Friday 14 February 2020

The next Mayor of London?

The race is on for a new Mayor of London, and Rory Stewart (above) has thrown his hat into the ring.

Electioneering takes many strange forms, but Rory's must be one of the strangest. He has asked ordinary people from each of London's 32 boroughs to invite him to stay with them overnight; he promises to bring his own sleeping bag and toothbrush. 

He wants to meet 'ordinary Londoners' in their own homes, to discuss their concerns.

By contrast, if he was simply to visit each of the boroughs for half a day, he could get round all of them in a couple of weeks. Talking to people as they go about their daily business might be more informative than staying overnight in someone's flat. But maybe Rory has some alterior motive up his kilt.

There is no question that ex-MP Rory is a highly intelligent man, some may say on a par with Boris; but high intellect is not the only attribute required to be Mayor of one of the world's greatest cities.

He needs a working knowledge of roads, traffic, infrastructure, taxis, busses, the tube, housing, rich areas, poor areas, parks, monuments, and just about everything else that makes London tick.

I don't know who his rivals are for the job, but he'd probably have my vote. His CV must be one of the most impressive in the whole of the UK. 

Yup; I think he'd make a good Mayor; just ditch the idea of the sofa-surfing! 


  1. I'd quite like him staying on my sofa overnight (if I lived in London of course.)

    1. I'll book him in for you Weave. You could treat him to lunch somewhere over The Dales. He'd love it.

  2. All Sadiq Khan ever says is "London is open" and Liam Gallagher replied "what for, knife crime?". I reckon Rory with his proposed emphasis on security and surveillance can't do any worse and could do a lot better if he was allowed to.

    1. I don't yet know who the other candidates are, but I doubt if they'll find anyone better.

  3. He is a sort of likeable lad, given to eccentricity. Ambitious, engaging, though 'His Hands Across the Border Cairn' did not go down too well.

    1. I think his inviting himself into people's homes will be similarly successful. Not his best idea.

  4. I get his idea. Familiarity breeds trust, loosens the tongue.

    However, if you really do have to invite yourself into someone's home, and for his own good reason, I'd suggest breaking bread. Chat over dinner. Spam if need be. Great opportunity to gauge the mood of the people who you hope to look after, as mayor, when at their most relaxed.

    What Rory Stewart hasn't thought through (as intelligent as he is, is the harsh light of the next morning. And its coffee.


    1. It would have been far better to invite randomly selected people to dinner. Why don't you contact him, and suggest it?

  5. I never comment on another country’s politics as it is not my place to do so. However, that is a good looking man and I am sure that their will be many who would enjoy having him stay overnight.

    1. Being Mayor of London is not so much a political post, but more of an efficiency post. It takes a special person to do the job well, regardless of party politics.

    2. I think that's just a flattering picture. He's got a face like an old prune. Seriously ugly - that doesn't mean he can't do a good job of course but ...

    3. There is no "but . . .", Treaders. I do agree that the visually pleasing are more pleasing (to the eye) but, oh, Treaders, charisma, charisma. That certain je ne sais quois. Charisma which doesn't count on the only person to love you (on sight) being your mother.


  6. I can see his point.
    Staying with ordinary folks and seeing their problems with their eyes. Working from the ground up.

    1. I think Londoners might see it as a bit 'creepy'.

    2. Seems to be getting a good reception so far, people telling him how life really is

  7. I'm not sure about the wisdom of his idea. My hunch is that he'd make a good Mayor.

  8. Sounds fun. It'll save him a fortune in rent too!

    1. Personally I would find him an excellent guest, but I doubt if everyone would. Even if his idea took off, I think he'd abandon it after a few days.

  9. I think he could do well. I would like the best person for the job.
