Wednesday 19 February 2020

Yet more misguided activists.

Following on from yesterday's post, I can hardly express how angry the above photo makes me feel. The mindless vandalism demonstrated by these 'climate' activists shows more clearly than I could ever have imagined, how puerile and destructive these scumbag hooligans can be. Why did no-one go and beat the shit out of them?

For a bunch of so-called Eco warriors, Global warming protesters, et al, to wantonly destroy a beautiful and ancient lawn at Cambridge's foremost college, is simply unbelievable. I just hope that the authorities took plenty of photos so they can be identified and prosecuted.

Thank goodness they didn't cut down Newton's Apple tree in the background (actually an ancestor of the original tree), which is such an important icon of Trinity College's extraordinary history. 

Prior to Extinction Rebellion's activities in central London last year, their aims had general support throughout the country, but their outrageous behaviour, and their dumping of tons of rubbish, soon changed all that. This present example of their pure vandalism has, I believe, now reduced their support to almost nothing. 

How proud they must be, standing amongst their day's work. I just hope that those responsible are made to pay dearly for the lawn's restoration.

N.B. I wasn't sure if the people in the top photo were the actual vandals themselves, or just bystanders surveying the damage. Having now seen the photo below, I see they ARE the actual vandals.

I wonder what these idiots actually do to help save our planet? Does digging-up a centuries old lawn really help?

Personally I treat the world with respect. I don't preach about it, but make sure that everything I do will not harm our delicate ecosystem. These people do the opposite. What the hell happened to poor old Blighty! 


  1. I wouldn't mind too much if they had the skill with a spade to create something but they are cretins fit only for vandalism. Believing the rantings of a special needs seventeen year old demonstrates their mental inadequacy.
    It does look bad but nothing that an hour or two with a spade and roller won't put right. No point in getting them to do it, way beyond their ability.

    1. In which case I do hope that hour or two's work will be carried out by the perpetrators themselves, and overseen by a few whip wielding foremen.

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  2. Sad and they are beyond misguided. Vandalism won't solve anything and if it achieved publicity for a cause, perhaps it could be argued that such a thing is a genuine protest, but all the focus will be on the destroyed lawn and those who did it, not what their campaign is about. Bad move.

    1. Exactly. This ends-up as a protest against 'lawns'; not against global warming. They now have hardly any supporters.

  3. Sadly this sort of mindless vandalism in becoming more prevalent.

    Difficult to think of any sort of meaningful punishment that would be appropriate for this sort of lunacy.

    Perhaps a few weeks of deprivation at some army style boot camp with particularly harsh rules might reinforce the message that this sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable?

    1. A year's digging on a Hebridean Farm might make them think.

  4. Incredible. Destroying that beautiful lawn. I hope someone was arrested!

    1. I presume they ALL will be. This was criminal damage, and must be treated as such in the courts.

  5. Point of order - it is a Cambridge college.

    1. Jeeeeze. Did I really write Oxo? I'll change it at once! thank you.

    2. I know the college so well too!

    3. This is one part of a 3 day half term adventure for teachers. They have brought Cambridge businesses nothing but misery. Trumpington Road is blocked and today sees a day specifically aimed at transport. The police could have stopped them digging up Trinity lawn but didn't. They should have brought in the farmers from The Fens to do it. 5 minute job, throw them off then put them to work on The Fens and ask them to get their hands dirty doing a job and they'd run a mile. Next week they'll scare all the children and tell them the world is ending tomorrow.

    4. I can understand the Police not getting involved; they're useless. What I can't understand is why no-one came down to give them a good kicking. There were only a dozen of them.

    5. Because if somebody had given them a good kicking they would have been the ones arrested. I am sure there are many in Cambridge who would like to.

  6. I missed this. Why were they digging up the lawn?

    1. They thought it might help 'climate change'.

    2. Sorry. I meant this as a serious question (apart from the disrespect of an ancient building and the vandalism). In what posssible way can digging up a lawn help? I thought we were to have lawns instead of concrete drives, so am failing to see their logic. And as for scaring the wits out of children over climate change, that should be made a crime.

    3. I think they claim that Trinity College has received donations from some company that digs up lawns (or cuts down trees) elsewhere. It still doesn't excuse vandalism.

  7. Interesting sheeple case. The bald headed guy in the foreground possibly the leader. Thanks for highlighting.

    1. He was possibly lost, and thought it was his allotment.

  8. Protesters in Germany have for the moment stopped Tesla cars from destroying a green area outside Berlin where they plan to open their fourth Gigafactory. There are currently two in USA and one in China. And I thought electric cars were supposed to be environmentally friendly. Must be an abundance of lithium for the huge environmentally friendly 600 kg car batteries in Berlin I don't think.

    1. Matron Merkel must be desperate to welcome the Americans. It sounds like someone else I know.

  9. They were making a protest against Trinity College's part in a major countryside development, a lorry park at Innocence Farm, Trimley St Martin in Suffolk.
    Yes, there were arrests.
    I pass no comment but I can see why they acted in this way.
    I can see why you commented as you did, from your point of view..but you could add more facts to the post.
    The college's plans for a lorry park have now been rejected, I do not know the ins and outs of that process

    1. So a 'how would you like your green space being destroyed' protest.
      Thanks gz.

    2. The expansion of Felixstowe Port (and others) is essential to the UK's post-Brexit international trade. The extra parking for lorries was to have been a major part of the improvements.

