Tuesday 4 February 2020

Sudesh Amman.

What a terrible waste of one's life, but if one truly believes in 'martyrdom', and swathes of virgins in heaven, then I imagine it's a good way to go.

In his case, Sudesh Amman wished to die a martyr; he was awarded the dying bit, but as a 'martyr' I'm not sure. Luckily on this occasion the two people he attacked are OK. The only one to die was the misguided religious fanatic who wished to show his god what a wonderful person he was.

Well, I know it's too late, but may I assure you, Mr Amman, that your non-existent god would think you're a total plonker; and would be ashamed of your action. In fact he might even think you're better off dead; you bring disgrace to the whole Muslim world.


  1. What is worrying about this though, is that no matter how long fanatics stay in prison, they still kill when they come out. He had 20 plain-clothed men keeping an eye on him and who luckily shot him dead before he could kill. But when religious martyrdom equals killing how do you contain it?

    1. At least every time such events take place, the government re-thinks their attitude towards terrorism. They now need to re-introduce the crime of 'treason', which could warrant life imprisonment. Only that way will these people be kept off our streets (unless they're shot, of course).

    2. You need a Guantanamo to keep them all far away from trouble.

    3. The world certainly needs something.

  2. What does it bring to show the dead terrorist? Do not at all understand your post and your conclusion.

    1. Your lack of comprehension does not surprise me in the slightest.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm simply stating what most people are thinking. I hope Boris gets tough with them.

  4. I expect changes in the law to hold these terrorists will be opposed by the EU lovers.

    1. The sweet darlings will always have their apologists; and/or supporters. Human rights above all; especially above the innocent victims.

  5. It's the peace-loving Muslims that I feel sorry for in all of this.

    1. Exactly. Hence my final sentence. One bad apple gives the rest a rotten name.

  6. As the veg artist says. They hurt people of their own religion as much as anyone else.

    1. I would say MORE than anyone else. They bring shame on a whole religion, and the 'ordinary moderate Muslims' are more fed-up with them than anyone.

  7. We never used to have to say we felt sorry for all Catholics when condemning IRA terrorists. It was taken as read. In this new over sensitive world we now insult our own intelligence de rigueur on a daily basis.
