Monday 13 January 2020

Tree planting.

As regular readers of this page will be aware, I have always planted a tree on the very day of my grandsons births (as well as on other notable occasions). It has always seemed an appropriate thing to do.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I saw that my départment (county) is to adopt a similar scheme, by offering a free tree to the parents of every new-born child within our area. Well done to whoever thought-up this wonderful idea (me?).

I, of course, always plant fruit trees, but, by the look of it, our départment will include all sorts.


  1. This is a great program and I wish it existed everywhere. I have planted many trees in my decades of gardening.

    1. I'm sure it's a trend that will be followed a lot. We need trees!

  2. Who could possibly think it was not a great thing to plant an appropriate tree in an appropriate place. My brother planted two trees for his twin granddaughters but not the earlier granddaughters or the later grandson.

    1. Luckily I managed to plant for each of mine; and only one in pouring rain! One I fear is looking a bit sad, and may need replacing, but otherwise all doing well.

  3. Great idea, we already have a tree in our tiny garden, but I managed to plant another a few years ago, we have 7 grandsons so we would need 6 more tree's.

    1. I have 6 grandsons; all have their tree. The oldest has a Plum. and I think he's the only one to have benefitted from the fruit; Lady M made a Plum Tarte Tatin.

  4. You’ve set a lovely trend ...... do you think someone told them of your tradition ? It gives ‘ planting a tree ‘ such a special meaning. XXXX

    1. It's to be known as The Magnon Scheme'. The children all love having their own trees; they are very protective of them.

  5. Some town councils here are felling urban trees because it's cheaper than keeping them in good condition. Sheffield has felled almost all of theirs I heard.

    1. Is that a Labour run council by any chance?

    2. Yes. Responding to Conservative austerity measures.

    3. What, all gathered around a wood burner for beer and sandwiches?

  6. Plant a tree in seventy-three! Did I imagine that?

    1. And now plant plenty in twenty twenty!

    2. Recently read a local report that the bush fires in Australia have already released 5 x the total co2 from all of Austria’s co2 sources for the whole year. Australia is the worlds biggest coal exporter news media now saying. I had no idea! The desert must’ve been covered with trees one time I assume?

    3. Or Peat. Both become compressed into coal.

  7. We live on the edge of woodland, and there are trees all around us. If we didn't take care to remove saplings every year we'd have no garden left! Having said that, there is a difference between trees of choice - fruit or ornamental, and nature reclaiming ground.

    1. It's a battle here too, to keep the woodland under control. Our paddock is desperate to become an Oak wood!

  8. I am avidly awaiting my walnut to show itself above the soil. I bought it in Ludlow market from the chap that sells his walnut crop. It had a fine first root so now I wait...


    1. They usually grow very well from sowing a Walnut. The woods around us are filled with small saplings; probably as a result of Squirrels.

  9. Slightly different but I planted a holly tree in our garden to remember my dad when he died 13 years ago on Christmas Eve. It is doing really well now and I pop over there every now and then to chat to him.

    1. I like that idea, it keeps us in touch with those who are no longer with us. I planted a Holly several years ago. It was a small tree that I found in the woods; but sadly has no berries (wrong sex?).

  10. Maybe someone out there reading your blog, the idea is wonderful.

    1. It would be nice to think so, but I expect it's a very common practice.

  11. I have planted perennials for each new grandchild. They have all grown beautifully and given me joy (just like the grandchildren). I love the idea of the trees and even like it better if the county paid for it.

    1. It's very generous of them, but I suspect they'll be quite common trees. Still, it's a great idea.

  12. A superb method of reforesting a portion of the land. A while back I drove through the subdivision we lived in when the children were born, fifty odd years ago. City planners decreed every yard must have a tree, and passed out little sapling sticks, which we dutifully planted. That barren subdivision I left thirty odd years ago now is a mature, green neighborhood. So many trees. It's lovely.

    1. Great foresight. I can see this happening more and more.

  13. I always thought this was a lovely idea for your grandchildren. I now see someone in Government has been reading your blog !

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