Wednesday 12 February 2020

Haddock's Feb 2020.

Everything that needed to be dug over, has been. Now only a few bits of late greenery remain.

Still plenty of Cavolo Nero, a row of Perpetual Spinach, and a few lettuces under plastic.

Having said that, it's now when I begin to harvest one of my favourite crops; the flowery sproutings that erupt from all over my Winter Greens.

With the Cavolo Nero (above), I first cut the tops, then I let more sprouts develop all the way down the stems (we ate the ones above last night).

It's like a bonus crop that many veg' growers miss; having taken out all their old plants far too early.

Make a note; don't be in a rush to take out all those old stems, be patient and they'll give you another delicious crop.


  1. How wonderful it is to eat vegetables harvested from the garden.

    1. We've been eating our own vegs since about last June, and they should continue for a few weeks yet.

  2. I have said it once, I say it twice. I envie you your vegetable patch. Envie not in a green eyed monster type of way; in a wistful way.

    I love Kale, I also love its more tender brother Cavolo Nero. And you, Cro, may be interested, as indeed am I, that now, here in England, you will find "Kalettes". Came to my attention yesterday. Apparently it's a hybrid between Kale and Brussel Sprouts. Looks like the middle sibling of older sister/brother Kale and youngest Cavolo Nero. And we all know the pains middle children suffer, making them capricious.

    On an even more wistful note re Haddock's and its nutritional (and enjoyable) value, I sometimes think you and Lady M will live to at least a hundred.


    1. If the youthful benefits of Green Leafy Vegs are true, I see us becoming the next Methuselahs.

  3. Where is the snow, or frost at least?

    1. We've been having a very mild Winter so far. Two nights of Zero C, but nothing worse.

  4. Enjoy your sproutings. We're eating the last of our lettuce and rocket.

    1. Those sproutings are wonderful, and totally unavailable unless you grow your own.

  5. I bet it's a good feeling to see it all dug over and finished and ready for Spring.

    1. I've been doing a little every day, and it's now awaiting sowing and planting, even though it's still a long way off.

  6. Paul prepared his seed trays yesterday - beetroot, broad beans and Piment des Landes. They have taken up residence in my garden room for the time being. We've only got spinach and garlic growing outside right now.

    1. I have some self-sown Potatoes on my compost heap.... they're looking good. I love those Piment des Landes, I had a poor crop last year; I'm hoping for better this year.

  7. Wonderful post.... I let all brassica and brassica related plants sprout.... even the rocket!!

    1. You'd be amazed by how many 'experienced' gardeners don't. I think they simply consider the plants to be untidy; and damn the harvest.

    2. Cro, I wouldn't and ain't.... I was an allotment association secretary!!

  8. Our veg plot is still too wet to turn. The only thing that survives the very wet winters here, oddly, is the rocket, which we trim in the spring but always re-grows.

    1. I grew some Rocket last year, and it bolted almost at once.

  9. It is all looking good and that grass is so green unlike ours which is brown.

    1. We've had a very mild winter so far, even a few days when I was able to mow everywhere.

  10. In my veggie-growing days I always left the greens in and the side shoots and flowers they developed over winter made delicious eating. Makes my mouth water writing this!

    1. It has always been the wise thing to do, but you'd be amazed by the amount of people who take them out.

  11. I have been able to pick many herbs all winter, or what used to be referred to as winter. We have had very few days where it was below freezing. I have no complaints but fear the summer ahead. I actually wouldn’t mind a weekend snowstorm.

    1. I drastically pruned my huge Rosemary bush before Christmas, and it died. Luckily we have others. Otherwise our herb garden is quite thin.

  12. I am eagerly awaiting spring...we have 4 feet of snow in the yard. We had almost a week of -40C, in January, just like the old days. The garlic patch sleeps through the winter under 8 inches of mulch and a blanket of snow. I take the plastic off the big greenhouse so it doesn't collapse from the snow load. Soon I will start the tomatoes, squash and cucumbers. Not too soon, as we don't plant anything much until after the 21st of May... A long haul without greens here.

    1. Over here we tend to start our planting and sowing after 'The Ice Saints', which are the 11th, 12th, and 13th of May; after which we are 'guaranteed' no more frosts. Of course I can never wait that long so I just hope for the best.

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