Sunday 15 December 2019

The downfall of 'Labour'.

Hardly in the history of British politics has Labour been given such a drubbing at the polls.

Not since Michael Foot's 'Longest suicide note in history' party manifesto, have the extreme left made themselves so unpopular.

The fault lies with just a few men. Jon Lansman (founder of Momentum), Len McCluskey (leader of the Unite union), John McDonnell (Labour's shadow Chancellor), and of course arch-Marxist himself Jeremy Corbyn (leader of the Labour Party).

Between them, these four men frightened their own staunchly faithful electorate so much, that after a lifetime of dedication to Socialism, most of them voted Tory to save their jobs, the NHS, and the entire economy.

All democracies require a good solid opposition, but Labour has failed. It is now time for them to return to the center-left (much as the Conservatives represent the center-right), and try to regain the trust of the 'working man'.

It'll take time. No knee-jerk election of some popular Blair-Babe, but a well considered, educated, politician, of either sex, who can bring the party back together again.

So, I would like to thank the four mentioned above for ensuring a Conservative victory. If they wish to see their party continue in whatever form, maybe they should in future keep well out of politics, and their mouths tightly closed.


  1. Is that strip of yellow on your map on the North Norfolk coast the beach? There are no Lib Dems up there, my friend's nephew having won the seat for the Conservatives. There is only one non Tory MP in Norfolk and that is a dot of Red in Norwich.

    1. Are you sure? It seems to be on all the maps as Lib Dem. Someone must have made a mistake, and grabbed his yellow pen by mistake.

    2. The only non-Tory in Norfolk is Norwich South. And yes, I am sure.

    3. I've changed the map, I think the other one must have been for local elections; although it did claim to be for the recent general election.

  2. I would add a 5th man, Seumas Milne, another self-confessed Marxist appointed by Corbyn as Executive Adviser and accompanied McDonnell on his fact finding tours of Venezuela, and son of former BBC director general, Alistair Milne.

    1. Milne tends to avoid the limelight. You're right, he's a nasty person and is another who needs to disappear.

  3. When I heard my partner's nephew, the grandson of a coal miner in a working class area say he is voting for Boris and there is not a UKIP candidate to vote for, I knew it would be a landslide. I am imagining the conversation between HRH and Boris as she congratulates him on his victory and he asks her permission to govern. I wonder if there is ever genuine honesty in such conversations. Over to you Boris. We will wait and watch.

    1. It's been a strange election. The 'working classes' have voted Tory, and the comfortable metropolitan 'middle classes' remained true to Corbyn. People usually know on which side their bread is buttered.

  4. Tony Blair was the cause for both Momentum and Corbyn.

    1. When there's a lean to the right, there's a lean to the left just around the corner.