    3. Hauliers using the Port of Felixstowe desperately need overnight parking. This site owned by Trinity is one of many where planning permission had been sought for such a park. Local people have been campaigning for over two years to stop it. Suffolk County Council gave permnission for it to go ahead. I didn't know it had been rejected. It is a case of NIMBY ism. Lorries drive around at night looking for parking off the A14. There are fors and against.

    4. There was an Ed Balls TV programme recently which gave an excellent indication of the scale of the whole import/export transport mechanics. I can appreciate that huge areas of land are involved. Yes, fors and against.

    5. Over here they build first, then hold the enquiry later. It seems to work.

  10. Apparently 7 arrests - 3 at the lawn and 4 somewhere else in the city. Perhaps the branch of the bank where they supposedly dumped the mud from the lawn?

    1. They really know how to annoy people. Had they chosen some other form of protest, they might even have had some supporters.

  11. I'm with you. Their protest seems misdirected. They should go and chain themselves to office doors but to dig up such a beautiful historic place seems wanton.

    1. I don't mind what their cause was, this was pure vandalism.

  12. As GZ says there is more to the story than your initial post indicates.

    I am not defending willfully digging up a lawn. I too would be pretty pissed off if that happened in my backyard. However, and to be fair, this is what happens when perfectly legitimate concerns are not being listened to. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


    1. I agree with you Ursula. There is more to this than meets the eye. However, rather than digging up a university lawn I think the XR vandals would have made a better environmental statement if they had gone to flooded villages, towns and farms to help with the clear up process. In the last analysis digging up a university lawn seems petty and spiteful and hardly likely to win public support.

    2. Yes, YP, in an ideal world - and some, even most of those protesters, may have done just that. Which, of course, the rest of us never hear about. Why? Because it's so mundane as ot make low impact on media's front pages.

      As far as I understand, the protesters took that particular course of action in Cambridge because it's connected to a local concern, namely that of the College in question directly, commercially, linked to plans to dig up land to accommodate a lorry park. See the link - digging and digging? In the end, planning permissions wasn't given. So, no land dug up to make way for tarmac. Result?

      But, yes, and Rachel touched on this, in today's world lorries have a right to park too. Somewhere.

      As to Trinity College: That lawn will grow back again. Fast. As anyone with a lawn mover knows.


    3. They are today blocking roads into Cambridge. (If the lorry park has been rejected it is not as a result of digging up Trinity lawn yesterday).

    4. I'm afraid I can't see past the wanton vandalism. I'm not interest in their reasoning; there were plenty of other things they could have done to bring attention to their cause. This was just horrible.

  13. They can come and dig up my moss any time. Then all I'd have to do is sow the new grass seed.

    1. We once had a lawn that was 99% moss; it was beautiful.

  14. I fully support peaceful protest - but wanton vandalism such as this is just beyond the pale. And since our police now approach any of this lot with a "hands off" attitude it's not surprising that your lot behave the same way.
    However, I noticed that the Daily Mail (I read The Guardian too) very helpfully identified each and every one of them so there should be no excuse for not arresting them after the fact.
    The more that these idiots are allowed to get away with the type of stunts they pull now days the worse it will get until someone in the general public really loses it and all Hell will break lose! The fact that the rule of law does not apply is just shocking!

    1. I totally agree. Let them protest outside parliament, or in Trafalgar Square; but don't commit acts of vandalism. Here in France at the slightest mention of a protest, all the usual groups come out to smash windows, and set light to cars. They couldn't care less what the protest is about, as long as they can smash something.

    2. May I chip in once more, Cro. What you describe in your reply to Margie "smash something" does indeed often have nothing to do with the original activists/protesters. It's a very good point, though you may have made it more forcefully.

      It is well known that there factions out there - not just in France - who will take advantage of large gatherings, say, by way of looting. What's worse, and there have been documented occasions, where "destroyers" were sent in to, deliberately, give a peaceful demonstration a very bad name (and the associated bad press) indeed.


    3. Sadly this is true. When a student, I went up to town for some demo', and on leaving our coach was handed a red communist banner to carry. I gave it back, and we went off to do other things instead.

  15. When I see things like that I always think "my goodness, how did they get the day off work to go do that?" and then I think "oh" ...

    1. How indeed! I think we all know who these people are. A busy bank manager wouldn't be seen dead digging alongside them.

  16. I like this...good discussion of all aspects.
    I wonder if there are brownfield sites in Felixstowe that would make a lorry park instead of more greenfield disappearing?

    1. Brown field sites have been identified around Ipswich and have already been developed. The thing is the sites need to be close to the A14. I don't know if you know that road but it is horrendous. The port is massive and essential for container imports for Britain.

    2. This site already has a pub on it and 40 vehicle spaces and industrial estate nearby, it isn't exactly a farm in the middle of nowhere. Access to the A14 is good and has been approved by the Dept of Transport. We were hauliers and I can tell you nobody every likes lorries unless they are involved in the industry. They need safe parking areas and not to be vulnerable to attack in laybys.

    3. gz, I intentionally didn't mention the reason for the vandalism, simply because I wished to concentrate on the mindless actions of these people. There's always some reason for protest, but the methods they employ are equally important.

  17. If we all bought less junk from China (and maybe we'll have to) there would be less trucks on the A14 - from my POV (actually driving on it!) that would be quite nice.

    1. With small children around who require regular top-ups of toys, clothes, etc, we've been quite shocked recently to see how much of it comes from China. But that's another subject!

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