Sunday 29 December 2019

Some Female Magnons, past and present.

I'm not 100% certain, but I think this is my Great Grandmother Magnon.

Grandmother Magnon.

My mother.

Lady Magnon.

And Tenpin Magnon, my daughter (in colour).


  1. I see your mother in Susan

  2. I presume the top two photos are mother and daughter. I have never seen the top photo before - it looks as though it is part of a larger photo. Do you know who the lady behind grandmother Magnon is?

    1. I think she could be a sister of great Grandmother. Those pix come from Father's wedding photo.

  3. Thanks Cro. Did the task involve a lot of detective work locating the photographs? My old family memorabilia, photo’s, birth, marriage, death certificates are deep in a huge cupboard. I assume yours are catalogued and filed in an orderly fashion?


    1. Not really, I had them stored in my Photos file. My oldest son is now the family archivist, and has found all sorts of relatives that I knew nothing about. Our last family archivist, my Father's cousin Nina, had most of the info; but all got destroyed (I imagine) after she died.

  4. I would appreciate it if you would email me the full photo of the top one as she is not in any of the photos of the wedding that I have.

  5. I can see your Mother in your grandchildren. I absolutely love old photographs ..... love the clothes. Lady M is stunning ( as are you 😂🤣😂 ) XXXX

    1. Lady M's birthday today; 27 again!

    2. Give Lady M best wishes for a Happy Birthday from Jackie in Hertfordshire ( even though she hasn’t got a clue who the hell I am 🤣 ) Wishing her a lovely day. I’m sure that you will be cooking her a scrummy birthday dinner. XXXX

  6. Well the mouths of the first three ladies would seem to have a family connection. My brother is our family archivist. My maternal great uncle was fortunate enough to be able to travel the country going through church records. My son has an interest in family history but I have little. I often wonder if it's because I know my lineage on my mother's side anyway.

    1. I've never really been interested in Genealogy myself, so very happy that my oldest has adopted the role of archivist.

  7. Replies
    1. My father's mother (pic 2) was known as 'The Dragon', I think you can see why.

  8. The cheeks of later Magnons got flattened out by the introduction of Magnon father and grandfather I think. I found an old photo of my mother yesterday. I wasn't sure what to think about it. I stared at it for several minutes and then put it away again.

    1. I enjoy looking at the picture of my great Grandfather (with bushy beard); I find his face fascinating.

    2. Yes, I also found him very fascinating to look at. He has a certain, almost mischievous look in his eye.

    3. That's why I thought Mischa and he would get on well together!

  9. Happy birthday Lady M. I think Tenpin strongly resembles her elder brother.

    1. She says 'Thank you'. They have the same sense of humour.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks. She's right here. I passed on your message.

  11. Genealogy is interesting. Too bad so many of us show an interest late in life when we can no longer ask questions as everyone who knew the answers has passed. I wish I had known my grandparents.

    1. I didn't really know mine either, but I did get my Father's cousin to write names on the back of photos, so at least I have something.

  12. There looks to be a bit of a naughty look in your grandmother's eyes.

  13. Great photos beautiful family. Great grandmother and Grandmother have the same look I think !
    So much of my photo history was bombed or burnt and what little survived that my Mum gave me was burned in a firestorm.
    I really love looking at photos.
    Happy Birthday Lady M.

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