Thursday 26 December 2019

How'd it go, Cro?

The older I get, the more easily tired I get, and my ability to consume alcohol becomes less and less. I can almost see the day when I shall do little but sleep, having signed several pledges.

However, Christmas is special, and I throw ALL cautions to the winds; especially with Wills, Kellogg, and the boys (elves) with us.

Opening presents is always the best bit, and the boys had two lots of presents under two different trees. Far too many, of course.

As in all households, the giving of gifts is all important on the 25th; and here is no exception. They flowed thick and fast and included a wonderful Harrods hamper for us (very posh), and an Egg incubator for the whole family. I think Wills sees his future as a midwife/husband to baby chicks.

The Turkey was moist and tasty, the nut roast met with approval, and the Bio Crémant was given the thumbs up! 

Still a few days of festivities to go, and we're both coping OK. I probably sound like an old Scrooge, but I'm rather looking forward to the quieter beginning of January.

It was a truly beautiful day here yesterday. Sunshine from morning to night, with a temperature around 12C. T Shirt weather. But for us, the best bit was having Wills's lovely family with us.


  1. Sounds like the perfect Christmas.

    1. It was. We all had a really good day, with two very tired boys by evening.

  2. There's always a sigh of relief when things go without a hitch. Same here (so far).

    1. Good! Yes, no disasters so far; but it ain't over yet.

  3. Those little elves are adorable. We missed our girls this year but did enjoy a very quiet, relaxing and laid back Christmas Day.

    1. Their suits were excellent, and brightened our day. I have a feeling they might wear them until Summer.

  4. Those little elves are adorable. I can imagine what a wonderful day it was.
    Wonderful presents too. Your grandchildren will love those little chicks when they come.
    Our Xmas was one of the best too. Everyone was happy, the table not too loaded and laughter was the word of the day.
    Now it's clear up time

    1. I'm not sure what he'll do with the Chicks. He's talked about Quails, Pheasants, and even Peacocks. All he has to do now, is find some fertile eggs!

  5. Don't rile me up about how many presents children have. See tomorrow's post if I get it together. No matter though, you had a great family time and that is the important thing.

    1. We were very sensible between ourselves; frankly we don't need anything!

    2. my thoughts exactly Andrew, they get far too much these days it's ridiculous.

  6. Did the elves give out the presents ? They both look so sweet. It is now a world of excess .... I remember that , as children, we left a flat pillow case for Father Christmas and, in the morning it was filled to the brim but nothing was very expensive. A game, chocolate money, paints and paintbrushes and a book. ...... and one year, my main present was my swimming club tracksuit. I loved it but nowadays I think that might be laughed at !!!!!!!
    Have a happy Boxing Day Cro ...... I’m cooking again ...... beef today ! XXXX

    1. I'm almost ashamed to say it, but my mother always bought far too many presents. I think we knew it too, but we weren't going to say no.

      Turkey casserole here; I think I prefer it to the roast.

  7. Cherub looks like he could be on the way to being tired of all what's going on around him. I am glad to say I had a quiet day of doing just what I wanted as and when I wanted to. Happy Boxing Day.

    1. I had a Christmas like that last year. It was extremely relaxing. I'm not sure which type I enjoy more.

  8. Christmas can be such an exciting time for children but my 2 year old Grandson had so much to add to the too much he already has that he was overwhelmed. As a just (think D-Day) post war baby toys didn't flow but as a youngster I used to get a Meccano set each year. It kept me amused for the rest of the year.

    1. I was the same Graham. My mother often used to buy large second-hand boxes of Meccano to add to my collection. I had masses of it, and could build huge structures.

  9. You’re right about throwing caution to the winds and consequences. Good job it’s only once a year. The days will soon be getting longer and with them we shall look forward to more sensible behavior patterns. Meanwhile the post lunch snooze is the order of the day.

    1. I'm already feeling jaded, and we still have more to come. I shall be pleased when it's all over.

  10. Very, very quiet day here. Presents were mostly books (ones that we wanted), food plentiful, day-time wine (unusual for us), TV and reading. Perfect.

    1. The opposite here. Very noisy, and very tiring.

  11. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, Cro. I have a large family and some are staying with us so I know that feeling of being very tired, but it is a good tired (except for my back). We plug on though and know that these are the best of times.

    1. My back was really painful all day yesterday.... I'm not sure if it was all the rushing about, or just old age; but it did slightly spoil my evening. Still, we had a wonderful evening again.

  12. Your elves look adorable! It all sounded lovely and you can sleep and be abstemious in the weeks to come!

    Morning coffee and the last mince pie in bed as I type. A last-minute change of plans saw us have the quietest Christmas ever, just the two of us but it was pretty nice. No pressies except for the littlies in our life. A quick shop on Xmas Eve and I managed to rustle up a decadent lobster and mango salad for lunch and then a beef fillet and greens for dinner. Wore my bling & party gear all day! All back to normal now.

    1. Sounds good to me! There's a lot to be said for a quiet Christmas, but we never know when we'll next see our Elves and their parents. They have homes all over the globe, and very itchy feet. We enjoy them when we can.

  13. Glad you had a good time Cro, but isn't it nice when it's all over and you can get over with normal life!
