Thursday 5 December 2019

Who to vote for (UK General Election 2019).

One week to go, and rather than blindly believing electoral hype (party manifestos), it is always far better to look at previous performance. 

What have the different parties done in the past? 
How have they left the economy after a period in office? 
How did they perform on unemployment?
How many of their electoral promises were fulfilled?

On this basis, one can eliminate The Greens, The Brexit party, Independents, Ukip, etc, as they can promise whatever they like in the knowledge that their promises will never be challenged, and therefore mean nothing. 

The only parties to be taken at all seriously are The Tories, The Socialists, and The Libs.

Let's start with the weakest. The Libs are homely and cute, they are the party you'd want to run a small village WI, or your local Post Office; their policies are that of a Parish Council. However, they are the sole party firmly committed to 'Remain' in the EU, and that will attract tactical voters from both the Tories and Socialists. They like to attract youthful voters by offering free University education (rather like Corbyn). Their party leader 'Jo' is a busy Mum with two young children and may appeal to those of a similar ilk.

Who votes Lib? Those who like to be seen as young, trendy, and adventurous. They are all members of their local 'Ramblers Association', and ride bikes to work.

Next come The Socialists. This lot spells serious DANGER. The Jewish Chronicle, Blunkett, Lummers, Blair, the Chief Rabbi, and even many of their present MP's, have declared Comrade Corbyn to be totally unfit for office. Vote Socialist and you vote for strikes, increased unemployment, increased taxes for the poor, and business closures. The Left are in the pay of the powerful Unions, and when McCluskey says jump, they jump. Never in their long and glorious history have the Socialists ever left power with either increased employment, or a better economy. It has always been thus, but their supporters couldn't give a fig. It has been estimated that Corbyn's election promises would cost £1.2 Trillion; that's £43,000 for every man woman and child in the UK (this may now have increased). Gargantuan irresponsibility on an unparalleled scale; not to mention McDonnell's recent promise of FREE fast fibre broadband for every home and business in the UK, costing an estimated further £100 Billion. I believe this could put 600 non-BT 'internet providers' (and all their employees) out of business. The loss of 'private initiative' jobs would be massive. Think 'Winter of Discontent', but much worse!

Who votes Socialist? Those who want something for nothing (obviously). They like to make placards, wear hoodies and masks, and throw bricks at anything that represents authority.

Lastly The Tories. They are generally regarded as the 'safe pair of hands' of British politics. We may not like their austere Good Housekeeping policies, but in the long term the whole country benefits from their prudent handling of the economy (as at present). It's true that they've made a total Pig's arse of Brexit, but they are not alone in that! If you want increased employment figures, and a strong economy; you are obliged to vote Tory. Having previously been considered an ogre, it seems as if Boris is once again in favour.

Who votes Tory? People with traditional values who live outside of London, in the countryside. The women wear headscarves, and the men wear tweed. 

Who to vote for if you want.....

Brexit......... Tories.
Don't know. Socialists.
Remain....... Libs.

N B. Whilst we're in flesh-pressing, and baby-kissing, mode, wouldn't it be good to see a new law which insists on EVERYTHING contained in a party's manifesto being legally binding if elected, and any failures to enact policies within their term in office would be an imprisonable offence. Only that way will we begin to inject some credibility into electioneering.

p.s. Just for the record, my prediction is this. There will be a hung parliament, the Tories will do a deal with the Lib's, on condition that another referendum will be held. The people will then vote to 'remain' in the EU, I will have won €5, and Boris will continue as PM... I may be 100% wrong; we'll see.


  1. Your prediction is wrong. Whatever the result, there will not be a Tory Lib Dem coalition. It cannot and will not happen. That is the only thing that is certain. I can't be arsed to go further with this in a comment but it just will not happen.

    1. As I said, I may be 100% wrong; but I still think the Libs could change their minds. It's the only way they ever hope to hold any power.

    2. It will very likely end up as a 1974 all over again.

    3. It's bound to be a mess whatever the result. They should have held a 2nd referendum first, then allow people to vote on national policies.

    4. The Remain MPs should not have thwarted the government's every move and then we wouldn't be in this position with Brexit. I blame them entirely. It would be done and dusted and three years down the line and bedding in. We had a Referendum so don't sit there in France and tell me we should have held a 2nd referendum.

