Saturday 8 February 2020

Mad Marinetti.

Both Lady Magnon and I are big lovers of Pasta. We eat pasta at least twice a week.

Back in 1930, the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (above) launched his famous 'futurist' campaign against the eating of pasta, calling it an 'obsolete' food; heavy, brutalising, and gross. Silly man.

As you could imagine, his pronouncements didn't go down too well wherever pasta was served; i.e. throughout Italy, and elsewhere!

Marinetti suggested his own 'futurist' alternatives to the daily consumption of pasta. He suggested Mortadella with nougat, Pineapple with Sardines, Salami soaked in coffee, flavoured with Eau de Cologne; all of which were to be eaten to the accompaniment of different perfumes, whilst stroking some suitable material such as silk, velvet, or emery paper.

Marinetti claimed that pasta wasn't a food for 'fighters'; he said that it made them placid and slow, whereas meat eaters were quick and aggressive.

Filippo didn't limit his 'futurist' ideas to pasta, he also demanded that all foreign influences in Italy be banned, and proposed that a bar should be known as quistibeve (here one drinks), a cocktail as a polibibita (multi-drink), and an aphrodisiac as a guerro in letto (war-in-the-bed).

Other campaigns against the eating of pasta have failed equally as dismally as Marinetti's, and along with the humble potato and rice; pasta has become a staple of world diet.

Personally I only eat a few varieties of pasta. Spaghetti (my favourite) and Penne with various sauces, and Vermicelli in lunchtime soups.

Life for me would be extremely dull without pasta; and damn Marinetti!



  1. I'm also in favor of pasta.

    1. We favour very simple, flavoursome, sauces that are easy and fast to prepare. Three or four basic ingredients at most. Lovely.

  2. Wonder if he ever ate sardines and pineapple. What an idiot.
    We eat plenty of pasta. Greeks have loads of pasta dishes, though it's all called macaroni here. Oddly enough the word pasta means a sweet cake

    1. I used to live off Pasticcio when in Greece. I still love it, and make it often; especially when I have crowds to feed!

  3. Spag Bol - a child's delight!

  4. Given that it's made from durum wheat, surely it's only a cultural variation on bread, and it all depends on the sauce.
    Friday night is spag bol night for me, with several cloves of crushed garlic on top!

    1. Spag with a meat/tomato sauce is also our Friday night regular. Love it.

  5. My grandson, who is 12 asks for "Tuna pasta" every time he stays. It's just cooked pasta, drained and left in the pan, tip in a can of tuna, a heaped dessert spoon of mayo, loads of black pepper, mix gently and serve. It's ready to eat in less than 15 mins. Lovely!

    1. Tinned Tuna and Pasta were made for each other. I use Cream or Yog instead of the mayo, but I expect it tastes much the same.

  6. Maybe you should explain who Marinetti was.

    1. Er; an Italian futurist poet, who didn't like pasta.

    2. Yes, I failed to mention that. I didn't think it relevant.

  7. In Italian Culture class last week we were told pasta was for the peasants to fill up with because they were too poor to eat proper food. I think I'll go along with that.

    1. Quite true. It was cheap, quick to cook, and could be made more palatable by the addition of very few extras. The perfect food.

  8. For me most soups I make are not finished until I have thrown in a handful of some tiny pasta to fill them out a bit. And as for spaghetti bol - life wouldn't be the same without it.

    1. Our lunchtime soups usually contain Vermicelli. Today we actually had Chinese noodles for a change.

  9. My other half would live on pasta every day if he had his way. At least I know that I can always whip up something quick, easy and tasty when necessary and he'll eat it.

    1. I'm a bit the same, and the simpler the better. I can't stand the thick heavy tomato sauces that some make.

  10. Fettuccine for me. Usually four or five meals at home each week. One with rice. one with chips, one with mashed potato and one with pasta.

    1. That's a bit my scheme too, but one is always with couscous!

  11. I LOVE pasta and will eat it with anything on it !!!!! I also love spaghetti Bolognase but that is known as Ragu in Italy .... I saw two ‘ nonnas ‘ in Italy on a cookery programme making their spaghetti bolognase which was just tuna in a simple tomato sauce. .... and Marinetti was very wrong ..... many athletes eat loads of pasta for energy !!! XXXX

    1. The genuine Spaghetti Bolognese is made with Tuna. What we call Spaghetti Bolognese should only ever be made with Tagliatelle.

    2. I have never eaten tuna. I regard it as poison.

  12. I love pasta, but except Mac and Cheese, my retired man does not. On nights that he is not home, I treat myself. I used to love heavy red sauces, but age and gerd has now gotten me into lighter, olive oil based mixtures with herbs and veggies.

    1. Italians will say that if there's any sauce left on your plate after the pasta is finished, then you've had too much. So, I agree; just a small amount of a simple sauce is best.

  13. I'm very partial to pasta and can whip up various sauces in 5 shakes. It really is Fast Food. Mr. P is presently making a big batch of ragù which is a much longer affair. It's smelling delicious!

    1. Hang on to him; Mr P sounds like good chap! Every man should have a few recipes under his belt, and a really good ragu is one of them.

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