Wednesday 11 March 2020

A Pleasant Day Out.

Here we all are, wearing basic protective wear, out shopping. 

From the right; Lady Magnon, Kellogg, me, and Boo Boo; off to get a few everyday supplies.

We bought 100 industrial packs of bog paper (doesn't everyone?), 400 tins of baked beans, everything we found that contained anything disinfectant, lots of pasta, lots of rice, tonnes of potatoes, 100 tins of sardines, all the bottled water we could fit into four trolleys, a new loo brush and plunger, and some shotgun cartridges.

I'll go again in a couple of days time, just in case I forgot anything; we may need more bog paper. 


  1. The first ten minutes of the morning news 10 minutes of blah blah from the health minister. EU's Van der Leyen up next: "now it's time for action."

    HGV drivers driving from Sweden to Greece and Italy to Rumania generously spreading the virus.

    My zen tip: keep away from motorway toilets and washrooms!

    1. One of my very early decisions in life was NEVER EVER to use public loos. I have stuck to that decision ever since.

    2. Very wise. They all have those air hand dryers designed to blow germs all over the place or dirty roller towels hanging down to the floor. Paper hand towels are soon emptied. Go behind a tree :-)

  2. Obviously not going overboard then.

  3. Heavens. For a second I though you were going to be panic buying.

  4. That's a family photo worth framing!

  5. It's alright for you going behind a tree but spare a thought for the ladies!!!

    1. You said it, Weaver, there is a design fault as to how women have to pee. Sometimes, when I watch costume drama, I wonder how women in those days coped. all those long skirts, heavy. My dear sweet sister-in-law barely managed to get the hoop under her wedding dress into a cubicle. Oh, didn't her mother and I laugh trying to assist. Laughing not exactly conducive to holding onto your bladder.


    2. I can offer no solution to this problem.

  6. And at the other end of things - called some out of town friends on Monday night - she seemed to have a cold and he was coughing his lungs out in the background. 4am he wakes up as he can't breath - paramedics arrive as he has a heart attack - they get a pulse back and everyone races to the hospital. He is in ICU, conscious but intubated.
    MIL meets my friend at the hospital - doctors finally come to give them some news and to ask some questions.
    Why yes he has been in contact with people form China - his tech firm is owned by the Chinese. Why yes we have travelled, just got back from California 2 days ago. They are hustled into complete protective gear, placed in wheelchairs & taken to some sort of "bubble room" where they are instructed in how to take their own temps & BP. Then a doctor in full hazmat gear enters to do the swab tests. They are then escorted out to the car with instructions to go home for 48 hours until the test results come back - she can't even visit her husband. She has diabetes so they will be watching her closely - in a twist, the 86 year old MIL feels just fine - not so much as a sniffle. This all happened in a matter of 72 hours...

    1. I think we need to wait another two weeks to see exactly how things will progress. There is no question that things will get worse, but by how much remains to be seen. All we can do is to take appropriate measures, and cross our fingers.

  7. Shotgun cartridges are vital just in case you are besieged by French townspeople desperate for loo rolls. Are they the sort that a labrador puppy drags along?

    1. YP, you wouldn't be laughing if you were down here at the South Coast; neither would Cro if he were in Brighton. Toilet paper on shelves is wiped out. You've got to go down aisle 23 and see for yourself to believe it. No shit.


    2. I'm pleased to see that you realised, exactly, our need for defence. If the bog roll thieves come to the house, they know what they'll get.

    3. In Yorkshire we don't use toilet paper. We use our ferrets.

    4. I've heard about you Yorkshire folk!

  8. What will everybody do when it's all over? China is now returning to normal by the way.

    1. What will we do when it's all over, Rachel, and I haven't died? On the first count a breath of relief, on the second my fan club will whisper "what a pity".

      The Angel, who is a maths wizard, did some calculation yesterday - based on, dont' ask, wave so far, world population, probability, statistics, you name it.

      Worst case scenario is not funny - for those who are destined to succumb. Not, of course, that they will know it. Such mercy in being dead.


    2. Spare bog rolls will probably appear on Ebay at knock-down prices.

  9. Tense times in the TP aisle.

    From what I have read, this virus hits hard and fast. We have a Cardiologist, who after a trip overseas came back, wasn’t tested, went to work at a children’s hospital and after four days was diagnosed with the virus. He has been in critical care since. He probably infected many people, quite a few with compromised health situations.

    1. We have just had a sufferer in the UK government, who only recently was in a room filled with Cabinet Ministers. Worrying times!

  10. My hay fever has kicked in early this year. I have been getting quite a few threatening looks each time I sneeze in public.

  11. Mrs G was speaking last night to a lady who had a friend in Italy who simply dropped dead. Story me of one of those early videos from Wuhan I saw of a man who had his business suit on and was still holding his briefcase who’d simply pegged out on the way to his office. They left him lying there on the pavement and people simply walked round him for 2 or 3 hours until somebody came and took him away according to the Chinese citizen journalist.

    1. I think I saw the photo, I didn't really believe it, but now I suspect it was 100% true.

    2. That is the way of the Chinese. My friend who was doing her PhD in China collapsed in a supermarket. People stepped over her and nobody came to her aid. In their culture they will not touch anybody who is considered to be ill. She eventually left and completed her PhD here.

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