Sunday 1 December 2019

Wine Gums.

NB. When I say 'Wine Gums', I mean 'MAYNARDS Wine Gums'; nothing else is worthy of the name.

There was a time when I was totally addicted to Wine Gums. I could eat 1 lb a day, easily. I had to hold myself back.

When I was working on the London Stock Exchange, there was an inter-firm Wine Gum tasting competition, and I represented my firm (Sheppards & Co). The idea was this; after a few pints at a favourite hostelry in Throgmorton Street, each firm's representative would be blindfolded in turn, and asked to identify the flavour of several Wine Gums. Usually about 5.

I don't really remember if anyone actually won or lost, but I did consider myself to be a champion of sorts. My main rival was an old school friend (fellow blue-button NL; who worked for Panmure Gordon & Co) and we locked horns on a regular basis; there was company pride involved. The main purpose of these evenings was the drinking of beer to celebrate the end of the working day; not the eating of Wine Gums.

I don't eat too many Wine Gums these days as they're not sold here, but if any member of the family really wants to be in my 'good books', then a pack of Maynards at Christmas always does the job.

On the question of sweets, I do very occasionally buy myself a packet of 'fizzy' Haribo Coke bottles, or even some Licorice wheels; but I have to do so in secret, otherwise Lady M would get the rolling pin out!


  1. I like Maynards Wine Gums... and yes, cheaper/clones just haven't got the flavour.
    My favourite Festive Saison treat are sugared almonds... but one year herself and meself were convulsed in giggles.
    She had bought me some from Thornton's...
    on the underside of the box was a small label....
    I should bloody coco!!
    Elf'n'safety gorn mad!!

    1. Maybe Maynards should attach a label saying 'doesn't contain wine'. I bought some lentils recently that warned that the packing Co also packed nuts. I understand that some people can have nasty effects from nut contamination; but I don't think those people would buy sugared Almonds.

  2. Sorry to be a killjoy but a friend who is a medical consultant warned me off liquorice. Apparently it's bad if you suffer from hypertension as it raises the blood pressure more.
    I quite like "Midget gems".
    Who am I kidding? I like most sweets!

    1. Oh dear; perhaps I'd better not buy any more Liquorice. I don't normally eat anything sweet, but just occasionally the desire overcomes me!

  3. Never heard of these which is probably why I never liked wine gums. there was a time when I would have been yours for a pound of coconut mushrooms or buttered brazils but these days I rarely eat sweets.

    1. Wine gums were my only real passion. I hate to think of the amount I consumed over my younger years.

  4. I was frightened off sweets by a dentist colleague who showed me photos of teeth damaged by too much sugar. Not a pretty sight!

    1. Best avoided I think, far better to have fruit.

  5. Replies
    1. I don't think I've ever had those, I imagine they might be softer!

  6. It was always black midget gems for me until after a few months of rather too many the dentist asked "Whatever have you been doing to your teeth?"

    1. Too late for my dentist to remonstrate, but mine are inherited from my mother.

    2. WHAT! She left you her false teeth!!

    3. She should have. I could do with them.

  7. I used to liek wine gums but you cant get them here either. I'm sure we didnt get Maynards in NZ but whatever they were, they were great. Along with spearment leaves and milk bottles. Wish we could get liqorice. IKEA has the salted version which I have got used to - in the past. Last time we went to IKEA I couldnt get out fast enough.
    I might have to put wine gums on my 'please bring' list

    1. My wife gave me a very expensive box of Dutch salted Liquorice last year. I couldn't eat them; they were horrible.

  8. The name of the wine embossed on the top of the gum rarely corresponds to the flavour of the wine gum, and never to the flavour or colour of the wine, so cheating by reading the letters with your tongue becomes impossible. Blindfolds are pointless. The whole game is pointless.

    1. We were usually pretty pissed by the time it came for the tastings; so I don't suppose it mattered too much.
