Tuesday 3 March 2020

Be Prepared. Dyb dyb dyb.

With skiing being such a popular winter sport here in France, is it not impossible that skiers might lose their way, and end-up on the pistes of Italy; and we all know what that means!

You dare not breathe in Italy for fear of catching something nasty; as many are presently experiencing.

Generally I wouldn't expect any Chinese born virus to reach our sleepy hamlet, but arriving at  the market, the bakers', or chez M Leclerc is another matter; and as I don't own a 'Hazmat suit', I am as vulnerable as the next person to breathing in evil viruses.

I was never a Boy Scout, but I do always like to 'be prepared', and I have now given instructions that if I do become infected I will do the decent thing and stay away from everyone else; and either cure myself, or perish in isolation.

I wouldn't wish to risk infecting anyone else who might otherwise come to my aid. Our house would, in effect, become another Eyam; the village that in 1665 closed itself off to avoid spreading the Bubonic plague.

If I do become infected, I will place a black cross on the kitchen door, warning that no-one must enter. Later they could pour petrol down the chimney, throw in a lighted match, and destroy all remaining germs (including my wasted skeleton).

It's best to have a plan, even if it may never be used.

Did I ever tell you about my dastardly plan during the Cuba Crisis? No? Maybe I'll leave that for another day; or, if you really can't wait, you could type Cuba Crisis or The Lamb Hotel into the little white search strip on this page.

p.s. I'm not anticipating any illness, but.......


  1. Is Lady M still in the house as the dutiful wife? Is that Suttee?

    1. She will be free to infect the world. No Suttee here.

  2. Scary thoughts. The supermarket delivery vans have been rushing by all day here, people are beginning to hunker down.

    1. I think people are beginning to take it seriously. Too much backroom talk of millions dying. Not much we can do about it... Stockpile and Carry on.

  3. No sign of any panic in London yesterday, business as usual at the British Museum. I take it this post is a joke; your response to Thelma has me wondering.

    1. I'm having difficulty typing, as I wrapped myself in cling film this morning. I can hardly move.

    2. I do hope you have phoned a tv company so they can come and film you for the next Coronavirus emergency programme on recommended prevention measures.

    3. What? I'm still trying to cut my way out.

    4. Rachel, of course there are "no signs of panic" yet. Because, as usual, human nature, we think anything bad happening happens to someone else, not us the precious ones. It's always other people. And, frankly, I was perplexed at your recent ridiculing world wide concern over the as yet incurable spreading. (I think it was over at yours). To you the number of dead is just a number. But every single one of those is/was a person. And if you caught the virus then I wish you a very happy fortnight in the hope to ride it out and come out alive at the other end.

      Cro, if the virus affected one of your nearest and dearest, directly or indirectly, you wouldn't find it a laughing matter. Is it a laughing matter that the doctor who raised the alarm actually died of the damn thing?


    5. Playing devil's advocate again I see, Ursula. Enjoy.

    6. I like to see humour in all occasions. I could act the miserable old git, but where would that get me? The situation would be exactly the same, regardless. Remember; an optimist is someone who enjoys himself whilst waiting for the inevitable!

  4. Yesterday I had guests from Germany who were in Tenerife before, the virus seemed closer than ever.

    1. Don't open the door. Pass their glass of Ouzo through the letter box!

  5. Oh Cro - this brought a laugh - isn't it all so gloomy. At 87 I feel as you do - trouble is I have no chimney!

    1. I do take it reasonably seriously, but frankly there's nothing to do but let it take its course. Taking any fixed attitude is pointless.

  6. Too late. By the time you know you've actually got the virus you've already infected the family, the baker and your local wine maker.
    Drink plenty of grappa, it'll keep you germ free and fearless

    1. I'm hoping that red wine will have the same effect; that, and regular hot currys.

  7. We are travelling later this week. While a little concerned, we are more concerned about there being no food on the supermarket shelves when we return because of panic buying.

