Sunday 8 March 2020

Duffy - Warwick Avenue

If you head North from Hyde Park, crossing over the Bayswater Road, then up through Paddington; after about a mile you might come across Warwick Avenue tube station. Most of us who have lived in London (usually in nasty bed-sits) know this area well. It's filled with young people all eager to make their way in life.

School leavers, college leavers, and university leavers, usually head for London. It's what we do to demonstrate our new found independence.

It's also where we usually have our first job, our first flat, and our first romantic adventures and disappointments.

I'm sure this must have been the case with Duffy. A Welsh lass with a broken heart. It all looks too genuine not to be so. A nice song, and a powerful voice.


  1. I don't remember Warwick Avenue at all but I can sympathise with poor Duffy.
    All part of the growing up/living experience.

    1. It's rather sad isn't it; and I'm sure it's 'genuine'.

  2. I assume you are aware that Duffy was kidnapped, beaten and raped two or three years ago? This news has only recently emerged. Let's hope she can pick up her career in music. She has a wonderful, emotionally authentic voice.

    1. Yes, I heard that about a week ago. It seems very strange that she announced it, but failed to give any details. I wonder if she'll eventually give a name? She certainly should do, as I expect it was someone she knew. It must have been a terrible experience.

  3. Coming from deep in the Fens of Lincolnshire I never had the opportunity to fly off to London - but luckily my son did and did indeed spend some years down there before coming back up country.

    1. Neither my wife, nor my daughter, have lived in London. I think they missed out on a lot of fun.

  4. I was taken to London by one of my aunts, the one who smoked and lived in a gloomy Victorian house that smelled of cabbage when I was two. I was very unhappy. Probably scarred for life. I avoid the place like the plague.

    1. I spent about four years living in London, and I loved every minute of it (apart from being mugged once).

  5. Some years ago - I still lived in Hamburg - I heard Duffy for the first time - and hurried to Saturn to buy her CD (I still buy CDs, I do not stream single songs).
    Some months ago I suddenly thought of her - long time you heard no song on German radio. Then I read that she was abused.
    I think she sings (and looks) like a "Sixty Girl" - that's why I love her so much!

    1. I bought the 'Rockferry' CD. It contains some beautiful songs. I should play it more.

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