Wednesday 1 January 2020

What all Grandparents need.

Grandparents, of course, need Grandchildren who are pleasant to have around; otherwise the rest of this can be ignored.

Grandparents needs to be patient and generous, not only with money, but with time. They need to be amusing, encouraging, and, probably most importantly, flattering.

They need wisdom and fine pedagogical skills. They need to allow freedom as well as instill discipline.

All Grandchildren need to feel important, and this is an essential job for Grandparents; their actual parents often don't have the time; or simply forget.

A Grandfather needs to be bold, courageous, and dashing; he must never show fear. A Grandmother should be slightly rounded, warm, and cuddly; someone you run to when things aren't going too well.

HE should show his Grandchildren how to sharpen a stick, release a fish from a hook, and shoot a can off a fence. SHE should teach them all about weights and measures, as they watch how to bake cakes, mince pies, and biscuits.

A Grandfather should spell danger; a Grandmother at the ready with plasters and Dettol.

Both should be prepared to send the little darlings home when tiredness sets in (after about an hour).

That's it; in a nutshell. Simple!


  1. They can be very tiring, not that I have any grandchildren, but the nieces and great nieces can certainly be that.

    1. We're having plenty of experience at the moment!

  2. Home after an hour! Haha. Not here. It can run into 10 hours and even overnight.
    Yes, I agree with everything you've said.
    I get a day off today, I'm going to our allotment to plan the years crop rotation.
    I'm afraid I have "cabin fever". Can't wait for it to come light so I can get out there.

    1. I'm not a Winter person; I can hardly wait for warmer weather, T shirts, and eating outdoors again. The 'hour' was wishful thinking (not really; we love having them here).

  3. My brother has his grandchildren to stay for two or three days at a time. His wife plans the days and they appear to stick to plans, making things and outings and they spend time doing things they don't do at home like going to shops which for them is a novelty. Both parents shop only on line so even a trip to the supermarket is, apparently, exciting. They are at an age where this is still possible but the boy is about to be 14 and on the verge of losing interest in what grandma plans for them. I suppose it will get more difficult then.

    1. There comes an age when they lose all interest in most 'normal' activities. I think it's best to then ban them until they reach 20-ish; by which time they usually become human again. Those intervening 6 or 7 years should be their own. Lock them in their bedrooms.

  4. So so true!! Here they learn how to use a screwdriver and dig the garden as well. That last bit is why we live them so much.....we can hand them back when they get messy and loud. They've got parents to look after them!!!

    1. We did buy mini wheelbarrow spades and rakes, but they never got the hang of them. I find it easier to do it all myself.

  5. Both grandfathers and one grandmother had died before I was born. My remaining gran, with whom my siblings and I had to live on the farm for a few years, was not an affectionate woman. I remember her teaching me to tell the time. Other than that we were fed and scrubbed.

    1. I didn't know any of my grandparents. I probably didn't miss out on much, although it would have been nice to have known them.

  6. The good part about being a grandmother is that it is for set times, like you wrote.

  7. Being grandparents is lovely and completely different from being a parent and is such a wonderful gift. Ours are still quite young but, as you say, once they become teenagers, they retire to their rooms for about seven years and then comeback to you when they come out the other side 😂🤣😂. Happy New Year to you Cro, Lady M and all of your friends and family and I wish you all health and happiness in 2020 .. much love. XXXX

    1. I have a feeling that you will be the perfect Grandmother; you'll never get rid of them! Thank you for your kind wishes, I wish you and your family the same. xx

  8. You decribed me to perfection !!!

    1. Good. I was trying to describe Lady Magnon, so you must be perfect too!

  9. The younger grandchildren can tire us out, but I learned to cope and plan. Now that mine are all teenagers and have other interests, I am still their hero, but they spend less time with me. The years go by so very quickly so enjoy every moment and make lasting memories for them.

    1. They say that the last people to remember you are your Grandchildren, so be nice to them, and they'll always think kindly of you! I'm working on it.
