Saturday 29 February 2020

Surely not!

I noticed the above at my local supermarket yesterday... does Monsieur Leclerc know something that we don't?

Mother Nature's worst invention must be SNOW; I can't stand the wretched stuff.

Of course strong wind comes a very close second.

As well as relentless downpours of heavy rain.

Not to mention blazing heat.

Or long periods of drought.

Or frosts beneath -2 C.

Or thick fog.

If I had the honour of advising Mother Nature, I would suggest that all rain fell only at night, and that 95% of our days had clear blue skies, with 25 C temperatures.

However, I'm not against the occasional thunder storm, lightning, or even rainbows, so I'd give her some leeway for the remaining 5% of days.

Our sledge is remaining firmly packed away. I am convinced we shall have no use for it; but don't quote me on that. Old Mother Nature really enjoys slapping my face!


  1. An even worse invention is sandstorms and dust, I would replace it with snow.

    1. Luckily we don't get sandstorms here, but we do occasionally have the results, in the form of dust-covered cars!

  2. Just got home about midnight and it's minus 20C with the windchill factor and that wind is howling! Oh and we're getting more snow! Tomorrow's high will be around minus 4 C (colder if the wind keeps up).
    I am ready for Spring.
    My preference would be a sunny but cool Fall day between about 16C and 20C!

    1. We've had a very mild winter so far. Plenty of days around 13-15 C, and, up until now, not too much rain. Our forecast now predicts over a week of rain ahead; yuk.

  3. 22 and a cool breeze for me, and as you say, the occasional good thunder and lightning show and rain overnight.

    1. I think we'll have to agree here; it's common sense after all.

  4. Having not grown up with snow, I find it pretty to look at from a safe distance, but don't enjoy being in it much.

    1. Best kept to Christmas cards, or views of darkest Canada.

  5. You don't enjoy building a snowman? Or sledging? Throwing a snowball?

    1. Snow is cold, wet, and annoying. What is there to like about it?

  6. Snow has a redeeming feature ..... it’s pretty .... I know that I wouldn’t like to live anywhere that didn’t have seasons ...... and I wouldn’t like it to be hot everyday. How wonderful Spring is after the cold of Winter. I love the British weather ...... no extremes .... and there is nothing lovelier than a warm British Summer ..... and then there’s the changing colours of Autumn !!!! XXXX

    1. One of the reasons I left England was for a better climate. It isn't perfect here, but we do have long warm summers, not too much rain, and beautiful springs and autumns. I won't argue with your summary, but I don't regret having moved south.

    2. Oh Cro, I wasn’t getting at you for you choice of living in France ..... I was just saying how much I like all weathers really. We all like different things ..... I have friends who also like the British weather but others who could live in a constant state of heat !!!!! XXXX

    3. I don't dislike British weather; especially that of the south, but I do like warmth and our outdoor pool.

  7. I second that Cro - but this year, here in the UK, the rainfall has been just unbearable and there are now thousands washed out of their homes. I am just hoping that March is kinder to us.

    1. I've just been seeing the floods on the news. Terrible.

  8. Another livable planet would have to be found in order to have the perfect weather menu that you imagined. However, I really believe that we would never rejoice in the beautiful colors of spring if we did not have starkness of winter.

    We have had no winter weather this year where I live and as much as I don’t like snow, I missed those beautiful white scenes. I did not miss the shoveling.

    1. No real hard winter here either, but there's still time.

  9. I can understand why you moved south. I hate the Irish weather in winter especially. It's a lot milder climate but the rain can be relentless and the gales are the worst in living memory.

    1. It's seems to have been raining in the UK for over a year. Every time we look at their weather forecast, it's raining.

  10. Here in Hampshire, if we are going to get snow, most often it's in March, just saying.

    1. We once had snow on Easter Day. There's plenty of time yet!

  11. I am with northsider on this one. Why can't our winter be confined to just a couple of months? Why does it have to drag on for so blooming long???

    1. Nature ain't so clever. More care needed over the seasons.

  12. Replies
    1. No, just rain. But they're not always right.

  13. One possible side effect of the novel corona virus is that the tidal wave of plastic rubbish from the other side of the world will decrease for a few weeks or months.

    1. Does rain wash it away? If so I won't complain over the next 10 days.

  14. From what you have said about weather may we conclude that you are okay about the occasional tornado?

    1. I've included tornado under the heading of 'Strong wind'. We don't get too many around here.

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