Monday 2 December 2019


Look, these are nice boys OK? They all go to their local Mosque every week, they read their Korans, and they work hard to try to integrate into life in their adopted country.

Sadly they did all plot to kill people, but they didn't mean to actually carry it out. No, they were doing it for research purposes only, so they could warn others about the dangers of crime.

Unfortunately the stupid legal system saw things differently and sentenced them to prison. 

Whilst inside they killed no-one, nor did they plot to destroy any London buildings. In fact they were perfect inmates, and really deserved to be let out much earlier than expected; especially after promising to be very good boys in future. Their causes were rightly championed by some important 'prison reform' Labour MP's.

So, along with another 200 or so like-minded thinkers, they are now all happily back at home with their families (except for a couple who still had important projects to finish), and are all following their hobbies like knitting, pottery, cake-baking, and weaving; I hear that one is even about to establish a rescue centre for kittens. They are once again perfect citizens, and if any racist killjoy says anything different; don't take any notice.

To serve a quarter of one's sentence is plenty; in fact I would suggest far less. They are all now reformed characters..... I know because they told us so.

Mr Corbyn agrees with me. He said recently "Letting them free is the correct thing to do if they have been rehabilitated (which of course they have), but they must serve some of their sentence".

I mean; you can tell they're nice boys just by looking at them.

p.s. It must be said that Usman Khan (the nasty bastard missing from the above photos) must have forgotten that (in Corbyn's words) he had been 'rehabilitated'.


  1. Evil bastards every one of them. They should serve their full sentences!

  2. They all look perfectly innocent to me.

  3. Be careful what you wish for Cro. If Boris gets in, you and Lady M won't be able to sail back to blighty for free medical care.

    1. We shall be secretly crossing the Channel in an inflatable.

  4. Who thinks this is a good idea ?
    We do that over here. We jail and deport people (when we can before the sanctuary liberals let them go) and it doesn't matter they come back and commit the crimes again only now with more violence. In the last few years the violence where I live is ramping up. Living in a Border State and town is becoming unlivable.

    1. The liberal do-gooders are creating a society that is becoming more and more dangerous. I really cannot see what they aim to achieve.

  5. The Criminal Justice System and sentencing is in a big mess. Khan illustrates this well. He was originally given an indeterminate 8 year sentence and he successfully appealed against it. I say successfully because although he was then given a fixed term 16 year sentence it meant he got a guaranteed release date in that it would be half the 16 years, and no parole board involvement. It is a long story for a comment so I will stop there. But the sentencing system needs looking at urgently.

    1. And, not only for terrorists. I think it needs looking at across the board!

  6. American best seller author and jihad and Koran expert Robert Spencer who sells his books on amazon and has videos on the internet is banned from Britain. He hasn’t committed any crimes. Truthers in UK are persons non grata.

    1. It doesn't pay to tell the truth these days. It doesn't take much to know that these people should be watched very closely.

  7. I think you need to come back to Brighton and get involved. Either that or carry on writing about what you really know about - food, glorious food. Leave the jiahadis to the experts, Colonel - not that the Met could do any better than you. Polish dishwashers evidently out perform you and the Met put together. You are a windbag.

    1. Leave the Jihadis to the experts? That's exactly what happened, and they let Khan out of prison to kill. If that is what you wish, so be it; but take time to read all the other comments. You might need to review your attitude; you are becoming part of the problem.

  8. Sadly it is not just there pricks who receive light punishments or are let out too early. While I believe in a short reduction to a sentence for good behaviour, this case is absurd.

    1. Of course it is. Every right thinking person is horrified by his being let out to kill (except Tom above).

  9. Yes its me, your old school chum. alive and happily married to my first wife but not using the blog site. Anyway, we all know what happened to little old NZ, a terrorism act that shocked us all. Sadly underneath our reputation of pure, green land and clear rivers there lurks an undercurrent of murder, mayhem, 'P' and evil gangs. Enter a popular super market in the Well-known tourist town of Rotorua and you will be confronted by a full time security door keeper and over 100 mug-shots of shoplifters banned from re-entering the shop. So, so sad and a worry for the future generation who are being taught that to take what you want is okay, as long as you don't get caught.
    I bid you farewell my friend and wish you and yours all the very best. J.G

    1. Hi John, how very good to hear from you.

      I'm afraid these problems are now global. I know that in the UK, anyone who shoplifts anything under the value of £20 is let go. Here I've seen people trying to walk out of a supermarket with their pockets stuffed with bottles of whisky. Their swag was simply taken away and they were shown the door. It seems as if stealing has become almost legalised. Best wishes to you and M.

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