Wednesday 8 January 2020

The world on fire!

This shocking aerial photograph shows the extent of the fires in Australia;

and here is another map showing further current fires throughout the world.

Across huge swathes of Africa, South America, and many other countries, it seems as if almost everywhere is on fire.

No doubt 'Global Warming' is to blame (amongst a mixture of causes); but whether the world can do anything to halt it, I'm not so sure.

As long as the world exists (and has existed) there will be periods of extreme heat and extreme cold. The last Ice Age (The Last Glacial Maximum) was as recently as 22,000 years ago.

There have been 5 documented Ice Ages during the 4.6 Billion years since the Earth was formed. Being aware of world pollution levels might help slow our present phase of warming a tiny bit; but it certainly won't halt it.

As Canute so wisely demonstrated; secular power is helpless in the face of the supreme power of nature (God).


  1. England or UK has set a fine example of making headway against climate change. I read the other day that in 2012 nearly half the power was generated by burning coal. Now it is just 2%. This is remarkable, I think.

    1. I know that the UK uses a very high percentage of renewable energy; a world leader I believe!

  2. What is happening in Australia is inconceivable, I am also not sure that everything is our fault.

    1. It's horrendous; I feel so sad for them. Humans are probably partly to blame, but we mustn't be made to think that it's all our fault. It's not.

  3. Management of forests in the old ways could have avoided much of this. Fire breaks, no more. Controlled management, no more. Gone like the world into the hands of those without the experience of the old.

    1. We had 'fire-break' tracks established through the woods here, about 25 years ago. The woods are mostly Pine, and the fire-breaks about 3 metres wide (max). If they honestly think they would hold back a serious fire, they must be crazy. I walk along the tracks, and the hunters speed along them in their Renault Express cars, so they are of some use.

    2. Yes, three metres is nothing and would not stop fire spreading. Controlled management and everything else gone to the environment and old ways sometimes do know best.

    3. Much of it is two metres wide, and the overhanging branches on each side, nearly touch each other. The idea was OK, but in practice it's rubbish.

  4. Monoculture in Portugal - I think it's another land at risk.

    1. Europe won't escape fires. The South of France usually has a few each year, and with the whole country being so wooded, it could easily happen further north. I even fear for our area in the years to come.

  5. Seeing that photograph of Australia in particular really underlines how terrible it all is.

    1. It really makes one understand how terrible it is.

  6. Even if we did everything green and clean, the rising number of people on our planet will keep the temperatures going up.

    1. I'm afraid that's the real problem. Too many people, too many mouths to feed, too many cars, too much metal-bashing, too much of everything; expect for good fresh air.

  7. The simple truth is that there are too many people on our planet and that number continues to rise at an alarming rate. This excess of people has put enormous extra pressure on the world's finite resources. When I was born - in 1953 - the Earth's population was 2,677,608,960 but now it is 7,794,798,739. Far more than double!

    1. Of course, you are 100% right. In time nature will solve the problem, but for the moment I'm not sure there's an ethical answer.

  8. The last time I was in Portugal a taxi driver told us that a lot of fires are started deliberately because it creates jobs for the unemployed putting out the fires. Also land husbandry is not carried out. People leave their ancestral fincas and find jobs in the cities and the wild scrub takes over.

    1. Land, especially woodland, needs to be managed. If the scrub isn't cleared beneath the trees it can become a tinderbox.

  9. I agree, it is probably too late but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop doing what we can to save our planet. Species by the millions are disappearing and soon it will be our turn. Roaches and politicians, though, will live on.

    1. We can only do our best. Mother nature will always win in the end, but maybe we can slow her down just a tiny bit.

  10. Alot of misleading 'pictures' have been posted including the one above.

    "But it is actually artist Anthony Hearsey's visualisation of one month of data of locations where fire was detected, collected by Nasa's Fire Information for Resource Management System."

    1. If it is based on Nasa's Fire Information, then I imagine it's genuine.

    2. Thats the point, its not a 'picture', its many images superimposed to make it look like most of Australia is on fire. As Alphie Soup says below its very misleading!

  11. The world is not on fire old Cro, though it does make an attention grabbing post title.
    As for the so-called shocking photograph, it is not a photograph. It is a 3D graphic compilation of a month of fires across Australia put together by an artist in Brisbane based on DATA from NASA, not a satellite image.
    While your post may have been well-intentioned it has actually spread misinformation. At no one time did Australian fires look like that image.
    It is difficult enough for many people to deal with the fire situation as it stands without the misleading images posted on line.


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