    1. I went shopping yesterday to my local big supermarket; it was almost empty, and no sign of panic buying. Having said that, I always keep a well stocked cupboard.

  8. I spend so much time at home, totally on my own apart from the cat that I really wouldn't notice the difference! (This week it is from Sunday evening to Saturday morning.) As long as you have food and are not too ill, you should be fine!

    1. As long as I don't kiss any strangers, I don't see myself getting ill. I only go out twice a week; mondays and Fridays, otherwise I stay at home.

  9. We have to wait typically around 3 weeks for a supermarket home delivery slot so could quite well starve before help arrived.

    1. PS I took a look at that rather grand pedal car as you suggested. Mighty fine and rather more posh than mine.

    2. 3 weeks sounds a long time. You'd need to be ordering a lot of stuff!

      I liked your 'two seater' car; very chic.

  10. Don't go out on next Friday, 13th of March, Cro! If you have to: just keep people away from you - in 2 meters distance! - I always try to educate those idiots in our metro/bus/tram in Berlin - they are obstinate and won't step out - but, as you know: Mrs. Merkel lives here, I will complain to her, next time when I meet her in the metro/bus/tram...

  11. 2 meters distance is what our government in Germany advises us - in earnest!!! I thought carnival was over!

    1. Do I need a stick to keep people at 2 metres? Poke them a bit? I wasn't aware of an upcoming Friday 13th; I shall take your advice. Yes, please have a word with Merkel; I blame her for most of our woes!

    2. Britta and Cro -
      Official advice here - one meter distance.
      So which is it? I think we should be told.

  12. The whole thing about modern travel is that we really have no idea where the person next to us has been. I know someone who left Northern Italy a few weeks ago, visited the Island, drove to Glasgow, flew to Dubai for a couple of days and is now in Australia. That could have been a recipe for quite a disease spread. I'm sure that person is not alone in such wanderings.

    1. Coronavirus seems to be a very virulent type of disease. I believe that humans can also simply be carriers, and not develop the symptoms. So we really don't know where we stand with anyone. In which case, best not to worry about it, and just keep our fingers crossed.

  13. We have to decide whether to travel by plane to a close relative’s funeral later this week. Being in the group most vulnerable has us concerned but we are more worried about the chance of us getting it and spreading it to our loved ones.

    1. If I definitely had the virus, I certainly wouldn't travel. But, seeing as it could well be around for a year or more, what else can we do?

    2. The problem is that people who have the virus but have no symptoms are unknowingly spreading it among the population. This is what we are seeing in our west.

    3. That's the main problem in a nutshell.

  14. I got some funny looks in Lidl this afternoon. What's wrong with wearing a spacesuit complete with helmet and oxygen cylinders?

    1. Very tasteful, yet health conscious. It sounds perfect. I can't imagine why you should have attracted so much attention.

  15. You could have plague stone in a suitable location.

    1. A man I know has a plague stone near his front gate. He cleans his paintbrushes in the hollow where people during the plague had to leave their coins in the vinegar.

    2. I clean my paint brushes in the palm of my hand. I hope this doesn't mean I'll get the plague.

  16. There's an old saying "if you don't laugh, you'll cry"... so although things ARE serious, I do understand taking a humorous approach. IMO, I don't consider it making light over a serious situation, but a way to get through it on a personal level. Caution is important, but so is a bit of levity... again just my opinion.
    These days you really have to watch what you say... people are so easily offended.

    1. Being glum about things helps no-one. We all know the problem is there, so we should make the best of things. I've been offending folk for years!

  17. I don't fear the virus, not yet anyway. More how people will panic buy and clear out the shops. So many people store so little.
    Hope you keep well through it all :-)

    1. My only slight worry is eventually encountering people who cough or sneeze in my direction; but I hate that anyway.

  18. It makes you wonder are they preparing for a more contagious and dangerous virus...like influenza...the next wave of that must be on the way...
    Or, what are the authorities hiding behind this smokescreen?

    1. I just heard someone on the radio saying we should wash our hands for 20 mins; I think she must have read her script wrongly.

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