Saturday 11 January 2020

The Firm.

Without question, a certain amount of rot has set-in amongst the minor members of our Royal Family, luckily by-passing the direct line of descendents who are really all the country either needs or desires; the Queen herself, her oldest son, her oldest grandson, and her oldest great-grandson (as in the picture above). The line of succession is assured, and all behave as one would hope and expect.

I suppose it all started with Edward VII and Mrs Simpson. A pushy American divorcee was too much for sedate Britain. He abdicated, and they eventually fled to live in Paris.

Many years later Ferguson and Spencer both threw petrol on the fire, and in recent times Andrew hasn't exactly helped matters. The saga of Harry and Meghan is simply another demonstration of this inability to behave correctly. 

Harry and Edward have much in common. Neither was blessed with great intellect, both married American divorcees, and both demonstrated an incapacity to cope with their lofty birthright positions.

As I predicted at the time of their marriage, Harry and Meghan will soon be off to live in some erstwhile glitzy 'Hollywood', where their talents will be more appreciated. She will possibly return to soap opera TV, and poor Harry will have to find his true place in society, either constantly appearing on chat shows, or maybe even 'finding a job'! 

Personally I don't think Meghan ever had any intention of staying in the UK. She's married her Prince, ensured her position in life, and will now settle down to the status she's always coveted, back in the USA.

I don't think they'll be greatly missed. Liz, Charlie, Wills, and little George, will look after the firm's affairs perfectly well without them.


  1. It would have been a nice gesture if they could have said they are giving back Frogmore Cottage at Windsor to the estate workers. But no, they are keeping it.

    1. As far as I see it, they want to keep everything; but avoid meeting the hoi-polloi.

    2. Personally I think Meghan should go back to acting and Harry should rejoin the Army.

    3. If he gets a diplomatic job (governor general) they'd both be happy.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I agree with everything you have both said. He should just be Prince, she shouldn’t be anything and let them earn their own living. Plus they all have to still be protected, how much will that cost?

    1. Protected by whom? If they were in Canada, it wouldn't be for UK taxpayers to foot the bill, but if they were back in the UK on holiday, I suppose a few coppers could watch them.

  3. After what happened to his mother you’d have to expect something like this. I think comparison with Eddie the Spy whom Churchill banished to the Bahamas is a step too far.

    1. Banished to Canada instead? Wherever he ends-up, I expect he'll be given a nice job beyond his natural capabilities.


    2. At least the FBI don’t want to chat to Harry.

    3. I wonder if all the 'big names' will ever be revealed. I imagine there are some very dirty secrets about; hence someone not being around any more!!!

    4. Well a Jimmy Saville he isn't. These girls were adults in my eyes although some one tells me that 17 is not regarded as an adult. He is guilty of being an idiot but that is about it in my eyes.

    5. There are allegations made in a documentary I saw on TV that Epstein was blackmailing his clients. One of the girls in the documentary from a broken home and taken on at 15 as a trainee masseuse. Local gardener claimed young girls seen at his residence. Some picked up from school gates.

    6. Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly hiding in Israel according to Haaretz yesterday. Hiding from who?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. There's no question that it's a murky affair. I doubt if the entire truth will ever be known; too many big-wigs involved.

    9. There have always been young girls who did their utmost to appear much older than they were in order to attract men rather than boys. At work I overheard many a conversation between underage girls bragging about their sex lives and they weren't doing it with fourteen year old boys that's for sure.
      As Rachel said, I think he's just guilty of being an idiot.

  4. I agree that they are making a total mess of things, but at the same time, I can't think of anything worse than being born into a family where your responsibilities are laid out from day one, particularly if you are not tempermentally suited to the role.
    I suspect that the Queen who, after all, was not raised to her position from birth, might be quite sympathetic.

    1. It really must be one of the most tasking birthrights one can imagine. I don't envy their lineage one bit. QEII has done a great job regardless.

  5. I do agree with the veg artist above really - I am not a Royalist but I cannot help but admire the way that the Queen embraced and fulfilled the role throughout her long life.
    As to these last two - poor old Harry - think he means well but has always had a secondary role - often a hard one in any walk of life.

    1. He's had a lot to put-up with, poor boy. I've always quite liked his rebellious side, but certain things need to be done correctly. This time I don't think he'll be easily forgiven.

      I am a Royalist; I like having them there.

  6. It would appear they enjoy the wealth, the privilege, all the trappings, the HRH that they guard with passion. Cutting ribbons, pressing the flesh of the great unwashed, lobbing a spade of soil in a hole to plant a tree is just so taxing. Much more fun to fly around the world in private jets loaned by wealthy friends, stay free in divine residences, life is tough as a royal. The gifts: don’t let anyone tell you companies don’t fall over themselves to give, well call it permanent loan, them whatever their hearts desire. I’ve seen it first-hand.


    1. Personally I don't begrudge them all their privileges, but I do expect them to behave properly as a result. Some of our recent young royals don't seem to have any idea how to conduct themselves.

  7. I agree with all of the above comments. I was always a supporter of the Royal Family, thinking them a *good thing* for the country's image but these latest antics have changed my mind.
    Off with their heads!

    1. I can think of a couple of heads that should have rolled, but most can keep theirs.

  8. What are they thinking with that boy's hair?
    Don't think lots of stuff hasn't gone on before. It's just been cleverly covered up so we don't know about it.

