  5. American politics is in a league of its own - I have never understood it and I am not even going to try now - just amazes me that people fall for it.

    1. I think we're a little more down to earth over here.

  6. It was interesting to watch a programme on FDR in the 1930s...with original colour film.
    A democrat president voted in with over 90% of the vote....

    1. A rarity these days. He was a good president too; mostly.

  7. Home and dry now with Bloomberg’s billions behind him. The party’s over. Time to call it a day Bernie.

    1. I'm not sure if he'll accept Bloomberg's cash; he may not need it.

    2. Shorty wants to be running mate according to more than one report. He has the credentials as well as the brass. He did a good job in New York spart from one or two bloomers is the general consensus.

    3. He certainly reduced crime, which was a major success.

  8. Most people have retired by the age of 65 but Biden will be 78 years old when the election happens. That means that if he becomes president, he'll be 82 years old at the end of his term. He has already revealed that his mental faculties are failing. Clearly, Trump is also losing his marbles.

    1. There should be an optimum age for presidents, prime ministers, etc. I would like to suggest somewhere between 45 and 65; not only because of their political knowledge and experience, but also because they should still have the energy to do everything expected of them

    2. Depends, Cro. I believe JFK was the youngest US president so far - and look at his early grave (forget that last remark - it's stupid).

      I think 45 - 65 too narrow a range. Some people, not least men, seem to come into their own, get their act together, assimilate and sublimate a lifetime's experience, late in life.

      YP's "retiring age" is just arbitrary. Does sixty five stop an artist painting, a writer writing, a philosopher philosophizing? Exactly. Yes, I know the latter examples hardly amount to running a country. However, running a country is largely to do with holding the strings together rather than running around yourself.


    3. Most figureheads not only address their fellow native politicians, they also rush around their own countries, and pay numerous visits abroad. They usually also have international committees to attend; etc. They need to be reasonably fit, and 'youthful'. Some are at 80, some are not at 40. My 45-65 was also respecting retirement age.

  9. He is a decent man and not Trump. We are exhausted from the daily drama and need a presence that is familiar, experienced, and will bring some decency back to the office. He is not a perfect man and not my first choice (too old), but he will not sell out our country to Putin. He will also put the right people in place to run our government and not lackeys. Again, and most important, is that he is not Trump.

    1. I think when Trump eventually goes, we will all look back on his era with a sense of disbelief.

  10. You remember how Reagan hired all the smart guys? I'm sure Joe will do the same. And no wise cracks about Nancy and the Tarot!

    1. I hope that includes all the world's greatest medical brains!
