Monday 6 January 2020

Any port in a (sunny) storm.

This is a strange place. We never know what we're going to find in the garden. Occasionally you look out from your front door, and there's some bloke sitting down outside, enjoying the sunshine with his dog.

I'm not sure why, but he had decided to sit down for a while on our terrace, and admire the view.

I do know who he is; he's our erstwhile 'neighbour' Maurice. He's quite a character. He used to live in a caravan inside an old tobacco barn, but he's recently gone up in the world, and has bought himself a plastic cottage (a sort of large plastic Wendy House), that used to be on a nearby holiday camp. 

We get on very well, but he must have had a stroke at some time, and his speech has been affected quite badly; he's very difficult to understand. I tend to do all the talking when we're together, otherwise I keep having to ask him to repeat himself.

His dog is a beautiful big German Shepherd.

I left him alone; I was busy, and didn't really want to spend half an hour chatting. He seemed very happy by himself. About 20 mins later I noticed that he'd upped and gone.

He's always very welcome to sit here a while. I think he likes the view; it's one of the best in the village!.


  1. I remember you writing about his former home in the barn. How wonderful he feels safe and comfortable to sit for a time with his gud dug at your home.

    1. He's a nice old guy. It was just a bit of a shock seeing him sitting there yesterday. But he's always very welcome.

    2. Just what you were saying the other day about hatred. Live and let live... I adore that you are content to share your view.


    3. I'm now feeling a little guilty that I didn't give him 30 mins of my time; he was probably hoping for a chat.

  2. I think he would have welcomed a chat with you. It's hard sometimes isn't it.

  3. With a view like that, I am sure he will be back.

    I talk to anybody and everybody. However, yesterday, while reminiscing, I thought of two times when I didn’t, and I regret them.

    1. I really didn't have the time yesterday. But I'll make a point of chatting to him when I next see him.

  4. That's what I thought also. Maybe he's lonely and was looking for a little company?

    1. I'm sure that was the case, unless he was just tired and needed to sit for a while.

  5. A view worth sharing..and a view to give peace

    1. It is a lovely view, and spans around 180 degrees of unsullied landscape.