    5. I just feel that the two things, Brexit and the General Election, are becoming a mish-mash. Had Brexit gone through after the referendum, you would all now be voting for political parties, as per normal. Mixing the two subjects together is bound to cause mayhem.

  2. To use a hackneyed phrase 'we live in interesting times'. I spy a certain prejudicial eye in your summing up, heaven forbid.

    1. Well, it's only a week to go, so we'll see. I quite expect the benches on both sides will soon look very different; even Skinner might lose his seat.

  3. Even if a manifesto were promises that are binding a hung parliament/coalition event gets nobody what they voted for. I posted my vote two days ago with my headscarf around my neck.

    1. I don't have a vote this time, which is probably a good thing (for my sanity).

  4. I do hope you win your £5, Cro.

  5. After watching Jo Swinson last night, I shan’t be voting for her ...... wishy washy ..... after being questioned for half an hour by Andrew Neil, she managed to say absolutely nothing. XXXX

    1. I always think of the Lib Dems as the 'Don't Know Party'. I fear she's living up to the reputation.

  6. I read that a pollster had predicted a 65 seat majority for the Cons. Is that completely out of the ballpark?

    1. I haven't done my maths, so I don't don't what percentage that would be of MP's. It does sound ambitious.

  7. I would vote Labour because they will end homelessness. I think it will be another hung Parliament and hopefully a referendum on Brexit now people know it's going to take decades to negotiate.

    1. I doubt very much if Labour will end homelessness; a certain percentage of those who live on the streets actually like it. It was estimated in 2017 that there were about 4,500 homeless in the UK; it doesn't sound too big a problem to solve.

  8. Very interesting. While I am a communist, I recognise that system is flawed. Of course the Labour Party is beholden to unions. The Labour Party is the political wing of the unions. Via numerous preference deals, my vote usually ends up as Labor, as is spelt here.

    You may well be right about who votes Tory but their born to rule mindset and the disgraceful Tory members' remarks about the Grenfell Tower fire were beyond the pale. Yes, plural apostrophe. There was more than one.

    While I think Brexit won't be good for GB, I do understand why there was such a vote.

    Had the EU given GB a bit more of a say over its own affairs, it would have never come to this extraordinarily messy situation.

    1. Cameron did go to Brussels specifically to gain a little more sovereignty, but they would have none of it. their intransigence was part of the problem.

      About the Grenfell business, I can assure you that I would have totally ignored the firefighters orders to stay put, and got out as quickly as possible. I think Boris agrees with me.

  9. I should think the whole population agrees with you. If it could be accepted by the wimps of the PC brigade then more good would come out of it for all. It is a lot of fuss about nothing and if people cannot accept it then they are pathetic and no wonder this country has gone to the dogs. They will get what they deserve. Even the people who voted for the cladding haven't got the guts to stand up and be counted, including the Kensington MP Emma Dent Coad, what a waste of space she is, who was on the local council that voted for it at the time.

    1. I really hate to say this, but had the firefighters told everyone to get the hell out as fast as possible, I wonder what the 'death count' would have been? Certainly not 80.

      My oldest lives in Kensington. He would never vote for Coad.

    2. Rachel: Wrong. You will get what we deserve.

    3. You're panicking now, I can tell. Don't worry. All will be for the best in the long run.

    4. I wonder if you ever watched the interview? You pick up on what you want to hear and if that's what you want to do then I want nothing more to do with you. His words were clear, common sense, if there is a fire you get out and run. He made no judgement of the people, he stated facts. He said nothing more and nothing less. Have a look at it. I doubt you have ever seen it.

  10. We'll see indeed - and not long to wait.

    1. One of the most interesting elections in a very long time. So much at stake.

  11. I no longer trust elections. Despite what all thought was going to happen in 2016, both the US and U.K. got hit with results most could have never imagined.

    1. The pollsters all seem to be coming up with different predictions this time.... it's going to be interesting.

  12. No decent person would vote for the Jew hating Labour. Apparently one Whistleblower was sufficient to start the impeachment of Trump. Yet Labour has 70 Whistleblowers, 11 personally against Corbyn yet the hideous Labour voters still want him. I wouldn't be surprised if the old bigot has already tried pricing ovens with Topf and sons!
