Thursday 6 February 2020

News from Stalag 24.

The escape-proof wire fencing has been erected, and a big white plastic tent, behind the mounds of earth, is (I imagine) covering the construction of the new communal pool at the shipping container 'holiday camp'.

The tent has been there for well over three months, but what they're doing under it I cannot imagine. When we had our pool constructed it was all done and dusted within about two/three weeks.

Maybe they are lining the interior with fancy mosaics depicting Nymphs and Shepherds!

You may just be able to see a green tarpaulin on the extreme right of the photo. Someone has bought an empty cottage on the main (minor) road and is having a new roof.

There is work going on everywhere. Noise, mud, and disturbance is all around us; it never stops. 

And it all used to be so very quiet and genteel. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'm afraid it is. So many lost opportunities to both make money, and preserve the character of our tiny hamlet. Sadly making money alone won the contest.

    2. Yes, sadly the profit motive seems to be the over-riding factor now. Reminiscent of the over-enthusiasm for tower blocks in the 60s, brutalist architecture.

  2. All very unsightly. What a darn shame your hamlet is changing for the worse.
    They seem to be taking a very long time to finish it all.

    1. And they haven't even started on the interiors of the containers yet. I imagine the opening date is now 2021. Still some peace for this summer.

  3. Oh how sad .... you must be devastated .... maybe, when it’s all done, it will blend in a bit ! ...... although, it’s going to be noisy ....... maybe they will run out of money and it will take years to finish ! XXXX

    1. We're now relying on the hope that no-one in their right mind would want to spend their Summer holiday in a tiny Shipping Container!

    2. I assume from that that they haven't opened for business yet. I thought they had.

    3. No, not yet. Another year I should think; unless they work incredibly hard.

  4. Is it worth planting some fast growing tall shrubs along your side of that fence?

    1. HE has to do that, and also to build an earth bank all around. Our problem will mostly be noise and the number of people.

  5. Oh my, a sight like that near my home would be so disheartening. Maybe a trip back to the UK for a few months wouldn’t be bad thing.

    1. We'll have to wait and see. If there are going to be crowds of people, kids, dogs, cars, etc, around, it will change everything.

  6. Oh My Goodness those beautiful stone home have to look down on that container trash.