    1. It's a wig! I don't think much escapes the UK press.

  9. I was trying to think how I felt. The answer is (I think) that I don't really give a damn. I'm not a Royalist by academic conviction but I think QEII has been a darn site better than most elected heads of state I can think of. It is not, after all, an executive position.

    1. I suppose I count myself as a Royalist, simply because they've always been there, on the stamps, at big occasions, etc. I cannot imagine life without them.

  10. If it is true that they didn't talk over this matter with Prince Charles or The Queen it is quite disgraceful, showing breathtaking egotism and irresponsibility. I would like to see Prince Harry working as a Deliveroo or Uber Eats driver though I am not convinced that he would pass the initial competence tests. After all, the lad is pretty thick.

    1. I think his entry to Sandhurst was helped-along. I don't think I would have felt safe with him piloting a helicopter. I see him more with a desk-job.

  11. Yeah, that was kind of what I was saying in my post. Fund the direct kings and queens but not their rels. I saw a better photo of Harry of Ms Sparkle earning an income at an LA 'movie' studio.

    1. Some of the outer royals are good-eggs. Princess Anne is very hard working, Sophie is loved by all, and some have their own jobs and just occasionally present a trophy.

  12. I don’t care if they want out but they can’t expect to be paid for it or have their cake and eat it as the papers are saying. They want to be financially independent yet keep Frogmore, have bodyguards and protection paid for and have the £2 million a year that Charles gives them from the Duchy of Cornwall. I read that the want to make HRH and Sussex a brand and sell stuff and they say they have already signed up for a talk show It feels like their aim is to be Hollywood celebrities ! I admire The Queen but think she is sometimes soft with her family and gives in and I can see her doing it with Harry but hopefully not to the detriment of the Monarchy. H & M are coming across as spoiled brats ..... I can see Harry regretting it. XXXX

    1. I think she's too forceful for him; or he's not forceful enough with her! He seems like her lap-dog, when she should be behaving like a consort.

  13. They already have a TV series with Oprah on mental health. They are both too political for the Royal family who must stay neutral. It is the beginning of the end I am afraid. Prince Charles needs to slim it all down right now.

    1. They'll probably be quite popular for a while, then the novelty will wear off. I fear for Harry's future; she'll be OK, her type always are.

  14. I think that what happened to his mother had a big part in his decision. No, I don't think, I know.

    1. I expect she thought she'd made a wise decision too.

    2. I imagine the decisions he makes now are made by Meghan.

    3. I don't doubt it for one minute!

    4. Well I do doubt it. The press will turn against her - they already have - as they turned against Diana, and the paparazzi will take whatever position they like. I really don't care what they do, but the household obviously does.

    5. The press were full of 'gush' over her originally, it's been her behaviour since (as was Diana's) that has turned them against her; if indeed they have. Learning to behave discreetly isn't easy.

    6. And their split with William and Kate? I suppose that's the fault of the press too.

    7. I have no idea, but I can see it being a factor. How can it not be?

    8. What planet are you on? He married a bitch who wants her own way and is going to get it. He's scared of her and does as he's told. Take a closer look.

  15. I, a South African, am a Royalist. I take my fascinator off to the Queen for what she has to put up with. Yes, Meghan calls the shots and Harry follows.

    1. I'm afraid she's made it plainly obvious. I don't know if she received much advice before marrying Harry, but she should have been advised to act as a consort, and not the main event. Like Harry's mother, she seems to have ignored the advice.

    2. Yes. It is sad about Diana's not gettiing the proper training BEFORE marriage, as she was just too young to know much of anything, really. Meghan, however, is a much different matter. She has made it extremely clear SHE wants her own attention, no matter what. And, as someone else said, she was "no one in the first place" so none of us, here in America, really even know who she is or was. Sad, for Harry. Sad, really sad, for the Queen.

  16. In the end, they are just people, a couple, a family wanting a good and decent life. What they do does not affect most of us; it isjust the press and getting that million dollar picture and writing some trash about them.

    1. I believe she's already signed up with Disney, so her plan seems to be working. The press will make of it as they will.

  17. I'm fed up of hearing that we here in Canada want him as GG. Nobody I know want this. Most don't give a rat's backside about this spoilt pair.

    She was a little known, aging cable show second string actress. Not a famous Celeb.

    Hero Harry? Bit of a myth according to several friends who served at the same time.

    It was a match made in Hades. My favourite rumour is that she's a beard for Harry.

    Who knows? Who cares.

    I just don't want to pay for them to be GG in Ottawa, nor pay for their security.

    1. I think the GG idea is simply throwing him a temporary life-line. It would give him purpose for a while until she tells him exactly what to do.

  18. I think the amount of press intrusion and racism got to them. When they married there was a suggestion that it would herald a new era of tolerance but the racists are no doubt cheering to see them running away.
    I don't blame them. It was being hounded and chased by the press that killed Harry's mother after all.
    Number one in the line of succession hasn't always behaved as he should, conducting an affair with Camilla while he was married to Diana and she to someone else.
    Mind you, there is plenty of material for a future series of "The Crown"....looking forward to it already!

    1. No, getting into a car with a drunk driver, not wearing a seatbelt, and turning down RPO's killed Diana.

      And don't forget St. Diana wasn't above interfering with other women's husbands. Oliver Hoare, Will Carling, ring any bells?

  19. This all stems back to Charles marrying Diana. It should never have happened. I do wonder if she had lived, whether Harry would have ended up living with her and not Charles, as he has never behaved himself... ( that sounds harsh, but I do have sympathy for him losing his Mum at such an young age. )


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